Have Med-Kit Healing charges changed??

So 32 charges is usually a full heal on self with addons, I.e normally med kit plus a total of 16 charges via add ons, but not anymore. Did I miss a patch note??
A full self heal takes 24 charges, which is the default amount of charges a medkit has
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A full heal takes 16 charges, but medkits have a 33% efficiency and speed penalty when self healing. So a self heal requires 24 because of that, so you would need 48 charges to get a medkit that heals yourself twice.
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Since when, it's always been 16 charges to heal yourself with a med kit
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Medkits have a 33% speed and efficiency penalty to self healing now. It got changed mid-2023.
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Since when? 24 charges standard, minus 33% is 16 ( 1 heal on self ) 16 charges via add-ons then give 2 heals, the 33% debuff is given before add-ons
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A full heal takes 16 charges it says it on the med kits
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Since they reworked medkits a while back. the 33% debuff affects add-ons, the charge add-ons are affected by the efficiency penalty
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When you say a while how long do you mean, as I have been double healing with them as little as 1 week ago
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Takes 16 charges to heal some one else, for yourself it takes 24 due to efficiency debuff on self heal
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A full heal takes 16 charges, yes. However, a self-heal with a medkit is 33% slower and requires 33% more charges.
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yeas but if i had a med kit on its own i get 1 full heal, because it will deduct 8 charges for the debuff of 33%.
If I then add 16 more charges thats 2 heals.
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No, because you need 24 charges to heal and if you add 16 then you only have 40
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This is when medkits were changes, and they haven't been touched since, nothing's changed since last week.
It's true that a heal takes 16 charges, but all medkits have 33% reduced healing speed and 33% lower efficiency on self heal, so a full self heal takes 24 charges with a medkit, not 16.
This is because 16/0.66=24, you have to spend 50% more charges to self heal because self healing is only 2/3 as strong.
This is completely independent of addons, there's no fancy math. 24 charges per self heal, 16 charges per heal for healing others, no matter your addons.
You can get two self heals by using Gel Dressing and another charge addon, then you'll have +24 and can get two self heals.
An even better option is using Gel Dressing and Surgical Suture, the +13% bonus you get from great skillchecks don't consume charges, so you can actually do two self heals and still have charges leftover charges.
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