We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Please just remove map offerings, already.

They are literally, literally never used for any other reason but to sweat by tilting the map in your side's favor. The only reason they are ever used. They aren't fun, they aren't cute. Just get rid of them entirely, and put in better map repeat prevention. Oh, and change the cheevos that are associated with certain maps. Because it's hardly an achievement if you can force the map over and over, right?


  • albertoplus
    albertoplus Member Posts: 311

    What i never understood is that the Sacrifical Ward offering removes the rest of the map offerings that got burnt. Okay, thats good, but why in the world does not work if there are 4 of the same map offering? I mean, is just another way for the SWF to annoy the killer even more??

  • Let's remove Black Wards. They are used by the sweatiest killers using the best addons.

    Both sides can be sweaty and play things to their advantage when it's accessible to do so.

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,092
    edited September 11

    It does work if there are four of the same offering. Sac wards make the map selection random, so you can be sent to the map the offering was for by happenstance.

    Any way, make sac wards brown. Offerings are fine.

  • albertoplus
    albertoplus Member Posts: 311
    edited September 11

    Thats what i was saying. Sac wards doesnt work if there are 4 of the same map offering, which means that if i am with my swf and want to bully the killer in a specific map, he is going to go there and cannot do anything about it.

  • albertoplus
    albertoplus Member Posts: 311

    Survivors have the equivalent offering to protect their addons. The same could be said for them.

    But hey, removing both the black and Sac wards and the map offerings too? LET ME IN!!

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,994

    Map Offerings seems more like a Survivor tool than Killer tool, I have not used a Map Offering in Ages on Killer.
    I think the game would be drastically improved by removing Map Offerings and instead make many different offerings that change the map in small fun ways.

  • GonnaBlameTheMovies
    GonnaBlameTheMovies Member Posts: 682

    Realistically the only time I have ever used map offerings as Killer is a) to practice ranged Killers on open maps, b) to play fun jumpscare stealth builds/Killers on indoor maps. That's it, that's all.

    I'd gladly sacrifice both Scratch Mirror RPD Myers and using Ormond to get a map with good line of sight for Huntress if it meant that we could get rid of the ability to force people into maps that favor one side heavily over the other.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,994

    It FEELS like to me, the only reason why allow Map Offerings is that would be very hard to do map specific achievements.
    Outside of that its just a source for discontent or attempting to screw over the other side by sending us to a map that bHVR has not got noted enough about to act.

  • Lixadonna
    Lixadonna Member Posts: 164
    edited September 11


  • Valimure
    Valimure Member Posts: 109

    I really do wish they blocked that map instead of taking you to it.

    Would basically be the equivalent to bans in draft modes of other PvP games.

    Always a great time getting brought to GoJ and then having survivors teabag as if they don't have multiple infinite loops on the map to choose from instead of thanking me for not immediately DCing.

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 749

    I would prefer if the Map offerings get reworked, to be more about reducing your chances or even removing the map from the map pool; as well as scrapping the Sacrificial Ward entirely.

    The Map Offerings tend to favor any players with a perfect build for that map, with its 100% guarantee per offering, usually Survivor Mains.

    The Sacrificial Ward would have been a good solution, if only it spawns just as frequent as the map offering in question, as well as guarantee that that specific map offering is guarantee to not happen, even if all 4 Survivor used them at once, or by some unlucky map pool rng. Otherwise, it is pointless to run, especially if you have no idea as a killer or Survivor if the other side is going to run a map offering or not. There is no indicator during the pre-lobby to let either side know the map offerings is in play or not.

    It would just be better off if Map Offerings are either scrap or re-work to not give a distinctive advantage for the player running it.

    Map Achievement is very much good excuse that needs to be gutted to defend Map Offerings. They should implement a mechanical to allow these achievements to be unlockable in custom match, to warrant this change.

  • Tits
    Tits Member Posts: 254

    Yea im not really into going against a mirror myers in their prefered indoor map either just nipping everybody till someone goes down.

