Distortion </3

I’ve been playing dbd since release. (With breaks, of course) survivor main. I never really liked playing killer. Used to have more than a team full of friends to play with but over the years they quit playing due to how toxic the the community is and/or because of the hackers and perk changes.
Distortion Is a perk I mainly use because I solo most of the time if my boyfriend doesn’t play with me. I was already losing all my tokens because alot of killers have aura reading builds. This nerf will render it useless imo. Why do the killers have so many abilities to see us and take away the one we have to counter it? I think this decision is bad and will probably cause me to quit the game again. Not that anyone cares or the devs.
Just because I used Distortion doesn’t mean I didn’t do gens, help teams to get chased. There is a lot of times when I see a survivor getting bullied and tunneled by a killer that I throw myself in there to stop them.
I’m really disappointed about this change. Hope I’m not the only one who feels this way.
i feel the same with killers having around 100 perks and addons to see survivors aura this nerf is a big slap in the face and the worst part is that they rework some perks to give them even more aura reading. infinite wallhacks is still not enough aparently.
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Some people will argue that one perk shouldn't nullify all killer perks and add-ons as killer is the power role.
But at the same time, Behavior needs to address aura reading and slow down on making them. With our current aura reading on add-ons and perks, it's quite easy to snowball a survivor especially with the bloodlust buffs and reduced speed boost a survivor already has. With these new changes, aura reading goes unchecked unless you run three perks:
Off The Record situational in regards to only working off hook.
Object of Obsession which always can make you a target because the killer always sees you. Sometimes I even see killers outright ignoring the OOO user as they can focus on other people as they will see the OOO user.
Shadowstep which is more limited and you have to be in a boon.
I don't see this as a good change for the future of solo-queue. They could have simply kept it a token system and caused it to regenerate in chase as many people pointed out, but they'd outright murdered the perk when aura reading is so prevalent in the game.
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I would also like to see "Distortion" brought back as it was.
It really helps newbies not to become the first victim. If a person feels that he won't be able to run away from the killer, then he will could play hide and seek. But now, apparently, he won't be able to :\2 -
one perk shouldn't nullify all killer perks and add-ons
Which is true. It's not fair or healthy in the least.
Behavior needs to address aura reading and slow down on making them
What kinds of perks would you design for killers?
Survivors have gens, bones, chests/items, altruism, escape, and evading the killer. That gives the devs a lot of different things they can make perks for.
Killers have survivors. Chasing, downing, and killing survivors while trying to slow down survivor actions. There are gen perks, which slow down gen repair progress (and these are usually the most complained about perks). There are aura perks so killers can find survivors and get into chase with them. There are chase perks, which either make killers faster in a chase or partially nullify some of the defenses survivors have in a chase. Those are the main types. In terms of the small subsets, there are end game perks (niche and usually more for meme builds because they' translate to an empty perk slot for the majority of the match), carrying perks (again, more for meme builds, though Iron Grasp at times feels necessary on console), hook perks, exposure perks, and anti-healing perks. Again, the majority of those deal with damaging and slowing down survivor gameplay. Survivors don't really like going against the majority of them because they all interfere with basic survivor gameplay.
Aura perks are in many ways the least damaging type of perks in that they encourage interaction with the opposing side rather than simply slowing down or preventing survivor actions. Killers can find survivors and get into chase. That doesn't mean the survivor will go down. Even seeing auras mid-chase doesn't mean the survivor is getting hit: the survivor can't mind game while their aura is shown, but there are still obstacles in the killer's path.
Good survivors can and will lead the killer on long chases. If it also takes killers a long time to find survivors between chases, well 1. having zero interaction with anything is not fun, and while a killer is looking in lockers and behind rocks they are not interacting, it is absolutely boring, and 2. a long period of not finding survivors and then long chases is game over for the killer.
I used to mostly play killer, but for a long while now I've played a lot more survivor than killer. I get bored pretty quickly as killer searching for survivors, and if I can't find anyone after a number of minutes I just walk away and do something else. I loaded in for PvP, they loaded in for PvE, it's easier to let them have their PvE than to spend my valuable time forcing them to do something they don't want to do.
They could have simply kept it a token system and caused it to regenerate in chase as many people pointed out, but they'd outright murdered the perk when aura reading is so prevalent in the game.
This is what I thought BHVR would do, and I'm curious why they didn't. Is there something in their data that caused them to take away the tokens? Are they changing killer perks in some way in the future?
Back when Distortion just had 3 tokens, I used it a bunch as an info perk to learn what aura perks the killer was running and then act accordingly. It was the smart and resourceful way to use the perk and it actually felt like I was outplaying the killer. When BHVR added the ability to regain tokens, it became a lazy perk and there was nothing fun about that. Now they've ditched tokens entirely and only kept the regaining a use part. It's a strange direction for the perk. I enjoyed its original form back when it was released.
Just because I used Distortion doesn’t mean I didn’t do gens, help teams to get chased. There is a lot of times when I see a survivor getting bullied and tunneled by a killer that I throw myself in there to stop them.
