What do you think about the upcoming changes?



  • rydiafan
    rydiafan Member Posts: 23

    I don't understand the trigger for Poised's new effect. What does "when you first start repairing a gen" mean? Is it when I initially start the repair action, and if so can I gen tap over and over to activate it constantly? Is it the first time I ever touch each gen? Is it when a gen is at 0% and I start repairing it?

  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,924
    edited September 2024

    I like most of the perk changes. But Predator… Man I feel like this perk will never be useful. :D

    Post edited by Grigerbest on
  • Langweilg
    Langweilg Member Posts: 1,758

    The first time you touch a gen in a match you see the aura of the killer

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 3,013

    She basically has nothing left now, need 3 scans to injure and break a survivor, and 4 to slow them down by 5%. Why would u play this killer anymore, clown's gas slows survivors down by 15%

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    Finishing Mori: Although this wasn't needed, at least it was the least interfering. Kinda pointless really, but harmless enough.

    Teamwork: Power Of Two: Much better improvement. More likely to get some good use now.

    Teamwork: Collective Stealth: As above. A decent improvement.

    Corrective Action: Nice QoL improvement. Not sure this will see much more use, but now it has a bit more variety and better than it was.

    Inner Focus: Nice change. Now feels like an alternative to the "Alert" perk, except it's focus is on breaking survivors, not breaking inanimate objects.

    We're Gonna Live Forever: Nice QoL

    Poised: It's okay. Clearly an improvement, but another aura reading effect feels a little lazy. I'd prefer to have added more of the stealth aspect once completed, such as an extra effect. It's better - just a little uninspired.

    Blood Rush: I don't know much about this perk to formulate an opinion. I'm guessing this means you can recovery from Exhaustion immediately at will for 60 seconds after being unhooked at will? Could be a very useful anti-tunnelling perk, but need to see this in action to understand more.

    Quick Gambit: SWF teams may love this. Have a good runner, and an angry Killer, and gens will pop off nicely. May make Killers decided against prolonged chases.

    Distortion: Decent nerf. Still useful, albeit less frequent. A fine change.

    Lucky Star: Nice to see BHVR remove aura readings instead of adding them for minor changes. Having a survivor dead quiet in a locker after injury with no blood stains is a nice change, and good synergy with other stealth perks.

    Genetic Limits: A better change. Will see how effective it is qhen shown, but far more value can be gained out of this change.

    Leverage: Again, simplifying a perk is always a good thing. This is more straight forward, and has an okay effect. Will make Survivors think more about where to heal, since healing under a hook with this is begging for a tunnel now.

    THWACK!: Nice to have some more tokens. Fine effect already. Nice change.

    Machine Learning: Like "Leverage", less is more. Being less complex makes it easier to harness.

    Deathbound: My favourite change. Like an "Anti-Teamwork" perk of sorts, but now without restrictions. I like this a lot!

    Zanshin Tactics: Another good example of "less is more", but instead focusing on less clutter on screen and more when it matters. It's better than just sticking an aura reading on top of a perk's effects. Great change.

    Dead Man's Switch: So, I'm reading this as once a survivor triggers the perk, others can leave their gens without the effect happening? Seems perfectly fine, and nice to see the effect stays for longer on the gen that may be effected. A fair change.

    Blood Echo: Lovely little change to a perk I always liked, yet felt could do more. This is the "more" I like.

    Hex: Crowd Control: Will be a good perk to prevent repeated chasing around the same 1-2 tiles. More useful. Nice work!

    Predator: The Killer's "No Mither" - any change would be an improvement and this is fine, but I think they missed a trick here by just adding an Aura read. It's better, but not really something I'd be interested in.

    Skull Merchant Changes: I get the haste/hindered changes, as this could be a little cheap, but the change for the drones is unnecessary. Drones were fine, should you know how to deal with them. This feels pandering to those unwilling to learn. A hit and miss change for me.

    Hillbilly Changes: A fair change. The nerf is relatively minor, but makes it a little less overwhelming to face.

    Twins Changes: Doesn't prevent the slugging issue, but does hinder it a little. Not sure by how much, but it's at least not making it any worse.

    Unknown Changes: Literally "unknown", since I don't know what the HUD is like. Will wait and see.

