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So much overblown negative reaction for skull merchant just give it some time

The changes havent even gone through yet and she would probably even still do fine. Maybe not 70% kill rate but in no way is this going to kill/gut her. I think she need more nerfs but they didnt want to overnerf her so well have to see what the kr is after


  • zimer
    zimer Member Posts: 130

    skull merchant should just be remade or removed, the killer is ugly (not in the horror sense), animations are a joke, killer power is boring for both survivors and killer

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,354

    Blight has a top 5 kill rate and nurse's is also above average according to

  • CleanseThis
    CleanseThis Member Posts: 126
    edited September 13

    Whats the point of nerfing her, having a PTB with her being apart of it, make changes once the PTB is over to just further down the road do a complete rework anyways? is it to shut people up about her? mine aswell leave her be until then unless BHVR doesn't really plan on doing anything with her for a long long good while… Seems pointless.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 1,713

    I can think of a few reasons, but probably the biggest: Right now their data on Skully is likely a mess with how frequently people give up against her. Is the problem her mechanics, or are the mechanics too strong? If you weaken the mechanics and survivors accept playing against her, okay, you just need to find the balance point between where she is now and the new version. If players still absolutely hate her, well then you need a massive rework.

    It'll likely be a mix of the above two, but you need the data to tell you how much of a mix.

  • CleanseThis
    CleanseThis Member Posts: 126
    edited September 13

    But that's why I asked the question in this section of the forums. Balance needs to be about balance and not unjustifiable outcry because one side doesn't like something even though there is counter to it. I want to know what is the "thing" the devs use to adjust value and change mechanics around to better suit a perk or power to the gameplay. If it's just about the money BHVR why don't you do the honest thing and give the people who paid for SM and put in the time to P100 her there money back plus cells and shards.

  • CursedPerson
    CursedPerson Member Posts: 91

    This change is a good thing for people who want to play her. I wouldn't want to hop in a game and immediately play a 3v1 because someone immediately suicides on hook. It doesn't feel good as either side to either stomp with no resistance or to just play a non game cuz you're letting people go cuz you would feel bad

  • doobiedo
    doobiedo Member Posts: 149
    edited September 17

    No the kill rate does not mean "nothing." In an asymmetrical game like this the only way to even tell which killers are strong or weak is how they actually perform in game. Nurse is just one of the hardest killers to really master but if you were too take those few players who have mastered her she would have by far the highest kill-rate in the game. Most killers are not nearly that hard to master though. In skull merchants case she is probably one of the easiest to play so that makes the nerfs even more justified (not saying Bhvr. handled it well and the nerfs may actually be overkill, we'll have to wait and see.)

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 2,881

    She will without a doubt become a bottom 5 killer if the changes go through. 10% hinder should stay but haste goes. Raise the skill floor and not lower the skill ceiling to only as high as Danny Devito. Let alone 1 scan line and being able to be seen from beyond 16 meters is already a huge gut to her kit. Maybe they really want people to be able to play with their monitors turned off against SM.

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,760

    With the change to corrective action having synergy with hyperfocus+another survivor with those perks? I'm more convinced of this every day.

    I already saw some people defend that combo because 'distortion nerf.'

  • devoutartist
    devoutartist Member Posts: 108

    she actually had a 72%killrate excluding afk games suicide on hooks (meaning the first guys getting hook kills himself right away) dev left some stats on there discord also twins and hillbilly are right behind her but no i've faced her enough to know she that overturned even tough i've won a decent amount vs her she need a rework from ground up i also suspect the knight change recently is sleepted on and hes gonna go really high himself soon if ppl catch on of some of the obscenest stuff you can do with him now

  • devoutartist
    devoutartist Member Posts: 108

    also for blight and nurse you're also misleading ppl by saying this because they take a lot of skill to master them that's why they don't have a "high" winrate on average skull merchant not so much there also free as the og's killers witch inflates there number even further

  • MrRetsej
    MrRetsej Member Posts: 55

    Nightlight's numbers are irrelevant to the conversation.

    The kill rates people quote from are those supplied from BHVR directly and do not coincide with those from nightlight.

    Furthermore, the BHVR kill rates are very inaccurate because they do not account for people killing themselves on first hook or intentionally running at the killer/going afk as is the case with petty survivor players who refuse to play against Skull Merchant.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,392

    I think it's the inevitable lower kill rate and higher skill ceiling that has people upset tbh. So this reaction is to be expected and actually understandable. She will require more effort to get the same results.

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,354

    nightlight and BHVR stats are a heck of a lot better than anecdotal "well I figure" arguments when it comes to directly discussing kill rates. I have my own problems with the site but it's better than anecdote and it's certainly better than nothing

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 2,093

    It solved nothing. People are still going to complain because of how they gutted her. It was a bad move on BHVRS part. A few small nerfs…sure…or leave her until they rework her. Not destroy her……

  • mahiroa
    mahiroa Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 10

    BHVR just made Skull Merchant the second Freddy.

