I'm living for these perk changes
Y'all are really cooking here, I can't wait to try these out myself. Shoutout to BHVR.
You're so right! I was reading through the patch notes and was surprised by just how well they changed each perk to be useful without removing their identity. As a sprint burst user I'm especially excited to see blood rush become a proper anti tunnel perk worth using over others in certain builds. Forced hesitation is actually useful now, machine learning is smoother, and zanshin tactics is (somehow) useful.
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I've been waiting for this exact change to Inner Focus ever since it released. I'm so happy that they finally ditched the range requirement!
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I agree these perk changes seem really nice, the only thing I can see being any problem is the 5% repair boost from quick gambit spam making repair boosted by 5% for most of the match, but we’ll see how much that really effects the game
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I agree that these perks changes in this update look pretty decent.
Not a really fan of Distortion and DMS changes tho
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DMS only use case is pain res switch now, at least it'll be 68 entire seconds of slowdown
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I'm not a huge fan of the DMS change, since I enjoyed the fact it could block multiple gens for a short time as opposed to now being better with Pain Res. I also fear that Quick Gambit is going to make gen speeds worse to deal with since it's now global.
Otherwise, the other perk changes are interesting on both sides. I like that the teamwork perks got a facelift.4 -
Love most of the perk changes. It's like… Some of these perks were so bad that any change feels good.
But Predator… Man…
I'm telling you - this perk will never be useful in this game. :D
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It won't let me post the link but click here and go to "Game Info"
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Zanshin got the Grim Embrace treatment and is now looking to be the best aura perk in the game. Gonna miss it being a Killer version of WoO but hey a buff’s a buff.
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most of the perks look pretty irrelevant changes but there two perk changes that are pretty good and might see some use.
Bloodrush a little weird. i don't know why they turned it into anti-tunnel perk just to disable it in the end game but Sprint burst+Bloodrush might see more play.
The other good perk is quick gambit. it has unlimited range but they gave it a cooldown of 60 seconds which makes no sense why it needs drawback but this could good. the cooldown might make people shy away from it but in practice, a deja vu+quick gambit is 11% repair bonus which entirely revert 10 second changes to gens if you equip both perks across entire team.
for killer side, most of the perks are still bad as usual but two perk stand out are genetic limits and zanshin tatics. Genetic limit is like sloppy butcher but applies exhaustion. that is crazy strong. this will 100% get used to counter Iron will. Zanshin tactics is like wall-hack will give a lot of wall-hack for killer that do not break too many pallets on the map. very few people run Any Means Necessary on average so this will be like weak version weave attunement. It might allow you to win some mindgames on tall loop structures.
the rest of the perk are pretty bad. i am mostly sad of leverage. i thought it would be better. like… increasing duration to like 60 seconds but no.
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Yeah most of these are really good changes. I'm impressed. New Blood Rush is interesting, Distortion got a needed change, Teamwork perks might actually be usable now, the new Genetic Limits and Leverage sound cool.
I think the only one I didn't like was Blood Echo, I don't think it was strong enough to warrant reducing the duration, and removing the cooldown only matters if you actually get another hook within 60 seconds. Overall I think it's probably sidegraded or slightly worse than before.
I also think Lucky Star is probably still a bit too awkward to reliably use. 30 seconds of no blood is good but only if you preemptively activate it, it's not like you can really do it in most cases if you are already being chased. And it no longer has the aura-reveal part which makes it worse.
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I'm gonna miss the Aura Reading on Lucky Star……. It was so good.
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I love having the only option to understand that the killer has wallhacks on me is a licensed perk now. Especially with how bad distortion is now.
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Distortion still works just fine though, you just can't be immune to auras for the entire game anymore.
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I love the Lucky Star change. I like stealthy plays in general, so this perk seems awesome to me.
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Not what I was complaining about
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Then what are you complaining about?
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"only option to understand". For a massive majority of aura revealing perks/addons without revealing what they are, and that number is increasing after this next update. I'm just not a fan of the paywalled options now that distortion has been changed.
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Im fine with many of them, but:
- quick gambit seems incredibly unhealthy against weaker killers
- leverage is a tunnel perk.
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Am i wrong? Ive read that quick gambit goes on a 60sec cooldown AFTER getting hit. That sounds awful for the early game of weaker killers. It also seems to stack.
Survivors will see each other so they will not run into each other. All i see is an unhealthy early game perk that destroys weaker killers exponentially more than stronger ones.
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…but you'll still be able to see when Distortion activates?
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typically if your good at killer, your chases very short so the life-time of the perk is very small and you need a lot of chase time for 5% to make a difference as opposed to deja vu that is higher % and is constantly active with no down time outside of being chased. you need loop for whole 90 seconds for the perk to shave few seconds of gens. the perk is a lot better because it is global but the downside might not make a that attractive for survivor to use, so it might needs another buff to remove its cooldown before it becomes as wide-spread as chase based deja vu. Deja vu being the generator jocky thing.
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Only once. Then you have to go and get into a chase which will most likely end up with you hooked. This is assuming the killer only runs one wall hack perk or add on and you manage to escape the killer before it activates taking distortion away you won’t know if they have any other wallhacks on you until the next time you get chased.
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It does not matter how good you are as killer. If you play m1 against something like shack, you will not get the hit fast. Im talking about low tier killers. I know why killers like Huntress will be less effected by a perk like this.
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I agree! Not only is vcr trash with deadman’s more than what it was, so is the perk itself!
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ppl really complaining about quick gambit's 5% that turns off when injured and does not activate if you take chase while injured?
5% man, it's 5%. You're better off bringing deja or resi. The single guy bringing quick gambit better be looping 5 gens so we get some serious value from his perk (we know he's going to get hit in chase and this perk won't be as op as it sounds like on paper)
you need all 3 survivors on gens and survivor with perk needs to be good at chase to delay a hit for good value. On occasion you might run into full swf bringing this perk and juicing but probably not very often because there are better builds if your goal is to knock out gens that don't require a teammate to force chase for value
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not sure what to tell you. get better at ending chases quickly. not every survivor is likely to run this perk and it is not exactly good for entire team to run it given that only half team is likely to get chased on average.
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I can't end chases quickly around safe tilesas an m1 killer against very decent survivors. That's not in the cards. Killers with awful early game like Pig, Myers and Freddy will hate this perk.
I hope you are correct, that nobody would run this perk. Regardless, i expect this to not make it to live servers.
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i do. i think it is not good enough due it turning off randomly.
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5% is a lot because every survivor is a force multiplier. It's 5% times three survivors on gens.
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good luck getting 3 randoms to do gens consistently to take advantage of your perk
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Apparently I have good luck then, because my spooky no good solo teammates tend to do gens.
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Not as interesting as patch 6.1.0. I guess I'll try use leverage with sloppy for snowball.
Giving 50% bonus to wglf ain't bad either. 6/10.
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like 3 or 4 seconds per gen, I'd say the use for it is the new aura reading, that seems really valuable.
The perk changes are wonderful1 -
Pls teach me how to mindgame long tiles on coldwind and mcmillan as an m1 killer. Why does the perk turn off randomly? Getting hit is not random.