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General Discussions

where is the hide-and-seek with all the wallhack around?

Member Posts: 131
edited September 2024 in General Discussions

all wallhack perks should be removed

EDIT: I decided to add all the wallhack perks here, but the killer ones are overwhelming


Eyes of Belmont ⇒ when a gen is completed, get wallhacks for 3 seconds, also improve all your other wallhacks by 2 seconds

Fogwise ⇒ getting a great skill check activates your wallhack for 6 seconds

Still Sight ⇒ sitting still gets you wallhacks for up to 24m

Strength in shadows ⇒ finishing heal in the basement activates your wallhacks for 10 seconds

Troubleshooter ⇒ you get wallhacks for 6 seconds after dropping a pallet

Wicked ⇒ you unhook yourself from the basement, then get wallhacks for 20 seconds

Wiretap ⇒ 40% on a gen activates wallhacks around it


Gearhead ⇒ any survivor doing a good skill check gets wallhacked

Grim Embrace ⇒ obsession gets wallhacked if you get 4 unique hooks

Hex: Face the darkness ⇒ survivors outside your terror radius get wallhacked for 2s every 25 seconds

Hex: Retribution ⇒ if a survivor cleanses a totem, you get wallhacks for 15 seconds

Hex: Undying ⇒ any survivor walking past totems gets wallhacked

I'm all ears ⇒ any survivor doing a rushed action gets wallhacked for 8 seconds

Lethal pursuer ⇒ at the start of the trial, you have wallhacks for 9 seconds, also improve all your other wallhacks to last an extra 2 seconds

Lightborn ⇒ survivors that blind you get wallhacked for 10 seconds

Nemesis ⇒ survivors that stun you become oblivious and you can wallhack them for 4 sec

Nowhere to hide ⇒ each time you kick a generator, you get wallhacks for 5 seconds

Rancor ⇒ when all the gens are done, you get wallhacks on the obsession for 3 seconds

Scourge Hook: Floods of Rage ⇒ when a survivor gets unhooked, you get wallhacks for 7 seconds

(NEW) Zanshing Tactics ⇒ you have wallhacks on any survivor sitting near a dropped pallet

(NEW) Predator ⇒ if a survivor dares to escape the chase, you get wallhacks on them for 6 seconds

Post edited by zimer on

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  • Member Posts: 3,587

    Lockers exist.

  • Well they're removing Distortion because people abused it to rat, people playing cheesy and poorly to annoy everyone else is why we cannot have nice things. Sorry, Charlie… :(

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,503

    First, as a survivor, I really dislike my teammates who do nothing but hide. Don't do gens, don't do anything useful, just hide. I've never played any other game where doing nothing was considered a legitimate and fun strategy. I wish more killers I faced ran aura-reading perks that would out those survivors.

    Second, survivors may find stealth fun, but most killers don't really enjoy checking in bushes and searching lockers and peeking behind every rock just to find someone to interact with. Survivors have gens and bones and chests and each other to interact with, but killers only have survivors. If a killer is not interacting with a survivor, they're bored. I get bored when I can't find survivors in a couple minutes or so, and at that point I'm like "Whatever" and I go get a glass of water and read a book or something. I'm often not playing for kills, I just want to have fun, and if that's not happening then I'll go do anything else while survivors either hide in corners or play gen repair sim, whichever is their idea of a good time.

    Hide-and-seek is for children's play dates and PvE games, not PvP games. PvP games are for interacting with other people in a setting where risk doesn't have life-ruining/ending consequences. Killers aren't NPCs, they're actual people who probably don't feel like having 90% of a match being a walking sim.

    Also, the better survivors hide, the more killers camp and tunnel. I like to spread the love, but if I can't find the three other survivors then yeah, I'll either keep going after the same one or I'll put the controller down and do something else entirely. What I do depends on my mood, but what most killers I've faced do is the former.

    Stealth is useful and it can help delay and avoid chases, but too much stealth is unhealthy, and if a killer has to spend a lot of time finding a survivor before getting into a (possibly long) chase with a survivor to then get a down and a hook, the killer is going to have a miserable match. Killers aren't earning Bloodpoints unless they're interacting, so the time they spend searching is empty of any reward for them.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    hide & seek is for distortion gamer which bvhr is deeming stealth too powerful so they're nerfing it, apparently. i don't see stealth as prominent play-style but whatever. i think stealth is good if your on death hook and you want other people to take aggro which distortion does great job vs specific popular aura perks but that is about it.