    Overall, a positive PTB ahead. The Mori change is still pointless (although it's the best case scenario for a change), and a couple of changes felt a bit lazy, but all changes to perks have made improvements, which can only be a good thing. The Killer changes are also okay, although the Skull Merchant may have been over-nerfed. Good changes to her haste/hindered effects, but the drones are not deserving of what happened to them.

  • Langweilg
    Langweilg Member Posts: 1,758

    While I agree that she will be bad, the haste removal is one of the right nerfs tho, the others might be too much, but I‘m happy that they basically gutt her as someone who hates her.

  • FrenchBagels
    FrenchBagels Member Posts: 196

    Giving Vanishing Box a downside is annoying. It would’ve been better if you made it an Ultra Rare. It edges out Captured by the Dark anyway, and that addon doesn’t deserve a downside to the Hallucinations either.

    Singularity has the same addon philosophy and Unknown’s addons need a downside just because? That’s the only mediocre change to me.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,164

    I really don’t understand what the counter play is supposed to be, for PTB lucky star. If a Lucky Star survivor is excessively hiding in lockers, then it’s just too bad for the killer, unless the killer wants to literally just start opening every locker on the map?

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,845

    Pretty much kills it on my Sadako build too. And it makes it even stronger with Pain Res, which I thought they didn't want?

  • JustAShadow
    JustAShadow Member Posts: 179
    edited September 2024

    Perk changes are alright but killer changes vary from mid to awful.

    If I understood correctly, Unknown won't be able to tap m2 to fake his power and is not getting any compensatory buffs to his already underwhelming UVX, other changes are just the bare minimum teleport Qol.

    SM - sounds like a joke nerf from reddit, can't even comment on that. Honestly, despite my distaste towards this killer, these changes just seem unprofessional to make.

    Twins are fine on live and don't really need extra changes.

    Billy changes are okay I guess.

    Finisher mori - could not care less.

    Overall, one of the most disappointing patches in a very long time, don't see myself even downloading the PTB.

    Post edited by JustAShadow on
  • ObsidianButterfly
    ObsidianButterfly Member Posts: 150

    So how many years will Merchant have to live in F tier before she gets looked at again?

    How long has Freddy been in F tier? It's been awhile.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    We have to create new tier in tierlists called "F tier" or you can just call her "Skully tier" where only her now belongs.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513
    edited September 2024

    pretty sure it is removed entirely. you don't get haste, period. it is just completely deleted. you still need scan 3 times to gain hindered effect to put on a claw trap for what it seems. the claw trap gives tracking and put them into broken. that still seems the same.

    my thoughts on update is skull merchant is dead. the billy/twins/unknown changes are inconsequential and genetic limits & Blood rush will be used more on average. Genetic limit to counter Iron will and Blood rush as anti-tunnel perk, often paired with sprint burst or Lithe spamming to be more obnoxious.

    also they killed distortion to be worse then what it was pre 6.1

  • KaTo1337
    KaTo1337 Member Posts: 605

    Always. But hey, the killrates from 6 Freddy-Mains is alright, nothing to do BUT NERFS.

  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 1,999

    Finisher Mori's:

    I'm fine with this, but I would keep the green abd iri mori's as they are and just remove the yellow one.

    Teamwork perks: Thank god they remembered them. Good changes overall.

    Corrective Action: So... now the goal is to fail skill checks with this perk in play?

    Inner Focus: A good solo Q perk? GOAT CHANGE!!!

    WGLF: Seems nice, I just hope the Buckle Up situation won't repeat.

    Poised: Ok, I like this one, it's nice. One more reason to buy Jane...

    Blood Rush: We will see how this will work in practice, but it seems great on paper. Dare I say, a bit OP!? We will see...

    Quick Gambit: So, this perk is finally useful. Neat.

    Distortion: Seems reasonable. Better than I expected.

    Lucky Star: I will buy this perk the moment it appears on shrine, I LOVE IT!

    Genetic Limits: The duration seems a wee bit short.

    Leverage/THWACK!/Deathbound/Mashine Learning: Neat changes.👍

    Zanshin Tactics: This seems too good. It won't get through the PTB, mark my words.

