Why does the DBD community call body blocking "sandbagging"?

And do they know that sandbagging is already a term that means something else entirely?

And, that being said, what do they call actual sandbagging??


  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 2,208

    Sandbagging has a bunch of different meanings depending on the context/sport/game that is being referred to. Looking through some dictionaries, undermining the other survivors seems a definition that has been in use for some time.

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,845
    edited September 2024

    I'm not sure where this was said, but I always had the two separated in my own mind anyway.

    Sandbagging being throwing a pallet before your teammate reaches it, blocking windows, blocking small paths or doorways from your teammate and so on.

    While body blocking is just simply taking a hit for your teammate whose about to go down or is on death hook, to assist someone to the exit gate, or to block off the killer's path through doorways and whatnot.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 3,009

    Sandbagging in DbD is when you inconvenience or sabotage your fellow survivors by getting in their way while they're fleeing the killer. You are a figurative sandbag in their path, slowing them down or outright blocking them.

  • ShadyC
    ShadyC Member Posts: 37

    … I know what it means to the DBD community.

    What I'm saying is that "sandbagging" is already a term that means something else.

    And BODY BLOCKING is already a term that means blocking other players with unit collision. There was already a term for this, but the community ignored that, and then grabbed a DIFFERENT term that had a DIFFERENT meaning, and made it mean… what body blocking means.

    Sandbagging, in everything else, is to intentionally perform worse than you're capable of, typically with the purpose of evening the playing field so that all parties can have fun. (But not always for that purpose, that's just the most common reason.)

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 2,208

    Sandbagging, in everything else, is to intentionally perform worse than you're capable of, typically with the purpose of evening the playing field so that all parties can have fun. (But not always for that purpose, that's just the most common reason.)

    Do you have a source for this is what it means everywhere else, or do you mean this is how you've encountered it? Because it seems to have a lot of different usages. Some quick googling shows it being used in sailing, climbing, poker, golf with different meanings and it can as well be used as an expression to sabotage or undermine something.

  • ShadyC
    ShadyC Member Posts: 37

    It's how I've known it from all other games, and it's what Google will tell you as well.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,929
    edited September 2024

    Sandbagging is contextual, but typically refers to a player being dead weight and actively hindering others working with them, whatever that means for the game/sport its in.

    In American Wrestling for example it refers to not posting or jumping for moves, making it much harder for impossible for your fellow wrestler to perform their moves.

    In DBD, body blocking does satisfy the definition, a body blocking survivor is not progressing gens, and is actively hindering other players from looping effectively.

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,955

    Jargon is funny like that. Trying to apply dictionary defintions to a jargon sphere doesn't work. It's fascinating to observe, though.

    Kobe'ing has very little to do with basketball, except maybe for the vaguely similar motion. Yet it's the colloquial term for getting yourself off the hook in the English-speaking part of the community.

    "Mori's" were never called that officially anywhere, until relatively recently. The action has always simply been called "kill" or "kill by your own hands". It's only the Memento Mori Offerings that contain the word Mori at all. Yet it became so widely understood as the mechanic and animations of the "kill", the very in-game store now features a "view Mori" button.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 2,208

    Googling sandbagging video games definition the first one that pops up is smashpedia and says the act of playing poorly on purpose. Not sure how that differs from how this community uses it.

    It also looks like the way we use sandbagging in the game goes all the way back to 2016.

  • ChuckingWong
    ChuckingWong Member Posts: 513

    Because noone does. Not sure where you are hearing this from.

  • HexHuntressThighs
    HexHuntressThighs Member Posts: 1,245

    It’s not DBD exclusive, it’s pretty ubiquitous. I work at a factory and if I’m running the machine slowly they ask me why I’m sandbagging.