The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

Buffing Technician

Spirit_IsTheBest Member Posts: 935
edited September 9 in Feedback and Suggestions


You are apt at handling machinery with the greatest care and precision.

Whenever you are repairing a generator, the sounds of your repairs are reduced by 80/90/100%, and this effect is passed onto whoever is repairing a generator with you.

Whenever you fail a skill-check while repairing, the explosion and loud noise notification will be muted, and the progression lost is reduced to 3/2/1%.

You are immune to screaming while repairing, and being interrupted off generators by any means from killer powers, or perks that cause generators to explode.


Buff and new effect: Sounds of repairing generators are now 100% silent rather than reducing it only by 8 meters, and the new effect is so other survivors can also silently repair as long as they are on the same generator as you.

Buff: Instead of it taking away an extra 5/4/3% extra progress if you failed a skill-check, it will now instead be a reduced penalty (Like Bite The Bullet) of 3/2/1%, meaning you are losing less progression than normal.

New effect: You no longer scream or become interrupted while repairing, basically meaning you have Calm Spirit but only while repairing, and you can no longer be forced off the generator, like from perks that makes generators explode likes Pain Resonance, Eruption, etc. Or from Doctor's static blast.

These changes will make Technician still more of a beginner friendly type perk, while at the same time a decent pick for more experienced players if they wish not to be interrupted while repairing, some killers can play Doctor or run certain perks that can make you scream, these changes don't reveal you from them and make it so your mostly safe, it's not too crazy because they could also run aura perks, or generator blocking perks.

Feedback would be appreciated!

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Langweilg
    Langweilg Member Posts: 777
    edited September 8

    I like it. Being 100% silent on gens is what I wanted from this perk for a long time and it working like bite the bullet would be a lot nicer. The third effect is nice, but I don‘t think it‘s needed.

    Edit: You could make that it gives all its effects to near by survivors as well like leader instead of only the silent part.

  • GonnaBlameTheMovies
    GonnaBlameTheMovies Member Posts: 675

    Not necessary and would be extremely annoying as a stealth perk. Technician doesn't need a buff, it's fine where it is. This would be overkill. Technician is like WoO, it's a safety guard for newer Survivor players. It doesn't need to be useful for experienced players, that's contrary to what it's supposed to do. It's fine in the niche it's in. Not every Perk needs to be useful for experienced players.

    If we make gen repairs silent you will literally encourage people to rat being a stealthy ghost doing gens, not engaging the Killer, and not saving friends. Plus sound is such a key element in this game; can you imagine how annoying it would be as Killer to hunt for someone who say, is running Light-Footed, this, Iron Will, and current Distortion? No aura, no scratch marks, no traces, not even gen sounds, and they hide in nearby lockers. And when you hit them? Still no sound.

    The rest of the buff is fine and perfect for newer players. In fact I would add this effect: Skill check zones are larger, and move slower.

    This helps train new players, but keeps it out of the realm of being yet another perk intended for niche genrush. We don't need more of those and we don't want to encourage a lack of players interacting with others or the Killer.

  • Spirit_IsTheBest
    Spirit_IsTheBest Member Posts: 935

    Thanks! I also wanted 100% silent repair progress for this perk, for some of the less used perks I like to add new strong effects mainly so it can be good for experienced or beginner players (the third idea) to make the discussion more interesting, so anyone can think on how they feel! Appreciate the feedback!

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,197

    1% might be a bit too low. Maybe 8/6/4% would be better. But otherwise yeah, it's not going to make it a strong perk but it could make it actually useful for new players.

  • Spirit_IsTheBest
    Spirit_IsTheBest Member Posts: 935

    Understandable, though the killer can still hear the actual generator itself, just not the little repair sounds, they can still go kick it, and force survivors off regardless. Plus there are aura perks the killer can use to track them, and killer instinct. (Distortion is annoying though as killer, we will have to see how it goes once it gets changed soon).

    Appreciate the feedback!

  • GonnaBlameTheMovies
    GonnaBlameTheMovies Member Posts: 675

    Oh ok, I was under the impression the gen sounds themselves would be muted, in which case that's probably fine but I question why. The Killer is still gonna check and can see you from a distance anyway, aura exists too.

    And it still would be used to rat. Otherwise, the buff idea's OK. :)

  • Langweilg
    Langweilg Member Posts: 777
    edited September 8

    I also thought you meant the gens sound are 100% muted as well as the repairing sounds. I would want the gens being 100% silent, just working on them silently would be relatively useless.

    I don‘t exactly get the last part, where you say (the third idea)…

    I meant that suppressing screams would be unnecessary when you working on the gen is silent and the gen is silent.

  • Spirit_IsTheBest
    Spirit_IsTheBest Member Posts: 935

    When I was making the post I was thinking making the entire thing silent was a bit much, but if it ever does happen we will have to see how it goes in gameplay.

    Sorry for the mix up.

  • HolyDarky
    HolyDarky Member Posts: 608

    Buff and new effect: Sounds of repairing generators are now 100% silent rather than reducing it only by 8 meters, and the new effect is so other survivors can also silently repair as long as they are on the same generator as you.

    No that is way too strong. Audio informations are key for the killers to not waste any time and to know what is going on. With your suggestion, the survivors had a free option to repair a generator while the killer had to waste more time by checking generators because the killer does not know if someone is on the generator/has found it. The genrepairing sound is important in a chase (when you walkby a generator to hear if someone on it) and to know if there is more than one survivor.

    New effect: You no longer scream or become interrupted while repairing, basically meaning you have Calm Spirit but only while repairing, and you can no longer be forced off the generator, like from perks that makes generators explode likes Pain Resonance, Eruption, etc. Or from Doctor's static blast.

    Year, more free stuff that requieres nothing. No thanks. Players already know how to counter PainRes while nearly every other option that force surivors to let go off a generator is rather mediocre or bad and with this buff, they become wrose (Doctor, Face the Darkness, Eruption, Jolt).

    I'm not against buffing weaker perks but these buffs are too much because they remove important informations, make other things much weaker and all this for free.

  • Sngfun
    Sngfun Member Posts: 218

    Why have a % of extra gen lost while using the perk, this perk is supposed to help new players, and new players struggle a lot with gen efficency, so making the perk more punishing for a mistake the averege player won't make is kinda backwards.

    Since the silent skillchecks won't come intro play at averege level, will 100% gen noise cancel be enough for a single perk?

  • Shirtless_Myers
    Shirtless_Myers Member Posts: 367

    The perk Technician needs a buff. While I disagree with a massive change, the increased loss of progress is detrimental to a perk that is supposed to be for beginners. It punishes them more than the perk slot it's worth. I'd recommend removing the penalty entirely, as it's simply unnecessary.

  • GonnaBlameTheMovies
    GonnaBlameTheMovies Member Posts: 675
    edited September 9

    After some thinking, I agree it needs a buff, and I think removing the penalty entirely is probably about the only buff it really needs since it's for beginners.

  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 807

    I'm fine with it completely silencing gens, and the screaming immunity.

    However, I would keep the extra damage when failing skill checks.

  • MrMori
    MrMori Member Posts: 1,427

    Only thing it needs is to reduce progress lost by 3/4/5% instead of increasing it by 5/4/3%. These "downsides" only kill perk viability and shouldn't be a thing anymore unless there's a really good reason. Same with the downside to things like Visionary, or the huge cooldown on the Teamwork perks.