Dead hard Buff Suggestion

Since dead hard was nerfed to the ground, i think dead hard should be available on the start of the game, then after the hooks.
I only want the dash back. It would be fine on todays maps.
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Please no. The current version is perfection and still one of the strongest perks in the entire game. I don't want to go back to waiting it out every single chase of every single game again. Making it only work after hook is the best change they ever made to this perk.
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Why would you want to buff such a powerful and popular perk?
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God, no! That was the absolute worst part of if, and the other part was god-aweful, too. Don't do anything about this perk, it still is used a lot and many survivors still get so much millage out of it. A single use of it can cost the killer the game, we don't need the dashing part back. This alon was a big part of why playing killer felt so aweful back in pre-6.1
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Isn‘t the current version a lot stronger than the old one. You get a sprint burst and the killer has to clean it‘s weapon while the old one only gave a bit of distance. I don‘t want the invincible part, only the dash, which means the killer could still hit you. Besides those, old DH was only so good because of old maps and other old strong perks, it would probably not even be that good in todays dbd.
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Seems pretty harmless to me, but because it's popular I doubt it would happen.
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So… you want to buff the 8th most used survivor perk out of the 146 by a whopping 33%.
I don't feel like commenting.
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It's still a pretty good perk an it shows with it's popularity
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nerfed to the ground? it's still a decent perk lol, it just has a condition now so that you don't have it available for like 75% of the match
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To be fair, while not needing a buff, it's still a shadow of it's former self. Even if it's only after getting hooked it's a single-use perk that can't be used again even if the Killer drops chase after managing to land it.
If it ever gets any other changes then it should only be that it's no longer single-use. It's hard enough to actually land it because of ping and horrid hitboxes.
But honestly, it doesn't need any changes, nearly any other perk getting a change would be more useful.
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no iteration of dead hard would be worse than what we have now. The dash was toxic and overpowered. Took 0 skill and effort to use unless you didn’t use it for distance which everyone did use it for.
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For all i know, playing Skull Merchant doesnt need 0 skill to win.
and I disagree with 0 skill. Dead hard is 100% skill. with 0.5 window frame. can be mindgamed by good killers. once used (hit or unhit), its gone. so i dont see any problem.
Me as a killer, its frustrating, but its amazing how can some survivors pull it off.