  • Member Posts: 776
    edited September 2024

    They seem to be trying to move the game in a chase direction, since everyone on all the surveys said they prefer chasing not hiding. Hence, why keep Distortion the way it is?

    Killer is boring when you have to play whack a mole to find Survivors rather than chase. It's just deadass not any fun to have to hunt down someone, anyone to play with while all the others pop gens super efficiently, all of them also hiding instead of engaging. it is frustrating and unfun to load into a round just for Survivors to not play the game with you. It's also frustrating and unfun as Survivor when the others on your team would rather hide than help you in any way, just so they can get hatch. Nobody has fun when people just load in to not engage.

    Listen, I enjoy stealth games. I'm a Ghostface and Stealth Killer Main, and my Survivor playstyle is a stealth-altruism blend. I enjoy the process of trying to hide and sneak around to see what I can get away with. like Distortion a lot and use it to help my team out by either conveying info or using it to get things done while they distract the Killer and I go for saves, find boons, push gens, etc. I like to play support. Even I though, as much of a rat as I can be in game and as good at hiding as I am, can see Distortion really does counter too many things too well and certainly does need nerfing or a rework. It needs to change, guys.

  • Member Posts: 2,113

    The hide and seek concept was abandoned years ago with looping becoming a thing.

  • Member Posts: 1,013

    If chase is the name of the game instead of hide and seek like most horror aspects. Then how in the world did they make it so that you chase a single player at the start, killer bout loses gens by two, by allowing gen regression have a limit?

    It's not about chasing anymore, it's how quick a trial gets finished, either by survivor escapes or killer's killing them off. BP isn't rewarded for looping the killer, it's rewarded for losing the killer from chases. Or Killer downing as quick as a chase has started.

  • Member Posts: 1,963

    If you want Hide & Seek, play Lights Out when it comes out.

    A fellow Blendette enjoyer, I see. Hello!

  • Member Posts: 1,914

    Veeeery long ago DBD was more of a hide&seek type of game. Now it's not (for years actually).

    While hiding still works to waste some killer's time - the main part of wasting a killer's time - being good in a chase.

    Also: Trying to find a survivor to chase is the most boring part of the game to me. I think I'm not the only one who finds it boring.

    Ever was left with 2 last survivors hiding for the rest of the match and not working on gens? :D

  • Member Posts: 131

    this usually happens when you tunnel, so survivors say "oh u wanna play like an immersed killer not caring about anything? ok lets go immersed survivor gameplay time"

    having good manners as a killer will get you a lot more enjoyable games

  • Member Posts: 1,914

    Me? Tunnel? I don't think I used tunneling in all of my 3444h playtime when I was a killer. :D I'm playing this game for chases only - "cat&mouse" for me is the most fun aspect of the game, don't really care about the outcome as long as I'm enjoying myself.

    Survivor players did that to me numerous times tho (2 last survivors hiding). For 0 reason. Just to anger me.

    Why? They are wasting their time and my time on a match where I have to waste my time on the most unfun part of the game - searching for survivors on edges of the map or lockers. While it's a part of the game's experience - doesn't mean it's fun. I'd rather waste my time on chases running from a killer, or as a killer chasing a survivor.

  • Member Posts: 238
    edited September 2024

    Aura perks are fun, a reliable bad player detector. You kick a gen, see a survivor hiding behind a rock in a corner with absolutely no structure nearby for protection... and you can already tell who is the weak link in the match.

  • Member Posts: 637
    edited September 2024

    It seems a philosophical standpoint will determine what could or should happen. Both sides can make a few assumptions (I’m not saying true or false for either, just stating it is an assumption no matter how much inference to support them):

    Some people like to play stealth - the argument and assumption can be made that the game is moving away from that to become more chase-oriented.

    You could have some say “but I’m not good at chases and this alienates my ability to have an alternative way of playing”. The counter-argument usually goes along the lines of “get good or play a different game”

    Some people like to engage and interact often (in chase) and killers don’t like having to find survivors. Counter argument might be that the key auras killers do see baked in (gens and gates) provides enough hints to know where to go for survivors. Maps being smaller (not opining small enough or too small) makes this easier (but not easy).

    At the base level, without aura-reading for killers and without aura-hiding (distortion or otherwise), the way the game was before these perks, are the conditions more conducive for a balanced level of stealth?

