Top killers, any new idea to counter SWF after nurse?

I'm asking the question based on the fact that SWF can see through you the whole match, under this condition, those average killers won't work well. SWF will obstruct you from hooking, disperse genning, and share your position, which average killers have no solution to.
Now, I only have Nurse to play against SWF, so I have to play Nurse in the evening. I see Hillbilly is another choice but I never learned before and I am concerned about the probable nurf. Also, Knight or Singularity won't work cause SWF countered them easily, they just need to send someone to steal your flag or shock your spore.
One solution that my group recommended is slugging Twins. By slugging, you counter anti-hook perks and save time from getting anti-hook, and Twins is good at slugging. I have tried it for a few days and I think it will work. But only playing Nurse and Twins is boring, I give up Huntress so I need some new choice. Again I won't consider Knight or Singularity as they could be countered easily.
My suggestion is to not focus too hard on SWF being a constant issue.
SWF can be a problem, yes, but it's not going to be a constant. You'll never have fun if you're worried about SWF every match. Play a killer you wanna play, put on addons/perks to help just in case (personally I run lightborn to avoid the current flashbang at wall thing) and just play your best. Maybe it sounds optimistic, but I'm not nearly as stressed playing like this.5 -
Enjoy ur tbag and ggez then
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Sometimes you just have to ignore it. People who do that, I just assume they don't win often and have to vent it somehow.
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Play for fun, or play for at least a Brutal Killer outcome and not a 3 piece to consider a win. as a Killer main i just look at Survivors as they play for me since i couldn't play without the other side. " i only play Killer " also since here i say why i here… i am taking a Gamer Break but i need some of Gamer in my Life so I come here to Forums and see what's cracking. DBD is my most played and favourite game, I think its the best Video Game EVER! i might not play anything for weeks. i need some dbd in my life other than it just being part of my life on a daily. i do tho never get the win lose mentality in DBD, i am always been on that the Survivors play for me even though i am very nice killer often and meme and all that, i win even when i lose or w/e. im a long time Fan/Player of dbd and yeah… dbd4life. dbd is my old persons Candy Crush. been a journey. no amount of words would come to an end to express what dbd means to me, i want to cry happy tears for my love of the DBD Universe, it grew so nice. all survivors are the same.
-Killer Main
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If you are playing with the sole purpose of trying your absolute hardest to win and are having trouble doing so it means you inflated your MMR. Play what you enjoy, and eventually youll go back to something more comfortable and enjoyable.
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I'm waiting for someone who really answers mtitle question. Enjoy your Tbag and ggez.
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You can win against most SWFs with 75% of the killer roster if you put the effort in to learn them properly. The other 25% will be very difficult, but not impossible against most average SWF groups (which is what 80% of SWF teams are just average).
Different builds that don't follow the normal gen regression meta work well. Mix up your play style and don't just rely on gaining an advantage through gen regression perks. Use aura & status builds to apply pressure through constant chase & downs. Use things like body blocking, flashlights, sabotage to your advantage by leaving one slugged and take a second person down. Theres many ways to apply gen pressure that's indirect to actually using regression perks. It also helps you massively to improve your macro decision making and gameplay without the reliance of regression to carry you to higher MMR ratings.
Obviously I don't personally know my MMR or even if I'm playing at high levels, but I play a significant amount of SWFs, TTVs & 2-3 man stack TTVs all the time. I only really struggle when I return from a 2-3 months break, but after a few weeks when the muscle memory is dialled back in I can win versus most of the SWF I play using multiple killers with various builds.
Biggest thing imo is the macro plays. Stack aura perks and get good at that and it carries over to all killers. Obviously it's much easier on some killers to apply pressure, but it's not impossible to do it on most killers with a bit of practice.
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I disagree, like I said, certain killers could be countered by SWF easily. If you play Ghost, SWF shares your position, if you play Knight, anyone could steal your flag to stop the guard, if you play Singularity, anyone could shock your spore when you chase someone. In a simple word, these killers are designed to by the toys of SWF.
