Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Can we trim off and get rid of broken things already?

Why is both of meyers' addons that let you ignore hooks still in the game?

It was never a good idea to begin with, there are 0 counters to it outside of being in communication and competitive groups.

You have to give him a free hook every time you see him as you just have to ASSUME hes evil within TII 99'ed and ready to instakill someone.

Unless you give survivors a way to communicate tombstone/piece shouldnt be in the game.

Same goes for Black incense on plague. Aura read that is that often should not be in the game, and I play Plague.

You essentially walk around with wall hacks all game on everyone.

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  • Member Posts: 4,884

    I mean Judith's Tombstone itself is fine since it has a pretty astronomical penalty. Tombstone Piece is the busted one.

  • Member Posts: 100

    I feel like that’s all Myers really has , his actual power is copied and overshadowed by literal perks, he can run out of power, no map pressure and map traversal. It should be basekit mori BUT, it’s only for people who ran out of stalk so if you feed him you die for it and not a teammate who played right.

  • Member Posts: 522

    No its not the penalty is not astronomical at all.

    -9 movementspeed?

    Just run PWYF like every other Meyers in existence.

  • Member Posts: 522
    edited September 2024

    I dont like this argument "But he only has that, without it…."

    Id rather see something done to his kit to FIX that issue, rather than having these two, blatantly broken, addons in the game.

    The idea is to GET RID of broken things, the devs keep adding on layers and layers of this crap and its gotta stop.

    Hooks should be interacted with, you can mori but have it extremely restricted. Much like PH stage II should be what we aim for.

  • Member Posts: 1,206

    Like what layers and layers? The stuff you're complaining about is years old?

  • Member Posts: 522


    Painres+dms+grim embroken combo


    Billy rework and his overdrive, completely broken.

    Unknown and his kit, completely broken. Easy mode version of artist with a teleport.

    Nemesis unnecessary distance to TIII, completely broken.

    Dracula and his kit, completely broken. Needs actual counterplay other than the dracula being bad.

    Lich and his kit, completely broken. Needs actual counterplay other than the lich being bad.

    Blight still broken.

    Nurse still broken.

    Plague Black incense, broken.

    Survivors: (mostly all fixed)
    How many iterations of broken DH?

    Buckle up broken

    MFT broken

    Brokenground player

    Finesse not being exhaustion, broken.

    Ease of Distortion charge generation, broken.

    Can think of more will post when I get to them.

  • Member Posts: 4,884

    You also get the +200% Stalk Requirement increase. Another +200% if you want to have Infinite Tier 3 (and honestly solo Judith's Tombstone is not that good).

    You're out here calling Nemesis and Unknown broken??? Vecna too??? That's an interesting opinion for sure.

    I wouldn't exactly call Blight and Billy broken either, Billy is still very much loopable and Blight has had a bunch of his BS removed.

  • Member Posts: 5,499

    I think bHVR is waiting for the Rework they wanna give Myers, tho its a wonder why they didnt do anything earlier.

  • Member Posts: 522
    edited September 2024

    Not calling nemesis broken. Calling the distance to TIII tentacle unnecessary and broken. (which they just changed)

    Vecna is broken, you have a free hit around pallets, a ranged attack, traversal, and killer instinct. Why? Why do you need all of these?

    Unknown is just an easy mode version of artist. You two hit and you dont even need to aim properly. Theres a reason her pick rate is in the lowest and its because stupid killers like this exist.

    And he has map traversal, seems to be mandatory to give ALL new killers traversal for whatever broken reason.

    Billy is being addressed so yes hes broken.
    Blight is still way too oppressive, not long enough cooldown, and traverses the map too quickly. Yes hes broken.

    For reference okay?
    I play legion. Feral frenzy is the ONLY power, I have 20 seconds of cd on it. I cant even damage hit across a pallet or vault, I can only mend.

    I play plague, I have a CONDITIONAL AND LIMITED, power; red puke, otherwise I have a single power. And you can knock me out of it with a stun.

    Both of these are fine the way they are, with no map traversal and not a free hit around a pallet, or some stupid spamable power. They actually have counterplay and a proper cooldown as well.

  • Member Posts: 4,884

    Yeah I play the hell out of Legion too. Just because they're kind of bad doesn't mean that all of the other killers you mentioned are broken lol.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    no they're both equally powerful because both them allow you to 99% EV2→eliminate survivor out of the game. Judith only 50% higher build-up because it can chain-instant moris but in practice, after you mori first time, survivor can jump into lockers prevent the chain. it is like risk vs reward.

    for some reason, everyone always try mention his tuft of hair with it which mostly bad add-on only used for achievement. in practice, all of his mori builds involve his J.Myer's add-on with purple or iri mori add-on.

  • Member Posts: 1,206

    I'm not gonna go through this line by line, but it's incredibly enlightening at to your attitude toward the game.

  • Member Posts: 522

    Yup, odd wanting balance instead of broken things.

    Dont see that, really at all on reddit/forums.

    Just a bunch of people asking for buffs to their side.

    I just want broken things gone or fixed

  • Member Posts: 4,884

    No, your definition of "broken" is extremely generous.

    Plus those portmanteaus are just plain terrible.

  • Member Posts: 2,280
  • Member Posts: 122

    I agree that broken stuff in the game needs to go on both sides. I'd really love to see no more syringes styptics map offerings busted maps for either side etc for survivor and no more S tiers and perhaps also A+ tier killers and silly addons on the killer side.

    Things are more balanced than years ago but it would be nice to push that forward more.

  • Member Posts: 522
    edited September 2024

    Oh yeah and the knights rework is beyond broken. CD's should be shared, hunts last too long, its become braindead to play. He was fine before BHVR got their hands on him, he did not need these insane buffs. You can essentially turn your anti-loop (the intent of his power) into anti-map. Let your minion chase someone for way too long, and just go for someone else.

    And all the reworks to the ranged killers moving way too fast with their power held. Ridiculous and unnecessary change. You gave huntress 0 skill expression by giving her 7 hatchets, and trickster can just spam main event now rather than it being an actual reward for anything.

    I honestly dont blame survivors for spam giving up on hook at this point. They are running out of killers to face that are even fair to play against, but are there to just kind of punch around and have 0 agency.

  • Member Posts: 522
    edited September 2024

    Oh and also pay to win skins like the new huntress that has no lullaby or requires you to turn your game sounds up to 200% so everything else is deafening.

    As well as wraiths pay to win skin.

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