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gen regression event

Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 2

Why are we only have 8 regression events i played the last 2 weeks over 200h dbd and i hate the issue that i lose games cause i cant kick a gen anymore (oni player) i dont get it why it counts as a new regression event when the gen is still regressing and no surv stoped it yet from regressing its so frustrating cause i love too play gen kick perks like no were too hide unforseen and eruption and my eruption counts as a new event even if nobody touched it thats bullshit BHVR

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  • Member Posts: 300

    you can still alug and camp. not sure what more killers could want.

  • Member Posts: 551

    Eruption is indeed risky to use because it uses up two events, one for kicking and one when it procs.

    Though if you repeatedly get to a point where gens are blocked because you damaged them too often, you're doing something wrong. Nowhere to Hide is nice, but kicking a gen that has only, like, 10% progress is pointless for example.

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 2

    @ratcoffee i dont guard 1 gen mostly i cant kick 2 gens after a game i zoom around the hole time only kicking once for my perk problem is when i kick a gen for example that is 70% 1 event goes away then eruption procs on it 2 second event if i m unlucky and my pain res hits it aswell 3 event is on it my point is i m completely fine when the survs repaired the 5% and it counts as a new event most off the time this isnt the case 2 or 3 times pops the same gen witout me near cause off my perk and i got 3 events on it when survs worked only 1 time on it and i think thats the bullshit i hope we can agree on that

  • Member Posts: 76
    edited September 2024

    survivors cried about 3 gens and having to pay attention to the gens they were doing

  • Member Posts: 3,965

    If your gens are getting blocked then that is on you. 8 regression events is a lot. The vast majority of games I've played as a killer or survivor, this feature never came up. That tends to say a lot about your playstyle if you are having an issue with this. Just adapt.

  • Member Posts: 2,071

    You misspelled "dealt with both gen kick and 3 gen meta for over a year where killers held games hostage".

    Survivors still can 3 gen themselves if they aren't paying attention, and it still provides a great *opportunity* for the killer to progress. 3 gens were never supposed to be an auto win for the killer. But it took several perk nerfs, a killer rework, and an entire new mechanic to get people to almost finally stop playing gen kick simulator. You can thank killers for that.

  • Member Posts: 16,663

    How did you manage to get the Gens blocked from kicking? Since its implementation, it happened to me once that a Gen was blocked, if I remember correctly.

    Overall, when the patch came out, it was a Buff for Killer, even with the Regression events. The only Nerf Killers got was that they cannot do more than 8 Regression Events per Gen, which is something which is almost never reached in regular gameplay.

    But they got that Survivors cannot just tap a Gen anymore AND regular kicks remove 5% from the progress. And this basically as compensation for something which almost never happens anyway (reaching 8 Regression Events).

  • Member Posts: 2,112
    edited September 2024

    It's pretty easy to weaponize it against the killer. I've managed to have a central gen blocked within the first 3 minutes of a match. All you have to do is just repair a vital center gen. Once you hear TR, just pre-run. They obviously will regress it, then you just hop back on and do it again. It's too vital NOT to defend, so that sucker will be permanently blocked in mere minutes for the rest of the match. Guaranteed loss of a vital gen. It's worse for weak m1 killers because they can't afford to patrol gens far off, so they naturally are more localized in the center of the map. Yup, the WEAKEST killers get punished the most with the 8 regression limit. One of the worst ideas BHVR has implemented into the game. Not THE worst…mind you - I'd say that goes for BNP's originally instantly finishing a gen, ha.

  • Member Posts: 2,501
    edited September 2024

    I don't understand why they are persistent in keeping this mechanic in the LO event. Gens already start at 30%, so as a killer you are being put in a position to punished for having to protect your objective from the start. If you're playing like me, you spend 1 charge at the start kicking the close gens next to you, and then are playing the game down a regression event for those gens. I've never seen the damn thing activate in 1v4, but in LO it's a different story and its directly tied to giving the gens a % headstart.

  • Member Posts: 10,289

    Y'all keep saying that but you never explain it. Is a killer guarding the gens too well? They're refusing to take bad chases (a common word of advice) too much? How is the killer hitting the gen kick limit their fault?

  • Member Posts: 10,289

    It really is. On top of every gen defence nerf imaginable, killers also have this base mechanic to worry about as well. Everyone says, "Just defend gens better" like it's nothing, in the face of killers who deal with runaway gen speed, yet insist that this mechanic stay because it's necessary to reel in killers defending gens too much. Well, which is it?

    And I, much like you, identified very quickly how to weaponize it against killers. If a killer is going between 2-3 gens regressing them, all you have to do is focus on undoing the regression (don't even focus on trying to finish the gen), and soon they'll be blocked for good. I haven't had to get to that point as survivor to win, which should tell you something, but against a killer who's trying to keep "an unbeatable 3-gen," there's no reason it shouldn't work.

    People make the mistake of thinking that because a situation is rarely seen or is mostly theoretical in this game, we just shouldn't care about it (i.e. survivors just hiding to hold the game hostage for minutes). I disagree. It's exactly what I used to argue when people said, "Yeah, the first 2 gens go so fast, but then they slow down." I said, "But what if they just don't? What if the survivors are efficient enough to keep up that momentum?" Hence the current state of the game. I'm way ahead of these people almost every time.

  • Member Posts: 10,289

    Besides getting value from hooking, which we don't? Better yet, being able to hook? Flashbangs working through the back of the killer's head or through a wall is still a thing, as is survivors going under pallets as SWF or with Background Player. Planning to slug and camp will only get you so far. It's physically being able to do so that counts for something.

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