That's you. That's not my solo queue experience. My Distortion-running teammates are usually playing for the hatch from the get-go, and if they get found they run at a teammate to get the killer off their back so they can return to hiding in a corner. I am so, so happy for this change. I know I won't stop getting teammates who refuse to participate, but this is at least one less tool in their arsenal to throw the match and get everyone else killed.
I hope next up is reducing crouch-walking speed on Urban Evasion and adding a gen-repair requirement to Left Behind. There's nothing like seeing someone escape with 8k Bloodpoints to know the match was a bust from the moment I loaded into the lobby.
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It might be me but it’s not fair to me. I don’t think this single perk will change what you’re stating. Survivors do that without the perk.
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I couldn’t agree more. Now you can be tunneled into oblivion.
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Distortion will be less useful for avoiding chase, and way more useful at countering the chase aura reading perks that are being buffed. It's a good change and still provides a bit of stealth. Just because you don't use it in a selfish/not team oriented way doesn't mean that other's aren't/weren't.
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You get hit by LP and then it's open season. There's no way players are going to bother running that lmao.
I can accept killing perks to change metas if needed. But what does this achieve? It won't facilitate a new meta. It just makes stealth gameplay worthless. Especially with all the new aura perks that BHVR has added.
BHVR could have modified the perk to do away with the problematic aspects, without breaking the perk's kneecaps. But they chose the sledgehammer. We don't need aura blocking to be completely unviable to have a chase meta. Just give us strong chase perks and the community will gravitate to them.
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Here is my answer add the ability to know when your aura is being revealed to this or another perk like example alert. It wont stop the aura reading but make sure the player knows hes being spied upon.
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Yes, because that's genuinely the only way out for survivor is to do gens. Generators is the main focus for survivors, whereas outright tunneling a survivor out of the game is the easiest way to do a 4k consistently.
Back in the day, survivors could generally waste time by cleansing dull totems and doing generic chest builds, but now that Behavior has reworked the game to be a 60% killrate — survivors can't afford to do anything other then generators as like I've mentioned, a viable strategy that killers do is to eliminate a target for less pressure on their gens.
I can get behind the Left Behind, but I don't understand why you're wanting to focus on Urban Evasion, which is considered by many as a noob friendly perk. Are you also wanting to take a look at Fixated as well? How about the haste perks for both survivor and killer? Can we not have perk variability in the game anymore?
Urban Evasion if utilized correctly (not crouching around excessively) counters killers like Hag, Huntress, Trickster, and Deathslinger yet you want to nerf said perk because it provides stealth?
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this perk isn’t going to stop them from being selfish or none team oriented. That’s my point. This perk does help those who aren’t.
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You're probably right that I shouldn't target UE. My issue with it is the number of people who crouch-walk everywhere. It's not necessarily UE but the overreliance on it when traveling across the entire map.
I used UE a lot when I was new, thinking it was the best perk in the game. I feel deep shame about those days lol. I wish I'd gotten a swift kick in the butt earlier to get me to not be reliant on UE for so much. But that's me. And I don't remember when or why I moved away from it.
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I see, I guess because I like to use different builds — my favorite being Sprint Burst, Fixated, and Urban Evasion for a UE build I don't normally play like Urban Evasion users do.
I'm aware that people walk with Fixated only or UE only, but punishing build variety isn't the way to go.
Even if you reworked Fixated and UE, those same little nooby survivors will be even less efficient as they now crouch and walk slower. Trust me, I know it sucks being on a hook watching your random UE their way over to you, but this is a lack of experience problem! Not necessarily a perk problem and people do grow out of it (at least I hope so) the more that they play.
Thank you for expanding on what you meant originally. 😊
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You were not regularly losing all of your tokens. It's impossible against a standard terror radius killer. The only time I've ever ran out of tokens is vs a full aura huntress.
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the killer being able to find them will already make them more team oriented even if its not willing lol
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yes, I was and have many times.
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perhaps its time to revert the 6.1.0 base chase changes at this rate, or at least some of them
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I've always been an advocate of removing the chase boost changes, along with bloodlust buffs.
Everything else is fine, in my opinion.
Circle of Healing needed to be nerfed and still helps with team synergy. Medkits being identical to each other and only giving buffs for altruistic healing is okay, I suppose.... I usually use my medkit on others as a result. The kicking animation, gen repair time, and cooldown for a successful hit was a much needed QOL buff that killers needed as it took too long to break things and helps killers continue pressure in the game. The other two changes were unnecessary and I believe it's why people give up so easily since 6.1.0. Chases are shorter, yet Behavior wants to make the game chase oriented with abysmal loops. The amount of times I see unsafe pallets with short ends, lol.
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Just make the token recharge when you get unhooked. That would make max 12 tokens in a match if you manage to use all of them. The suggested change would literally make you lose the perk when the match starts if the killer has Lethal Pursuer. You will most likely also always lose the perk in the chase you got it back so can't use it tactically anymore. Its nuked from orbit and nobody would use it as its pointless in this new form and in reality the weakest.