Un-Nerf Spine Chill

The nerf of spine chill is one of the worst decisions BHVR has made.
This perk is useless now and the nerf has destroyed stealth builds.
In addition it evened the odds for the survivors, especially those playing solo to evade the killers.
spine chill was single handedly bottle necking all stealth killers from basic functioning.
good riddance.
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I'd like it to at least keep the vault speed would be nice, that's all I could ask for. Though we have Finesse now so
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It was absolutely the right thing it just made stealth-killers and undetectable in general useless. The counterplay to those things shouldn't be looking at a cat until it glows but being attentive to your surroundings and sounds. The only thing they could have the cat have would be the vault-speed, I never cared about that effect.
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I'd rather stealth killers be viable, thanks.
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Yeah, Finesse is functionally old Spine Chill without the flickering to know when a killer is looking in your direction. 😂
I do miss old Spine Chill, I remember Pain Reliever using it back in the day and I started using it because of him as it was fun to play with it…but it did disregard stealth killers' ability to stalk a person so. 😅 Used to love running it with old Iron Will, Resilience, and Sprint Burst.
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it personally said f you stealth killers we won’t let your funny non meta stand, therefore making them play a weak but fun stealth to another s tier
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It can stay useless. Perk like this shouldn't exist in first place.
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Looking back, I do think that old Spine Chill was overtuned. It was way too good at revealing stealth killers, and the vault build shenanigans weren't really healthy for how little requirements they had.
That being said, I also think that Spine Chill isn't in a very good spot at the moment. An idea I had a little while ago for how to buff it would be to retool into the "finish an action in the killer's face" perk. So, have it boost unhook speed, healing, cleansing, and maybe exit gate opening OR hook sabotaging, shrink its range just a little, and then crank the numbers up to something way more noticeable.
That'd be healthier than old Spine Chill while still being useful. As long as it isn't ever allowed to keep repair speed as a boosted action, I don't foresee any troubles.
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OG Spine Chill was 100% an issue like everyone in here said, but I'm surprised that they nerfed it a second time when it didn't do very much.
Maybe they just need to remove or totally rework/rework+rename/remove the perk since its base function may not be compatible with the current game.4 -
Not only did old Spine Chill utterly kicked stealth Killers in the teeth but it also kicked every stealth perks.
Also, given that the devs are nerfing Distortion (and judging by UW, STBFL, Mangled/Hemmorage, will likely nuke the perk from existence) it's pretty obvious that due to people complaining about Survivors hiding they have given up on stealth gameplay.
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I want the vault speed increase back
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You mean it was evening the odds
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Considering that every stealth killer is essentially a basic m1 killer with no antiloop I'd say the odds were already pretty even.
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As a Stealth Killer main? Absolutely not. BHVR does not want perks to negate entire Killer playstyles like this, and they're right. They shouldn't. Ghostface, Sadako, Wraith, even Chucky and Pig are not all so OP, you need to "even the odds" against them by completely negating their entire power like this, would you be OK with a perk that rendered all items instantly useless because the Killer looked at you?
Spine Chill could use a rework, but this isn't the one it needs. I don't know what you'd change about it, but it shouldn't be like it was before. Ever.
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No. They mean it was bottlenecking Stealth Killers. Stealth Killers ONLY have Stealth, you don't need to even any odds against them. Get better situational awareness if you struggle against stealth Killers this hard.