We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

What do you think about the upcoming changes?



  • GeneralSkien
    GeneralSkien Member Posts: 200

    Any justification for the hindered change in skull merchant? While she obviously needed a nerf, or some kinda rebalance, the hindered is worse than bloodlust, what would be the point of using the drones, when not using them is better?

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,299
    edited September 12

    Happy for most of the changes but I prefer old Zanshin Tactics. The new one is basically I'm All Ears but for pallets.

    As I've said in another thread to me I like knowing a survivors resources before they reach certain tiles and sometimes it's easy to get faked out. However having an idea if they are going to commit to a tile or not is useful for me and knowing if there are any other resources they'll likely head to so I preemptively know what parts of a tile to cut them off at.

    I primarily use it on killers with projectiles namely Clown and Trickster. I don't like the idea of it working on dropped pallets at all because I feel it's going to create an unhealthy cycle in the game where survivors are revealed for too long on some killers who can just easily walk around thrown pallets or ignore them. Also at the same time how are you going to possibly mind game a pallet a survivor just threw? You both likely know where each other are if you are engaged which makes me feel this perk will be dead on most killers that do not use stealth.

    How are you possibly going to mind game a thrown pallet as a Nemesis for example? You don't. You break the pallet and continuing chasing like normal.

    Again to clarify - You need to be within 16 meters of a survivor who is 6 meters in range of a pallet to see their aura. You both already know where each other are in most cases and you're playing around a dropped pallet which you will inevitably have to break once you begin chase.

  • ranbuta
    ranbuta Member Posts: 90

    New deathbound promote very unhealthy play.
    When used in a slugging build, it gives an oblivion effect every time you recover a downed survivor. And since there is no hook to use in this build, they remain permanently oblivious until the match is over.
    This should not be implemented as is.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 2,234

    The dev note just said scans. It never said claw traps. Those were 2 separate features.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 2,234

    Really? It just makes no sense. It’s overkill. Too many nerfs.

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 2,689

    The dev note mentions two things that affect the distance and one of them is removed, i think it's safer to assume it's been removed but we'll know for sure on the 17th.

  • TieBreaker
    TieBreaker Member Posts: 942

    The Power of Two perk changes are disappointing. They are still only good for SWF. These changes don't make these perks remotely viable for solo queue. I wish there were changes that made the perks usable for solo players. Some of us don't have sufficient enough material to blackmail convince friends to play with us.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 2,234

    We will have to see. Given the massive nerfs, it wouldn’t surprise me.

  • TieBreaker
    TieBreaker Member Posts: 942

    If I could ask, what was the reason behind reworking Distortion? Was it to make it weaker against aura reading perks, to limit survivors negatively impacting their teammates, or both?

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,486
    edited September 12

    I’m all for the finisher mori system it stops me from seeing the same kill animation 4 times in a match it also helps with seeing the mori too. 95% of the time it’s blocked by the environment maybe this will encourage more crativity with moris since we will be able to see how bare bones and lame some are.

    Im not in favour of the distortion change however. It’s fine the way it is. The reason it seems too powerful is because aura reading perks keep being added for every action a killer takes and two more are being added. If there weren’t at least 18 aura reading perks for killers distortion wouldn’t be run as often as it is. I may be inflating the number a bit but you get my point

  • rydiafan
    rydiafan Member Posts: 22

    Do you mean each gen, so it can trigger at most 7 times? It can't be the first one single time a survivor touches a gen in the match, because the patch notes specifically call out triggering multiple times across the match.

  • jmwjmw27
    jmwjmw27 Member Posts: 282

    I'm somewhat a fan of the new Quick Gambit. Would love to test it out on PTB.

    As others have noted, it is very strong, but it also disables for a whole minute if you become injured. This encourages committing to chases and rewards good killers who can get injures fast and then follow up with a down within a minute. I think "see all teammates" is in general a great thing to move toward for solo and keeping chases away from gens and vulnerable players. Obviously you will be in pain playing against this as a Freddy on the game for example, but that's more of a map issue.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,252
    edited September 12

    Mori - Does Iri still unlock Moris on everyone? What if I Mori the first 3 with Devour Hope and give the last Hatch? Should this just unlock the BP if you Mori anyone, not only the final person? Edit 2: How about Yellow Mori give 100% BP if you Mori, Green Mori giving 100% BP per Mori (needs build around Moris to get more than 2), and Iri giving 100% per Mori (doesn't need the build since it unlocks death hook Moris).

