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Frank Stone Deluxe Edition Rewards

I've followed the steps to link my games to my Behavior account, but I'm unable to claim my Frank Stone Deluxe Edition rewards for DBD despite clicking claim and selecting my platform (Xbox) for both DBD and Frank Stone. I need help!! What am I doing wrong??


  • Firepaul19
    Firepaul19 Member Posts: 28

    You've done nothing wrong, it's behavior's fault this is happening. They already announced that they fixed the issues but only for those who haven't purchased the game yet. If you pre-ordered, they're not gonna do much about it. You can submit a ticket on their support site, but most likely will go unanswered since this happened to so many people.

  • Firepaul19
    Firepaul19 Member Posts: 28

    In other words, you got scammed

  • arthurrz
    arthurrz Member Posts: 25

    Hello, did anything worked for you? I still got nothing in game.

  • Ethromel
    Ethromel Member Posts: 176

    I'm having the same issue on PS5. They're claiming that I have a duplicate account with the same exact credentials, but that is absurd. I still haven't gotten my rewards. I can't even link my Playstation account.

  • Polliitow
    Polliitow Member Posts: 1

    This is so bad that they can't even do something about it, i wish they can help us with this issue

  • suistar7
    suistar7 Member Posts: 7

    I have the same problem, don't get my pre-order and deluxe edition rewards...