  • ControllerFeedback
    ControllerFeedback Member Posts: 89

    Last night, I got back to back to back to back to back: Eyrie offering into a really hard Lery's match as Wesker into blatant speedhacking Sable into Eyrie offering into Eyrie offering. Might've been a random Gideon match in there too, I can't recall. By the end of it I just wanted to die. It's funny too because Eyrie's even more miserable than usual right now because of the audio bugs.

    If map offerings aren't going to be removed we desperately need some kind of offering conversion system so we can turn map offerings into sacrificial wards and like, flowers into cakes/streamers or something. In general I feel like the entire itemization system (not just offerings) is due for a significant overhaul. Add-on rarity in particular feels so arbitrary these days for some items & most killers.

  • hermitkermit
    hermitkermit Member Posts: 374
    edited September 11

    I agree. Map offerings feel very outdated, and the game is too big with so many perks, killers, and different kinds of maps that we don't need offerings anymore. I feel people only use them to grief or take advantage on either side. But yeah, an update would be appreciated. I like the idea others have said about the map offerings being used to lower the chances of getting sent there. That would be handy with ghostie on eyrie lol

  • GonnaBlameTheMovies
    GonnaBlameTheMovies Member Posts: 682

    The same could be said if I'm Myers not playing a mirror build and the Survivor SWF decides they absolutely NEED to loop me all round on Ormond with their chase builds, all so they can teabag in the exit gate. Map offerings are bad for everyone.

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,373

    A big chunk of map offerings I see are just Azarov's Keys/Phalanx Bones from people who are bored of getting bad maps.

  • GonnaBlameTheMovies
    GonnaBlameTheMovies Member Posts: 682
    edited September 12

    I feel this crap so viscerally. I just the other day was testing early morning some audio stuff so I could deal with the audio bug we have right now. I was playing Ghostface for comfort reasons, not really trying. What did I get?

    • SWF sending me to Eyrie so the Bill could taunt me all round (they failed because they got too altruistic at the end as usual, and I had already weakened the Main Building loop at the start before they could abuse it). Didn't get to stalk much, no fun.
    • Another SWF whose Ada sent me to Coldwind Farms while SHE was dressed in the trenchcoat skin, hoping to loop and flashlight me from random angles (I got bored of the obvious "loop and blind compilation TikToker" gameplay and just waited for them to do the gens and leave while I watched Youtube because I'm not here to be peoples' dance monkey). Again never got any stalks off, they were too alert and the map too bright, there's no real tiles on these maps anymore so there's not even fun mindgames, so no fun.
    • Flashlight SWF with Ichorous Loam who didn't realize it didn't guarantee GoJ anymore. We got Greenville. They were really really bad and all ended up on the ground in five seconds because they desperately needed to blind me at the double pallets. Unfortunately I know how to game the Double Pallets. Got no stalks and no fun ambush stuff, next to no stealth mindgaming, no looping me at all, no fun.
    • I finally got fed up and brought a Sac Ward to the next round so I wouldn't get YET ANOTHER BRIGHT BIG OUTDOOR MAP, and they brought GUESS WHAT an Ormond offering. We ended up getting Lerys instead, finally a fun round! I ended up destroying the obvious SoloQ team and felt bad about it, but at least I made friends with a Trevor who gave me my Rancor Mori at the end when he found out I had it. I wasn't trying to fake being friendly or anything and I didn't really want the Mori but he insisted.

    I felt so bad about seeming to be fake friendly on that last one, I decided to get off the game for the day. I think I'll really just wait until Lights Out 2.0 to play Killer again, thanks.

  • GonnaBlameTheMovies
    GonnaBlameTheMovies Member Posts: 682

    Both those mapsets are more Survivor sided and are used to blatantly give Survivor side more of an advantage; I don't see anyone other than SWFs tend to use them. Never seen a Killer use one…

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,373

    If you think Macmillan and Autohaven are survivor sided especially after all of the tile updates idk what to tell you. Probably some of the most balanced realms at the moment.

    I see plenty of killers burning offerings to go there as well.

  • Tits
    Tits Member Posts: 254

    Yep map offerings are never possitive on either end. Only thing they are good for is getting a new map to try if one comes out with a new chapter