    Corrective Action -Make this not stack. If 2 people run HyperFocus+CorrectiveAction, they both just don't attempt skillchecks and get Greats all day stacking up HyperFocus.

    Blood Rush - Do you have to still be healthy to use this? Is it just meant to be a 2nd Exhaustion perk if tunneled? If it works while injured, good change. If you need to be healthy, it is unusably bad.

    Quick Gambit - Might be too powerful. Maybe add a downside that T1 Bloodlust accrues on you 5s faster (15→10s)? That would naturally counteract it.

    Lucky Star -Why also get rid of the auras? Just keep the Auras.

    Leverage - What about Killers turbo-tunneling? This would just empower them further. Not sure what I'd do with this, but this ain't it chief.

    Machine Learning - Maybe drop timer to 45s pre-emptively? This might be crazy powerful, but it also might be garbage map dependent.


    Blood Echo - Does this set to 30s, or add 30s. I would like it if it adds 30s, not a big fan if this sets to 30s. Often times you currently run this with Mindbreaker to lock in a 60s exhaustion timer, so the CD doesn't really matter.

    Hex: Crowd Control - Nice scary effect.

    SM - This is the best alternative to actually deleting her (can we still have that option on the table though?)

    Edit: Minor spelling mistakes

    Edit 2: More thoughts on Mori.

  • GonnaBlameTheMovies
    GonnaBlameTheMovies Member Posts: 682

    I just want to point out that every single aura reading perk Survivors have is negated by every Stealth Killer in the game. Ghostface is the best at countering perks like these because he has it on demand, but Sadako, Wraith, and to an extent Myers Pig and Chucky also can.

    If this means more people choose stealth Killers, who most people find fun to play as and against (Wraith and Chucky not withstanding), then so be it. Maybe it will reduce the number of sweaty Blights and Nurses I see and it may even stealth buff the Stealth Killers because one aura read = one less gen rushing or chase perk that these Killers already can struggle to handle.

  • GeneralSkien
    GeneralSkien Member Posts: 200

    Notice how every single update involving finisher mori is controversial? makes you think /hj

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,477

    Highly doubt it'd get increase as what's most painful in 4k is finding last survivors, not hooking (or bleeding out) last survivors

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,552

    Way to much aura reading stuff.

  • Bookern
    Bookern Member Posts: 319

    Monkey paw distortion changes reverted but so will the SM changes

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,134

    Does Bloodrush activate no matter the health state? It's not really clear from the patch notes to be honest.

    So if I'm getting it right, in the next update it should activate for 60 seconds after getting unhooked, you then can press a button no matter the health-state to instantly recover from all exhaustion, is that right?

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,376

    I think that's how it works. Doesn't heal, doesn't require you to be healthy, but you can press a button to recover from Exhaustion instantly for 60s after being unhooked, provided you don't do a Conspicuous Action.

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,134

    Lucky Break is now kinda meh, it's not the best, but not the worst, but I have a solution!

    Make Lucky Break prevent the Blindness from being in a Locker, and now you have a unique Perk that isn't just Iron Will with extra steps!

  • SweetbutaPsycho
    SweetbutaPsycho Member Posts: 255

    I think its the wrong approach. Skull merchant and Twins were always "problem killers" with very low pickrates and considered annoying to play against for different reasons which led to very many complaints about these killers everywhere.

    The changes to these killers just seem like an "out of sight out of mind" thing. Just nerf the problem killers so hard that they get picked even less and if they get picked, the player gets smoked by every decent survivor group. Then noone except the few SM or Twins players still complains, which means problem solved, which means moving on to designing the new chapters.

    At this point these killers should just be redesigned from the ground up to make them fun to play against and as. Not nerfed like this in hopes they get forgotten somewhere in DBD Limbo like Trapper or Freddy.

  • MrRetsej
    MrRetsej Member Posts: 62

    My thoughts are as follows;

    Skull Merchant: She would be over-nerfed with these proposed changes, hard stop.

    For context, I main SM and am one of the odd players that loves going against her, so I have a fair amount of experience dealing with her from both sides.