    DMS: Well... these changes are kinda harsh.

    Blood Echo: Sounds reasonable.

    Hex: Crowd Control: An interesting change. I'm intrigued how it will work in practice.

    Predator: Seems... strong. Although, Distortion counters it completely.

    SM changes: The scan lines nerfs are not needed.

    Hillbilly changes: Fine by me.

    Twins changes: Unnessesary. If this goes to live, make it so Charlotte gains 10% Haste while Victor is out. That is the least you can do to compensate.

    Unknown changes: Eh, no comment here.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    a long time. at least we'll remember skull merchant memories when she was good a killer to play. Just like freddy. hopefully after 1 year of this, the d/c rate goes down. at same time, the play-rate will be like 0 like twins.

    D-tier is enough. freddy been there for awhile now. hopefully he gets some changes. Player still awaiting his rework.

  • CLHL
    CLHL Member Posts: 238

    I don't like the change to Zanshin Tactics, even if its effect wasn't the best it was something unique.

    I don't think the changes to Skull Merchant will change anything, the killer was never particularly strong, players just hate her area denial concept. She will remain the most detested killer.

    Crowd Control seems really strong, but it's still an hex, so it will last five seconds in the game.

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,324

    I love the distortion change. Now people can't just hide with that perk and actually have to be chased.

    Skull merchant… Sigh.. well she's still going to be annoying . I was hoping they would take away the undetectable but i guess losing the haste is ok.

  • Murgleïs
    Murgleïs Member Posts: 1,105

    Zenshin will never go past the PTB thanks to the survivor mafia.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 9,039

    from what I’ve seen about zanshin i just feel like it’s a very noob friendly perk? If you know how to do mindgames properly you won’t need it

  • AssortedSorting
    AssortedSorting Member Posts: 1,394

    Still a bit skeptical of the trigger conditions for the final Mori (given the offerings were redesigned, and I’m unsure how they were made obsolete in the first place, Ivory and Ebony both had the unique feature of letting you perform a Mori before the match has ended, and Ebony enabling multiple), as a “balanced” match might not see the Killer getting one (though that might be incentive for the player to play another round). Of course you could try to curate it by slugging and pushing out other survivors to isolate the last remaining survivor. Though no more Mori parties with survivors t-bagging around during the animation. (At least without the use of a Perk). I do like that it’s keeping its “dynamic placement” and the player having the choice to hook if for whatever reason they wanted to, not railroading the sequence, but instead acting like a Cypress Mori.

  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,619
    edited September 2024

    I always liked Skull Merchant, aesthetically and thematically and I'm not lying if I say I was looking forward for a nerf for her, so the survivor stop disconnecting when playing against her and finally have fun playing her. However the nerfs are a bit too much imo. I would leave the two scans and removed the stealth mechanic when placing a drone instead. Please, consider this.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,660

    Quick gambit sounds incredibly unhealthy as does leverage. Skull merchant sounds like Freddy. Very bad. If the bp gain isnt 20k+, moris seem useless now. Why would i bring this risky offering over a pudding or bps?

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,504
    edited September 2024

    Wait, is We're Gonna Live Forever now basically just pre-gutted Buckle Up, or am I misreading this?

    Edit: It's not, it's missing the Endurance effect for the person who does the picking up. Might as well point that out here in case someone misses the answer further down the thread.

    Post edited by TragicSolitude on
  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436
    edited September 2024

    That's a lot to consider but at a glance:

    Poised: Does this activate every time you start a gen? It doesn't trigger each time you let go and then start again right? But alternatively that means you get one aura reveal per gen, which kinda only makes it useful if you're already on a safe gen. I think I would have preferred a cooldown rather than limit once per gen.

    Genetic Limits: how will this work with Overcome? Does it counter it completely or is it useless against it?

    Distortion: kiiinda similar in effect to what I'd like it to be (regain tokens while in chase) but I'm not sure if it's weaker or stronger. Initially it's weaker, you get one 12s window instead of 3 10s windows. But it makes regaining tokens more consistent, once per chase, so it doesn't matter how long the chase is. Less contingent on player skill. I think it's the right direction, not sure if it's too much of a nerf or not.

