Dead Mans Switch Rework Will Become Useless and easily abused.
Because it now only works on the first survivor to let go of a gen, survivors will literally run past a gen with no progress, tap it, and let go. Then boom 50 seconds of a perk wasted… What could make this better if it was all gens but instead of 50 seconds it was 30….
Oh wait. It already is that.
Imo Dead Mans Switch was a fine perk and perfectly strong, the 50 seconds will also just seem way to strong when it is on a progressed gen.
Don't you know? Gen slowdown is frowned upon and even weaker Killers can't use perks to compensate for their longer chases...
And people wonder why tunnelling is rampant.
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We're also forgetting it doesn't fix what people hated about it, being in combination with Pain Res and Grim Embrace.
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And even with those combos it's still not that good xD
I also think the new speed perk not deactivating on an injury is insane, cause it will have almost no counterplay for killers2 -
Yet another patch where perfectly fine slowdown perks get nerfed and then gen progression perks get buffed where gens are already flying at mach 1.
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i don't think people understand that DMS switch is getting deleted/nerfed to the ground. It only works first time the survivor EVER let's go of a gen. aka, it only works once per game and is gone forever.
it is completely useless. this is another perk that is worse THEN ORIGINAL which was 45 second of blocking but it only activates on obsession hooks. Why are they doing this? Because at some point, they said that grim embrace+dead man switch was being monitored and now that it has been monitored, it deems too strong so they're just deleting DMS because grim embrace.
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Sadly a bad change in the wrong direction. I‘d rather see them reduce its current duration and leave it as it is
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No it's once per hook I believe, this change will make it good with pain res if survivors are caught off guard by it. Otherwise yes it'll be easily countered and played around. If it does work though that's a long time to be blocked from a gen, almost a mini corrupt, imagine with momentum you may even get multiple procs on different gens overlapping and people being forced to let go to go save.
it has potential, but it is situational.0 -
it is very easy activate due to grim embrace. i think it is once per survivor so technically 4 times per game. you could be right and it is once per survivor per hook per activation. so for example if you hook someone with pain res, grim embrace. you tp with dredge. grim embrace activates. instead of it blocking all gens for 30 seconds, it will block first gen for 50 second and other gen will be 10 seconds. this is something i have to see in PTB to test functionality.
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And please remember the devs nerfed DMS from 45sec to 30sec because of a Bug of Merciless Storm.
DMS is absolutely fine as it is right now!3 -
Perk literally asks you to make hook and go pressure map to get value from. Who cares I guess. Killers perks variety at its lowest, but let's make it even worse with every single patch while buffing swf with no stop.
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it's not once per survivor either, its once PER HOOK which means it works like Pop goes the weasel. Yes its still abusable but maybe give some feedback on how it could be improved, I'm sure they'll listen, maybe make it active on the gen with the most progress?