    1) Reducing the hindered effect feels unreasonable with the Haste being removed outright. Given that the Hindered only applies to Survivors with a fully locked-on claw trap that are also scanned by a drone allows the Skull merchant to end a chase and secure the down on a Survivor that's already made too many mistakes when it comes to triggering the drones. Removing the Haste or the Hindered would be reasonable, but reducing one and removing the other is too much.

    2) Removing one of the drone scan lines is wholly uncalled for. The only way this becomes a reasonable change is if the speed of the scan line rotation were to be significantly increased in base kit to compensate.

    3) Drones always being in active state is a fair change if, and only if SM's Undetectable status effect upon deploying a drone is increased in base kit to compensate to allow for the ambush attack plays she currently employs.

    4) Drones active state visibility beyond 16m is only a concern if point 3 is implemented.

    Hillbilly: A good step in the right direction. Might require further nerfing down the road, but I'm willing to wait and see on this one.

    Twins: No opinion.

    Unknown: The changes seem reasonable at a glance, though I am concerned about how significant the movement speed penalty to tapping the power would be in practice. To the best of my knowledge, Unknown players don't tap the power to mind game so much as they use it to position their Hallucinations where needed. If we had more control of where and when we deploy the Hallucinations, this would be a completely moot point.
    Perks: Most seem fine, especially the changes to Thwak!, Distortion, Quick Gambit and Lucky Star. However, I'm concerned about the changes to Dead Man's Switch and Zanshin Tactics. Others in this thread have already pointed out how over-nerfed the changes to DMS would be. In regards to Zanshin, the changes seem utterly pointless. If you're in chase with a survivor, you already know where the are when they drop a pallet so aura reading, even for 10 seconds, is of little help. Either you're going to spend time breaking the pallet (and being blinded for it), or you're just going to bypass the pallet altogether if it's unsafe enough. Although it's true most killers have little need to know the location of vault and pallet locations, there are a few killers that do benefit from that advance knowledge in chase (looking at you Clown).

  • GonnaBlameTheMovies
    GonnaBlameTheMovies Member Posts: 682

    The change to basekit Moris does NOT make Memento Moris obsolete, I have no idea what the Devs were smoking with that one.

    Leave Memento Moris alone. Make them give BP AND let them keep their effects. WHO was complaining about Memento Moris of all friggin' things?

    What reason do I ever have to run one of these anymore?

  • redglyph
    redglyph Member Posts: 45

    What do you think about the way the hillbilly sways when walking?
    If this goes away, your QOL will improve.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,466

    that is her power. her power is… was small amount of haste for long time. it wasn't anything crazy but it was enough for a lot of player to d/c.

  • Langweilg
    Langweilg Member Posts: 1,021
    edited September 13

    Her power should be her drones and not Haste or undetectable. Also she is far to brain dead to play, you have to do almost nothing to get value. Just press one button and the loop is unsafe. Repeat that until half the map is covered with drones. The haste is too much, but they did nerf her other parts too hard. The haste is not even small, she gets up to 7%, which is ridiculous

  • Turretcube
    Turretcube Member Posts: 464

    Some long asked changes along with some interesting ones, besides a couple.

    Skull Merchant changes sound really bad since it mentions nothing about upping rotation speed of the 1 scan line drones have.

    Twins changes, would have to play to see, Victor should take longer to respawn when crushed by survivors but the cooldown from succesful pounces is iffy. For the longest time Victor was guarnteed to be crushed by a survivor after a successfull down, it's been rather good since the change as another Survivor is required to actually be nearby to crush Victor, just worried this change might allow too much time, will have to see.

    Quick Gambit really stands out as the "We learned nothing about problematic Survivor perk's". It's rude, but this falls under the same issues that Spine Chill and Made For This caused, where the killer is punished for playing the game. Yeah it has a chase requirement and cooldown but that cooldown activation is affected by literal chance. 5% speed progress for being in chase until hit for all other survivors that can be run on all survivors in the match and it's deactivation being dependant mostly on map spawns for the weaker killers is just going to outright not feel good and probably see a rise in more Gen regression usage, removes the idea of even trying to play hit & run and stronger killer pick rates, just to make up for a permanent time decrease on Generators before you add on anything else that reduces Generator repair times and map offerings. A better idea for the activation would be while being in the Injured state during a chase, same issue of killer getting punished for playing but at least it would be active during the riskier part of the match where you could be hooked instead of when you have an extra hit.