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev Posts: 7,555

    Not quite. The old Buckle Up protected both the healer and the person who was healed, meaning when paired with For the People, you could run in, instantly pick someone up, and both of you would be safe thanks to the Endurance. We're Gonna Live Forever only protects the person who was picked up - the healer would still be in danger.

  • Areuhavingagiggle
    Areuhavingagiggle Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 8

    Nothing but a major letdown. Disappointment.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,956
    edited September 2024



    I can see why they nerfed Billy but all of these might be a bit much. I mean, we're almost back to the atrocious 3 seconds cooldown for missed attacks. The nerfed Overdrive speed is also not their brightest idea. A lot of loops were just barely curvable with the increased speed. Now it's too slow and survivors get around the next corner again. The other 2 changes are understandable and completely justified.

    Skull Merchant

    Skull Merchant got the Freddy treatment. I can't say I'm happy about that. As much as I hate her (and I hate her a lot), I believe that all killers should be viable. This is not it, chief. She is still boring to play against but now also boring to play because you don't really get much out of her power.


    Twins are slowly going back to their previous state… What is it with BHVR not knowing how to treat this killer? More than 2 years for a rework, that then had to be scratched in favor of some buffs and now we're nerfing them to be closer to how they were before.

    Survivor Perks

    The Teamwork perks will remain awful and I hope they stay that way. The only way for these perks to be good would require them to be broken. The concept doesn't work. You simply don't want to be around another survivor, especially when the killer is chasing after one of you.

    Corrective Action + Hyperfocus and Stakeout on another survivor. Need I say more?

    Inner Focus and WGLF are nice. Not the strongest perks of all time but definitely worth trying.

    I'm honestly not sure what I think of Poised. The added aura vision is fine in solo queue but in a SWF it's disgusting. Especially at the start of the match. The survivors will now know immediately where the killer spawned and from what direction they will come from, which makes the early game even harder for the killer.

    Blood Rush is amazing. Good job. A very strong anti tunnel perk.

    Quick Gambit is a horrible perk because it has a range restriction (on live servers). Without the range restriction it is stupid. In order for the killer to get a down, they have to chase. Why should we punish them for that by granting the other survivors extra gen speed? That makes no sense. Also, this might not be a problem for a Nurse, Blight or Spirit but a Trapper or Freddy, who already struggle to get their first hits are punished by this perk even more. This cannot go live. Imagine this perk against a Myers! "Oh, you wanna stalk survivors to get your tier 3? Well, you better don't do that or they get extra gen speed." And it's not like Myers can afford to have any less time in the match to begin with.

    The Distortion nerf is honestly way worse than what I had suggested. I think it's good that it does get a nerf but this is a bit extreme. Keep the stacks but only restore them when that survivor is hooked. Maybe make it 3 stacks instead of 4. But that would be enough.

    I honestly liked the old Lucky Star, so I'm not too thrilled about it. I'm not sure, if anyone will use it for the new effect either. It certainly does have some niche use but it's not great.

    Killer perks

    Genetic Limits now counters Overcome… But it's pretty much useless against the 2 exhaustion perks everyone uses, so there's no reason to use Genetic Limits either.

    Leverage has got be one of the most unhealthy perks I have ever seen. In the same patch we get a great anti tunneling perk we also get a great tunneling perk. Help me understand!

    Thwack! got a pretty nice buff but it's not all that good. Most killers break pallets IN chase and then you don't need the effect. I guess it can sometimes help with survivors going for a flashlight save but that's pretty much all I can think about. So it's still pretty mediocre.

    Machine Learning is a difficult perk to rate. The effect is insane but it doesn't activate all that much. I think it would be better, if it got a rework since the effect results in pretty much guaranteed hits.

    Deathbound is pretty good. I don't see too much of an issue with it and it's a perk that helps you when you don't tunnel. So that's nice.

    I want the old Zanshin Tactics back. Yeah, it was almost useless on most killers but so is the new one. Survivors only drop pallets when the killer is near them and then the killer already knows where they are, so the aura vision is not very helpful. And for mind games… The survivor either sees the killer directly or they see their red light, so even then the aura vision is useless.

    Dead Man's Switch… Yeah, they kind butchered Freddy again. This was one of his best perks.

