What is the best Hillbilly perk?

No2Loser Member Posts: 83

What is the best Hillbilly perk? 18 votes

GibberishChordycepsMarc_go_solosizzlingmario4MrRetsejVibranToucan 6 votes
HerInfernalMajestySepex 2 votes
OnryosTapeRentalsVolantConch1719GlamourousLeviathanTotemsCleanserGuiltiiCypherius09SHARKBOSSTyler3moputopiaNo2Loser 10 votes


  • No2Loser
    No2Loser Member Posts: 83

    As a console Billy main (PC is where i main Wesker), I love to use the silent chainsaw build and Tinkerer is probably the most fun and useful perk for that build. It's also super fun on it's own

    09SHARKBOSS Member Posts: 1,410
  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    Enduring for me. Those reduced stuns are really useful in chases, and sync really well with other perks.

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,263

    Enduring's pretty nasty on Killers who can make up that time, and has gotten me a few hits from Survivors ending up on my side, but unless it's a really short loop, you've still got a pallet to deal with.

    Lightborn is fun to screw around with when you've got a team of clickers, blasters, and bangers, but it does literally nothing if no one brings any of those things.

    Tinkerer is one of those perks that is so good that it's kind of something you have to keep in mind at all times. Especially on high speed Killers or Killers who can move fairly quietly

  • OnryosTapeRentals
    OnryosTapeRentals Member Posts: 1,280

    All of them are suitable picks but I think Tinkerer's the most versatile of the bunch so I'll give my vote to that. It doubles as a stealth and information perk whereas the others are more linear in the value they provide.

  • Sepex
    Sepex Member Posts: 1,451

    Aw man I made the wrong vote. I don't even use LB.

  • No2Loser
    No2Loser Member Posts: 83

    W, Dredge is fun tbh. Especially against new players