    The Unknown not getting the change that has been requested since Day 1 of it's debut PTB, making Direct HIt's at least do something. Literally doesn't have to be extra Hindered, just refresh the Weakened timer or make it apply Hemorrhage or 5 seconds of Incapacitation, it never feels good hearing that direct hit sound and knowing nothing but a very small slowdown has happened. Yet the addition of speed reduction for trying to manage Hallucination placement is apparntly needed. Iv never gone against a Unknown that would keep doing this when they got a chase, since any action would cause the Hallucination to get placed and was generally an easy tell to when they would commit to a shot if they found a survivor while doing it. It's not a removed effect but it does suck that an aspect of planning on the killers end is made less appealing to do because of the change.

  • CrossTheSholf
    CrossTheSholf Member Posts: 250

    DMS Nerf is bad

  • hrazor
    hrazor Member Posts: 5

    Would it be possible to replace player auras with some variation of killer instinct? Neutral auras are fine. As far as the patch goes, I think I'm gonna put dbd down for a while. Aura perks ruin it on both sides for me. I'm not wasting time and money if I'm not having fun with the game anymore.

  • Bardon
    Bardon Member Posts: 1,004

    So nothing to stop all 4 survivors from seeing the killer's aura at the start of the game? Thanks for making things so much harder.

    A one-sided update, sadly.

  • maipace
    maipace Member Posts: 10

    I'm using DEEPL translation because I'm not good at English, so sorry if the text is strange.

    There are many problems such as the contents of the finishing moly and the adjustment of SM, but one thing I'm really interested in is the “corrective action”

    The new effect says “the result of a failed skill check goes from Good to Great”, but what happens if two people use “Corrective Action”?

    Since the tokens accumulate each time a GREAT is made, can't we have an endless loop where A intentionally misses a skill check and activates the skill, the skill is judged GREAT and the tokens accumulate, B misses a skill check and activates the skill, the skill is judged GREAT and the tokens accumulate, and so on?

    Also, I have a feeling that combined with “All-out Focus” this combo could be even worse!

    Normally I wouldn't worry about this, but I'm afraid that this worry will become a reality since the Darklord's Hellfire cooldown reduction add-on is implemented in such a way that if you add two add-ons, the cooldown will be increased

  • ponzukun
    ponzukun Member Posts: 23

    If you want to see Mori please see the animation in the Killer Selection tab.

    It's doubtful that a finisher can really shorten the time, if you want to earn BP you can offer pudding.

    Unless you have enough bonus BP to go out of your way to use Mori offerings in lieu of pudding.

  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 302

    That's pretty much how the game has been, final 2 usually hide for as long as possible hoping the other dies so the remaining survivor can get hatch. Killer finds one survivor, slugs them then spends about 4min looking for the last one to stop hatch spawning and get 4k. Makes no difference if it's Mori last survivor or hook them

  • HerInfernalMajesty
    HerInfernalMajesty Member Posts: 1,668

    It’s difficult to fully determine how an update will feel until played. So it’s hard to say overall how it feels.

    A few days ago I just finished my last item on my P3 Jeff. I’m glad I got to experience Distortion before the change. My next Survivor to play will be Jane. I’ll be using her three perks plus Kindred. I’m looking forward to trying out the new Poised.

    PS: I’m glad WGLF got buffed 😊

  • zimer
    zimer Member Posts: 130

    give the children that cant play more wallhacks

    e.g. we need more perks where we can see through walls

    or even better, replace the killers with bots that can just home in on the survivors non-stop

    or try this, add all the wallhack perks in the base kit, so killers can try and use some fun perks too

  • AbsolutGrndZer0
    AbsolutGrndZer0 Member Posts: 1,428
    edited September 13

    it should still have limited tokens, but only recharge in chase, not a single use. That is what I and many other killer mains have been saying for awhile.

    For the record, I am a Pig Main so I don't even often give the perk a chance to recharge much as it is, but during a chase? That would be good. Bring back the tokens!

    Maybe even have it start with only a single token, but can get up to say 3 if a killer doesn't end chases quickly. Really make it a risk/reward for the survivor AND the killer.