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Intentionally aim for 8 hooks before a kill. By playing to only win when you are better than every Survivor in the lobby, you will naturally learn how to win, even when outmatched. If you start to rely on tunneling a weak link, once you play too much in top MMR, where there are less weak links, your wincon vanishes.
SWF only has a significant impact against macro Killers, like Trapper or Ghostface. Even then, there are tactics you can use against SWFs that you can't use on solos. You play in a manner to cause them to call out false info, that way they can't trust one another's callouts. For Ghosty, often times this means stuff like forcing a "he dropped me (in chase)" to stealth around a weird corner and hit them instead. You can also leave a Southern hook by going NorthWest, then curve off to due East once out of LOS.
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Won plenty of games with Singularity & Knight versus SWFs so I would consider them to be in the 75%. Never really got into Ghost face that much so can't really comment on his viability versus a decent SWF.
If you can only win against SWF playing Nurse and struggle with other killers then it's an issue with your personal skill level. It's absolutely worthless being good with Nurse because there's no skills you can carry over to other killers because her power is one of a kind and ignores all game mechanics that apply to other killers.
As I said before slap on a load of aura perks and start working on your macro gameplay. When to start chase, when to stop chase, when to slug, what pallets to leave, when to break pallets, mind games, right ways to cut off loops and a load of other minor decisions you make during the game. These are real transferable skills that will make you better on all killers you play and of course you need to be competent and practice on each killer, which only comes with time invested.
Look at all the well known content creators in this game. Most of them aren't even comp level players, but merely just good at the game. Do you see them struggling and never winning with most of the killers v SWF? No you dont because they played this game for many hours and invested a lot of time, just like many of the people on the forums. Map knowledge is also a huge part of the game & that really only comes with playing the same s**t over & over until you can basically visualise the whole map in your head without even thinking about it.
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I main Nurse cause I have to, like you said you can't win SWF with Trapper, so do other killers, they all can be countered by SWF in a a certain way as long as this SWF is skillful enough, just watch matches.
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general answer is just try to have fun and don't mind winning or losing. if you really want to win for some reason though, i don't know the answer against a swf of 4 really good survivors. you might have a chance with top tier killers i suppose like billy, blight and spirit.
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If you really want to win at any cost with any killer. Throw on hex undying, hex third seal, knockout & infectious fright. That build will win you 100% of matches with any killer as long as the hex third seal totem stands. It doesn't matter if it's SWF or solo queue.
I tested this build for a week after seeing a lot of complaints about slugging and how slugging has become more effective than hooking and it's beyond ridiculous how easy it is to win. The pressure this build creates is usually way to much for any team if they don't get both totems down within the first 3 minutes and 9/10 they don't in my experience.
Over a week playing every night for around 3 hours I think I lost about 3-4 games in total. You basically just slug everyone and don't hook. You can either hook when all 4 are down or let them bleed out. It was so ridiculous that I just started downing 3 after a few days and hooking to give them a chance to play the game.
But be warned if you choose to do this you will get serious abuse in end game chat to the point of people telling you to end yourself. But if you really want to stick it to SWF teams and dont care then try it out.
For the record I don't endorse this type of play it was purely out of interest that I wanted to see how strong it really is on all killers. I pretty much played it with everyone including Trapper, which actually made him quite fun versus a 4 man stack SWF 😂
It does get quite boring after a week though so it's not something that really held my attention and the games are often exactly the same with little to no variations. Even if they do break both totems you can quite often still win if you have applied a lot of early to mid game pressure. The only times I lost were if they spawned on top of both totems or left one survivor alone to unhook because I was getting bored.
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The vast majority of the roster can beat SWF. SWF isn't as impactful as people think it is. People always bring up Ghostface, but he doesn't struggle because he's facing SWF. He struggles because he can't down a good player in a timely manner on many maps (glares at Eyrie). I used to play Hag in comp. You can do fine even with trap based killers. The largest mistake killers make in this instance is refusing to play as if the other team has comms. Comms genuinely don't matter half the time.