I'm glad for what happened to the skull merchant.

She is the highest kill rate killer and yet it's not because she's strong or because the survivors held a meeting and agreed to leave any match against her.

The main reason was that it was very complicated to play against, especially those who did not have much knowledge about the killer's power.

What does the drone do? How she fast suddenly? Why can't I hear the terror radius? and most importantly, how will the survivor know that Dorn is not detecting stationary or crouching survivors?

Most players play the game without reading every killers power and every perk , and you can't blame them.

Even with these upcoming changes it's still a complicated killer but at least it's less frustrating.

I don't hate this killer, however I got tired of seeing my team lose so easily against her and when asked they said they didn't understand the killer's power.


  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,302

    I mean, they only "fixed" that by making it so you don't have to care about what her power does because the answer is "extremely little", so I wouldn't be too glad.

    If they'd actually addressed that issue and made it more obvious what was going on, it would've been a good set of changes. As it stands, the only reason you'd stop seeing your team lose so easily against her is because you're not gonna see her at all. If by some miracle you do run into one, your team still isn't going to know what her power does and they're still probably going to lose because of it.

  • Boons123
    Boons123 Member Posts: 970
    edited September 2024

    I saw from Mandy on Twitter that the developers are planning a major overhaul of it.

    Don't lose hope either, they may fix or buff her after PTB.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,302

    I haven't lost hope, to be clear, I'm well aware these changes will be reviewed from PTB to live.

    What I'm saying is, the thing you think will be fixed by these changes won't be. If they go live, the thing you don't like seeing will continue to happen any time you run into a Skull Merchant because very little about it is being addressed. I agree with you wholeheartedly that Merchant's biggest problem is a lack of clear information given to survivors, especially ones who are new to her power- but BHVR don't, evidently, that's my point.

  • ObsidianGod
    ObsidianGod Member Posts: 18

    Ima be pissed if they rework her before Michael or Freddy. I be damned if I have to wait another year for my boys to get their well deserved changes. Bhvr please Michael is sooo outdated and Freddy needs help bad.

  • Boons123
    Boons123 Member Posts: 970

    I agree with you, what I meant is that the killer is less frustrating to play against for my team (I play soloQ) .

    Even with these nerfs you have a bigger challenge to catch survivors and I like a tough challenge.