  • th3
    th3 Member Posts: 1,837

    They did state the current kill rate was 72% in the pre ptb dev thing on discord, and even accounting for first hook suicides it was around 68-69%

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,280

    That's the thing... they DID change her. They've changed a ton to mitigate the issues about her. People still bring up things that are now obsolete when complaining about her. You'll see people constantly talk about the hour long games where skull merchant would 3 gen for example. Not only is that iteration of skull merchant not in the game, but 3 genning itself has been changed.

    They can change her power to be ANYTHING and you'll still have a slew of ppl who will ruin the match ASAP and curse people for playing her.

    Saw this earlier and the first game showed an Ace who refused to play after getting downed from JUST M1 gameplay. The power itself had nothing to do with it.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,383

    I don't think the reaction was overblown. Playing her in the PTB earlier today was absolutely miserable, she basically has nothing left.

  • doobiedo
    doobiedo Member Posts: 149
    edited September 18

    A spook n'jukes video on any subject will automatically make me take the opposite side. Insufferable self righteous tool. If I found out I shared an opinion with him on anything I would have to rethink my viewpoint

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 3,892
    edited September 18

    These changes do not intend to balance her, but to make her so easy to play against that nobody will give up against her anymore. While this is a noble idea, the excecution is horrible.

    BHVR. This is not how problems should be tackled persiod. No matter the reputation of the character.

    DO NOT let all these changes go to live.

  • legiondoctor
    legiondoctor Member Posts: 146

    I gave it time

    It sucks

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,280

    I think he has the viewpoint that breathing oxygen is good. Maybe something for you to work on.

  • CursedPerson
    CursedPerson Member Posts: 91

    Id rather use their data then youre own made up stats. There is a undeniably a portion of games that are won to survivors giving up but her kit gave too many buffs and debuffs for just dropping a drone at a tile. The amount of players who also dont know when or how these buff are applied is also a massive design problem.

  • caipt
    caipt Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 563

    killrates are innacurate to determine strength across all mmr (which is where the 70% skully comes from). Nurse has consistently had the lowest KR in the game because most players are trash at her.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 2,093

    Overblown? Hardly.

  • CursedPerson
    CursedPerson Member Posts: 91

    70% accross all mmr is insanely problematic. Here kit was also too free. Every other killer you can dodge power or counterplay it in some way. Her most meaningful counterplay of hacking drones could be too easily mitigated by taking 1 second to recall and place it back down

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,431

    So you are going to believe that skull merchant is the most powerful killer to ever exist in the history of a dead by daylight. Even surpassing nurse, and i don't just mean nurse now, but nurse with 5 blinks?

  • CursedPerson
    CursedPerson Member Posts: 91
    edited 9:09PM

    thats not even close to what im getting at. Nurse is incredibly punishing for missing her power. There is no missing your power as skull merchant.

    edit: i think the mod accidently removed a portion of what i said when he edited it

    Post edited by CursedPerson at
  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,431
    edited 8:09PM

    You can only believe 1 of 2 things about the data:

    1. The data is not accurate and does not show a proper representation of what is actually happening because it is heavily biased due to things like:
      1. A killer being really hard to play (like nurse) for the average player
      2. Survivors killing themselves on hook and giving up
      3. Survivors not knowing how to counter a killer properly (sadako)
      4. Killers afking and farming in games lowering the killers win rate (doctor)
    2. The data is accurate, and skull merchant is the best killer in dead by daylight history, and again, more OP than 5 blink nurse.

    You can't have your cake and eat it too here.

  • CursedPerson
    CursedPerson Member Posts: 91
    edited 9:08PM

    B and D are data outliers and would be bias, A and C are normal gameplay but are not bias. Again with the disingenuousness. The goal he is to get rid of the most annoying and unforgiving aspects that effect a large portion of the player base. You're using the fallacy that win rate = the best killer in the game but thats not what this discussion is about. You are purposely moving the goalposts here.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,431

    We don't disagree on that, but the point is that this killer is simply not that good currently, she is just annoying. You don't nerf things because they are annoying, you rework them. What she needs is buffs in other areas to deal with this problem.

  • CursedPerson
    CursedPerson Member Posts: 91

    I think its perfectly fine to remove or nerf the most frustrating aspects of any game. You dont keep a healthy playerbase by making your players play against one of the most unfun things in the game. Its part of what hass lead to the rampant hook suicide and dc problem. Players are showing they will leave the game and stop playing so it does need to be removed in order for them to keep their playerbase. But the other aspect theres no indication for her haste and other status effects. She is too much of casual player stomper which makes her bad design. This is important to address so most of the playerbase can be in a better spot.