Ranking/matching sucks with pics!

Just finished a game playing as Trapper to complete a daily and here are the result:

In summation.. I shouldn't have had to wait 3 minutes to have been matched with either the rank 15 or the 6. The matchmaking system is malfunctioning and needs to be reverted. Got a 4k (**THE KILLER'S PRIMARY OBJECTIVE**) but didn't even get a pip, the ranking system is has no logic to it and needs to be adjusted.

These are issues that need to be addressed and fixed.


  • Fruitpunchjuice
    Fruitpunchjuice Member Posts: 15

    Let's get this out of the way.. There is nothing wrong with camping should a killer choose to do so in a game. Sometimes it is strategically the best move especially when you know survivors are in the area or swarming the hook.

    If a killer camps a hook, it is all but a guaranteed loss for the killer as that is, at minimum, 2 survivors freely completing gens. Outside of maybe Bubba and Billy, it is 100% a losing strategy.

    Now that being said, I was not camping. I spent the majority of the match picking up and placing traps. You know, because I was playing Trapper.. this killer is basically useless unless you are placing traps and running survivors into said traps. This, combined with quickly ending them in chase when I did begin pursuing them, is why I spent very little time in actual chase. You'll also notice I had perks to break pallets quickly and to also find them healing/knowing their location with whispers. This means that I could find them hiding.

    Thanks for your feedback but, given that I can see you're a survivor main, taking the perspective of the other side can be beneficial.

  • RainbowPatooie
    RainbowPatooie Member Posts: 322

    I get called a camper if I ever decide to check on a hooked survivor.

    But back to the main point: Pipping, especially as killer, is just ridiculous. I've been getting mostly ruthless with a few merciless and the rare displeased, but I'm still stuck at rank 14.

  • VoodooTheKiller
    VoodooTheKiller Member Posts: 81

    If they are swarming the hook, hit 1 or two and let them unhook the dude, and go for one of the guys you hit. You'll gain more points that way. It's what I do if the hook is being swarmed and I retain rank 1 and 2 consistently. Usually I'm just hooking one person and going straight to gens, allowing his teammates to save him. If I were to only want the guy that gets unhooked, right off the bat, I'd lose rank progression. You gotta let the game go as long as you can, with inflicting as much damage to the survivors and the environment, before the trial is over. Then you will rank up alot, especially in rank 11

  • VoodooTheKiller
    VoodooTheKiller Member Posts: 81

    Yeah, what people don't get (killers) is they can't just go for the easy down anymore. They immediately wanna take 1 of the 4 survivors out asap to slow down the gens being done. They focus so much one priority at a time rather than the whole of the match, that they get "tunnel vision" and lose sight of objectives pass what they are so focused on. Then they don't understand why they aren't ranking. They need to do more, by stopping themselves from doing less.

  • Fruitpunchjuice
    Fruitpunchjuice Member Posts: 15

    @Voodo, for whatever reason, I can't quote you, but that is an even better example.

    While I agree with ranking becoming more difficult, I think these are both examples of how the difficulty is a bit on the extreme end. I have to inherently disagree with the philosophy that the game lasting longer means the killer did better which is essentially what they are basing this system.

    It shouldn't matter how quickly or slowly you sacrificed the survivors, the only thing that should realistically matter is whether or not the killer completed the objective (sacrificing survivors and preventing their escape). Gen protection, chasing, etc. is all supplementary.

    With survivors, you can make the argument that the objective is completing the gens and escaping. I also recognize their role is more varied because you must also play as a team with healing, taking hits, etc.. so multiple primary methods of point accumulation makes sense.

    TL;DR point distribution philosophy is counter to purpose of gameplay

  • wisdom
    wisdom Member Posts: 216

    Question to the camping OP

    why, when the emblem system came out, should survivors be punished in rank for gen rushing, but you not be punished in rank for camping?

  • Sonicwb
    Sonicwb Member Posts: 39

    It's currently the same issue on both sides.you have to have one of those long games farming to get 2 pips. If you do 3 generators and one hook you'll still loose a pip, shame. Ranking was good before this stupid change.

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    More than ever how you do as a survivor is connected on how the other survivors are performing, if there are any disconnects/suicides, and if the killer is sporting or a tunneler/camper, if someone else looped the whole game. You know, things that are generally out of your control if you solo. With solos you step into trials with randoms all the time, majority of the time they are potatoes and matchmaking does not seem to care about actually matching ranks.

    It cranks the frustration level to a new high - it's not that it is hard to pip, it's that it is so easy to de-pip with only just a little bad luck tossed your way.

    NICPETTY Member Posts: 6

    How do you consistently keep rank 1/2 if they just changed the rank system...? a couple of days is not consistently... is it?

  • VoodooTheKiller
    VoodooTheKiller Member Posts: 81

    By playing games throughout the days and not losing my rank. Do you need more than a couple days to be consistent with something? Consistency is frequently with fluidity. Isn't it?