General Discussions

General Discussions

Hiding your aura is incredibly simple

  1. Don’t spawn into the trial
  2. Don’t bring an item
  3. Don’t allow your teammates to bring items
  4. Don’t walk near a dropped pallet
  5. Don’t win a chase with a killer
  6. Don’t hit a good skill check
  7. Don’t walk by a chest
  8. Don’t fast vault
  9. Don’t touch totems
  10. Don’t unhook other survivors

Can you guys help and add more simple counters to aura reading? I want to make a simple, definitive list for new players.

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  • Member Posts: 1,324
    edited September 2024

    Survivors have plenty of perks to see the killers aura as well. One of those is actually getting buffed to become almost like survivors lethal pursuer. Use those if you are that scared of encountering the killer.

  • Member Posts: 1,845
    edited September 2024

    You're also forgetting survivors have a lot of aura read perks as well, with even more becoming stronger next patch.

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • Member Posts: 8,816

    No reliable way of knowing what aura perks killers are running now other than Weave (when the icon isn’t bugged).

    You could also run OoO but that triggers regularly, revealing your aura, so there’s no way to be certain if you walked by a dropped pallet, a chest or if it was just OoO.

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    The only killers that are running full gen regression are nurses possibly blights and people doing it for fun. Nothing beats 2-3 slowdowns depending on the killer.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,495

    My build is Lightborn, Distortion, Beast of Prey, and an up-in-the-air fourth perk which is maybe Deadlock or if I'm on Switch almost definitely Unrelenting. The only one with aura reading is Lightborn, and the simple counter to that is "Don't try to blind me." Survivors need to be able to cheat to have a chance against me? It really doesn't feel like I have permanent wallhacks, but maybe I'm missing something.

  • Member Posts: 581

    Not true. In the last 3 days I’ve seriously have 18 matches where the killers ran 3 aura and Iron Maiden so people couldn’t hide in lockers

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    Ok so the killer was basically throwing unless it was someone like nurse or billy.

  • Member Posts: 603

    I think if the PTB changes go live we will see a lot of Object of Obsession.

    The people that played stealth the whole game will move to lockers as you described. The people that are tired of being tunneled out vs lethal pursuer nurse/blight and want to counter the 20+ aura perks in the game will run Object instead and run map offerings where Object is good, imo.

    New Zanshin in particular will be a bane to killers if you have Object. All pallets now impossible to mindgame.

  • Member Posts: 2,264

    The block below lists various tells, if you want to skip to the main point see below that.

    The only ones with pretty much no super distinct tells are Floods of rage, gearhead, darkness revealed, and retribution. When the killer hooks you and looks around, you can be sure they have bbq, alien instinct (or whatever xenos perk was called), or friends till the end. Kicking a gen and b lining to someone nearby indicates no where to hide. Hex: face the darkness announces itself, while if a hex breaks and the killer suddenly turns and strolls a direction that's not the totem, safe to say Hex: retribution is in play (granted your probably not gonna know from across the map and we forget if the icon appears when it triggers). Lethal is a safe guess if the killer gets into a chase within the first 20ish seconds. We don't know if new Zenshin will have an icon as we've never said it would as far as we remember. New predator has both a CD and the very simplistic counter of continue to get the hell away as even if revealed, they gotta play catch up. None of us has genuinely seen Dracs aura perk so we don't know if it gives a tell. Object of ire has a literal doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out when it goes off naturally or not...we don't know if we missed one but let us know in the comments below~

    The point of all that is that survivors need to use their brains and figure out what the killer is running, or bar that figure out cause and effect (ie: if x happens then y happens) or play knowing you can be revealed by something the killer has even if you don't know exactly what and play accordingly. Adapt as best you can in trial, not in lobby.

  • Member Posts: 7,777

    Never really thought about all the scenarios/perks Distortion countered before.

    Thanks for the list!

  • Member Posts: 2,354

    if killers have less gen defense than what wrong with more wall hacking options? As long as they not broken like we weave or UW.

  • Member Posts: 21

    No, we won't. Distortion is only as popular as it is now because it's from a free survivor. Not everyone can access or is willing to drop five dollars for Laurie just for a single perk.

  • Member Posts: 603

    Yes, I think we will. Distortion may be on a free survivor, but usage rates are way more often determined by what's good than what people can afford.

    For example, DS was meta for many years and had an incredibly high pickrate despite being on the same paid character (so many people will have it), BBQ was meta for many years and also had an incredibly high pickrate despite being on a paid character. I can't think of a single time a perk was meta on a paid killer or survivor where it wasn't used a lot.

  • Member Posts: 1,749
    1. why do you want your aura hidden this bad?
    2. noone runs this many niche aura perks, it's just top tier perks and you should know what triggers them.
    3. why are we complaining about c tier perks at best?
    4. what do you think killers will do if aura reading didn't exist? i'm sure it will become 3 gen fest or back to hook andys everywhere. your ideal world where killers spend 1-2 gens worth of time looking for hiding survivors doesn't exist.
    5. there are alternatives. you can run object to at least know what reveals your aura or shadow step or any chase perk to win your chases when the killer finds you.
  • Member Posts: 371
    edited September 2024

    I'm going to mention this in every thread where someone suggests ooo. Object is worthless because you have a good chance of getting a stealth killer.

    And you must be one of those delusional killer mains if you think weave is c tier. I mean if even otz is saying it needs a nerf that says something.

  • Member Posts: 10,195

    This is so disingenuous. Even killers don't act like survivors have everything at once, like how they don't complain about Soul Guard or Adrenaline anymore. But y'all act like a killer can simultaneously have BBQ, Gearhead, Floods Of Rage, Nurse's, Alien Instinct, I'm All Ears, Ultimate Weapon, Awakened Awareness, Darkness Revealed, Friends Til The End, and aura add-ons all at once. That's basically what you making your little list says. What's the matter? Can't handle being seen by the killer? Learn to not take a health state for at least 15 seconds.

  • Member Posts: 1,749

    i didn't say all aura perks are c tier. they are complaining about gearhead, new zanshin and predator, undying's aura reveal aspect (i think?) and darkness revealed. for weave, survivor has complete control over the perk and it's getting a nerf very soon.

    a good chance of a stealth killer? where?? besides, you can tell when you are shown with ooo even if it's a stealth killer because you get faster progression. idk if it shows an icon at the bottom left of your perks or if its icon lights up.

  • Member Posts: 371

    In any match you have a chance of getting a stealth killer. And I know from personal experience trying object because everyone was saying its a counter to the frank n' weave that it is useless against stealh killers for the most part. I am not going to use a perk that has a very good chancs of being a dead perk slot.

  • Member Posts: 778

    I am starting to believe aura reading is kinda really bad… I hate it for chases on killers. i think sounds should just work properly so you can use a more organic means of tracking survivors.

    I think BBQ was a good aura reading perk. It promoted leaving the hook to get into a new chase.

    Aura reading on survivors is also massively problematic. Wiretap is the worst offender imo. There's ZERO difference between a person cheating and a person with wiretap and you get no warning about it. But survivors reading each other's auras on the other hand is a pretty good thing.

    Honestly If if were up to me, I'd red rid of everything related to aura reading the opposing team. Make BBQ and Kindred base kit(those are the only instances of healthy aura reading of the other side in this game imo). Fix the sound issues so killers can actually hear survivors when they move around and that's it. No more of anyone getting wallhacks on anyone, massively altering the way they're supposed to play tiles without the other side having any idea of what's actually going on.

  • Member Posts: 3,322

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