    Blood Echo remains about as useful as before. Not much. You don't get to run around and injure a bunch of people with most killers so the perk does little to nothing most of the time.

    Crowd Control is overkill. I mean, what's next? Survivors can no longer vault pallets? It's already a hex perk that has to be cleased immediately and then it's gone. So it's still pretty bad by nature of it being a hex perk.

    Predator is pretty nice. It might not feel great to play against, since mostly you have to do something right to even lose chase as a survivor but given how often the killer can lose chase due to random things, I think it's fine and also a good perk for beginners.

  • NarkoTri1er
    NarkoTri1er Member Posts: 906
    edited September 2024

    at the first peek, Distortion rework to force Distortion abusers into chase - good.

    But then i read whole notes and i need to say: if these changes go through to live, if any survivor ever complains about getting tunneled easily with how anti-tunneling will become even more powerful with this patch, they should just uninstall dbd.

    And SM was literally obliterated, why? Even as a big SM hater, there is no reason to destroy her completely just because she doesn't satisfy fun requirements of players.

  • havoc
    havoc Member Posts: 18

    I'm worried about "We're Gonna Live Forever".

    Survivors in swf like to die under pallets for their teammates to save them, killers are scared to pick up when another survivor is close by, if the killer doesnt pick up and a survivor close by has WGLF they give them endurance which only has a short cooldown now. So the killer either picks up and gets pallet saved or allows the survivor to be picked up and gain endurance.

    This could create a new issue like we've seen with buckle up previously.

  • DwightDwigt
    DwightDwigt Member Posts: 73

    Lucky Star- How about remove blindness when the Survivor is in a locker and/or keep the aura reading?

    Poised- Possibly add a (very) minor speed buff during the time period?

    Thwack!- Remove tokens completely. Shrink the range (to like 12/16 meters, etc.) and let it activate every time a breakable wall or pallet is broken. (There's a finite number of pallets and walls, so it wouldn't be OP.)

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,504

    Ah, okay. So it's not that useful against a slugging killer, it's often gonna be just trading one survivor on the ground for a different one. It's best use is for when the killer has decided to target and repeatedly slug one particular survivor, which I've had happen but it's too rare an occurrence to run a single perk for, and it's only helpful if I'm not the one being targeted.

    I miss old Buckle Up, it was the only thing that helped when I had three teammates on the ground. I stopped running it and nowadays usually just concede if my three teammates are slugged so we can all move on quickly, otherwise 90% of the time it's me on the ground with the other two survivors for four minutes bleeding out while the one I picked up hides and waits for the hatch. It was nice having a comeback mechanic for killers who slug at four or five gens left.

  • I'm kinda mad about the loss of green and Ebony Mori multi-Moris. Let me Mori who I want to Mori, I don't like having to choose if I wanna give hatch or get the cool animation.

  • 100PercentBPMain
    100PercentBPMain Member Posts: 1,358
    edited September 2024

    Loving the Teamwork buffs, but I'm sad to see my Vanishing Box get hit. Couldn't care less about Blurry Photo

    Machine Learning buffed again, heck yeah.

    Absolutely hate Lucky Star. They ruined it

  • Choaron
    Choaron Member Posts: 419

    They always were extremely strong. Those mild nerfs are not going to change anything in 99% of Twins matches.

  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,815

    Keep Victor? Naaah, remove Victor instantly, little Fengus, I know you are afraid bc of no TR.
    Group up and healing? Naaah, let's just keep sitting on gens injured like we used too and let Victor to slug whole team one by one, because we are lazy to learn counterplay.

    I know, I know, killers get nerfs because of survivors know nothing but how m1 on gen isn't something new, we all used to it.
    Since 7.7.0 Twins were my most playable killer and if survivors understand how to deal with them, then they are M1 killer with no power 70% of the match and insane amount of counterplay, especially in team. And if some QoL changes with massive nerf to kicked Victor is something you consider a big buff, then you didn't know how to play against them to begin with, because strength wise they are right where they were before. I don't know since when slug is easier too, but if you say so.
    I blame you, killer mains. Don't know what for, but Ayodam tells me so. How dare you play Twins, stinky killer mains.