    Seems the best solution is to nerf all aura-trading AND aura-hiding and then balance the maps and objectives enough (including adding some?) so killers aren’t having some survivors hidden all the time and survivors aren’t being found all the time ( ‘unfairly’ ← subjective I know)

    otherwise it’s going to be a philosophical survivor needs to get good and learn chase Vs killers need to get good and find survivors argument which invariably ends up becoming toxic

    Post edited by For_The_People on
  • Member Posts: 451

    To be fair, the same could be said for the other side. You can easily spot a bad killer the moment they run aura perks for every little thing they do.

    "Ok, I kicked a gen. Where do I go now? I can't see anything, maybe I should open a locker. Where's everyone? Ah, there's a player here. Let's hook them. Where should I go now? I don't know what generators are being worked on, might as well let the game tell me."

  • Member Posts: 1,914

    I thought gen-regression perks were a "true indicate" of a unexperienced player. :D

    Oh and Noed…

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 711

    The game isnt built for it. Besides if its that big an issue for you, bring distortion. I know the "bring x perk" argument is used to death at this point, but theres a perk in the game that literally completely the solves the issue you bring up and more. Use it.

  • Member Posts: 1,154

    Nope thank you, games with people that hide much are the most boring games I've ever seen, I don't need more of this.

  • Member Posts: 238
    edited September 2024

    It's quite simple, you always have to keep your escape route in mind. When you repair a gen you must know where the nearest window or pallet is. And when you hide, instead of doing it in a corner exposing yourself for a free free-hit, at least hide better positioned. You don't know what perks or addons killer may use, tha'ts why you should play it safer instead of complaining about being caught in a bad position with auras.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Member Posts: 131

    what you're talking about is meta-gamer gameplay, where by meta I mean sweaty, tryhard, 100% focused to do PVP and rank up

    the concern I am mentioning is about the immersed-gamer gameplay, which as a casual gamer I tend to enjoy the most, playing relaxed, hiding behind a tree when the killer comes, having a quick laugh when he walks past me, just like in a real-life situation

    tunneling and camping are already ruining the experience since forever and is difficult to control and implement solutions by the devs, so can''t really banter about that

    but wallhacks destroy the gameplay for both stealth killers and stealth survivors, yet they can be easily removed

  • Member Posts: 1,749

    no hide and seek part because even if the killer is in chases constantly, they will lose against efficient survivors. normal, survivor rulebook gameplay already doesn't win because you just can't keep up, looking for people for minutes on top? no.

  • Member Posts: 5,956

    The hide and seek was gone the moment survivors learned that you can actually loop the killer.

    The killer simply doesn't have any time to spare looking for survivors. They need to be in chase. Constantly. Otherwise their pressure disappears and the survivors finish the gens before they get anything done. That isn't exactly new though. It's just that now that slowdown has been nerfed substantially, the killer has to save time instead of creating it.

    Meaning, aura vision is the way to go.

  • Member Posts: 776
    edited September 2024

    Once again, sorry Charlie - but they will not revert the Distortion changes. No one perk should counter all of an entire perk set for one whole side of the game, that is laughably unthinkably unfair. The nerf is warranted.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Member Posts: 776
    edited September 2024

    But.. stealth means Undetectable. Undetectable NEGATES wallhacking.

    Also, you mean aura perks. Not wallhacks. Wallhacks are exploits you can only do through cheat programs or if you're an actual bot. Aura reading is a perk and power/addon/item thing, and 100% intended in the game. Please learn the difference, you will be much happier. :)

  • Nobody tell this guy what this game's entire theme and concept was based around…

  • Member Posts: 1,352

    Is that not a bit of a contradiction? If a killer has no time to look for people and must be in chase, then stealth is actually very powerful. More powerful than looping, because stealth uses 0 resources and can be done infinitely.

    The problem I have is that maps these days don't support the idea of killers being on chase 24/7 with no downtime, especially fast ones like Billy. We need the right balance of the two.

  • Member Posts: 5,956

    Stealth rarely happen though because then nobody does gens. Unless you're in a SWF and can coordinate it. But it's more effective in general to simply push your objective as fast as humanly possible. If you can still buy yourself extra time by sneaking when the killer comes near, then that's huge value. That's the reason Nowhere To Hide is so popular.

    I think there could be more of a focus on hide and seek but not with the current pace of the game. Survivors progress insanely fast, which is necessary for them to keep up with a hard tunneling or camping killer, so you can't fix one without addressing the others. But as long as that isn't changed (which would also be pretty hard because nobody wants to sit on gens for even longer), you can't force the killer to invest additional time (time they don't have) into looking for a survivor.

  • Member, Administrator, Mod Posts: 18,073

    Ok let's keep the discussion civil and constructive, thank you.

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