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It's so nice people can freely work with the killer

It happens too much. Either killer doesn't want to slug for the 4K so they have the survivor rat out the other.

Latest one is having a survivor spectate me and send a message either through Playstation or Xbox to their killer. There is no way a killer with Noed, Blood Warden, No Way Out and Remember Me is going to check the most inconspicuous spot without even doing a search as if they didn't get told in messaging from console.

I mean these people can be reported but does any of this actually get actioned. Probably not.


  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,845

    I am not familiar with the console versions, but can you contact the killer mid match? I thought you could only see their ID post-game.

    That aside, working with the killer is annoying. I've had survivors assume I'd aid them by ratting out their teammates too, and they end up on hook first to allow the other one time to run.

  • GolbezGarlandGabrant
    GolbezGarlandGabrant Member Posts: 979

    Sorry…not mid-match. The person who ratted me out had already been sacrificed. I saw they were still spectating on the menus. I put two and two together since the killer was very obvious about it and the person was still spectating even though they were long sacrificed.

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,845

    That makes more sense. Yeah, that's another oversight even I forgot about.

  • TheRealConsent
    TheRealConsent Member Posts: 248

    I like how we always get half of the story in matters like this. Sure, a survivor ratted you out.

    What did YOU do?

    At least before we give you sympathy you need to assure us that you aren't just butthurt. If you were hiding all match, if you sandbagged your teammate, if he was on gens when it was a 2v1 and you were just trying to secure hatch instead of working on a common goal,

    Then yeah, you kinda deserve it.

    If not, that guy's an ass.

  • PuddleOfBludd
    PuddleOfBludd Member Posts: 138
    edited September 5

    I do believe in order for a survivor to actively be working with a killer they have to be actively defying the team. Someone ratting you out over a grudge or to secure their own escape is not the same.

    So, unless this survivor got your entire team killed purposely, I doubt that they were working with the killer.

    Not to mention that, even if this person was already dead, yes, they can see the name of the killer, but there are also another few factors that you failed to include in your accusation. Number one being that they would have to be on the same platform to be able to message the killer. For instance, I am on PlayStation and if someone is on Xbox or steam I get a little world icon. This lets me know that they are in a different platform from me, and I am unable to message them.

    So, in order for your survivor to have been actively working with the killer they would have to be on the same platform firstly, and they would’ve had to been messaging them mid game after finding out that they were successfully on the same platform.

    All of this is very unlikely to be the case, and as others have mentioned, you probably did something to piss off a survivor, and simply because a killer was thorough in their search you assume that you were ratted out by a person you knew you screwed and was probably unhappy.

  • It's kinda hard to know what other people are thinking. It's not like it's Overwatch where people can express their frustrations in team chat. And even if I was wrong it doesn't excuse the fact that other people have to resort to teaming with the killer. Two wrongs don't make a right.

  • Tits
    Tits Member Posts: 337

    The worst is when the killer sides with the one that crouched around the whole match and tunnels you off with their help even though you were just doing gens. Then when they get hatch and you try to ask why, they both go off on you in the chat saying i shouldve been hiding too lol