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Decisive Strike Shouldn't Not Work Out of a Locker

YayC Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 101

It's a completely uncounterable mechanic that leads to ridiculous situations. I had someone down under a pallet, the guy with DS was hanging around for the pallet save and would just jump into a locker anytime I went near them to down them so I could actually pickup the other person. So I either pickup and get pallet saved or grab out the locker, eat the DS and they get picked up. DS is supposed to be used as an anti-tunnel perk yet it's consistently used aggressively in ridiculous situations like this.

Remove it's ability to work out a locker grab. You delete things like scamper for having "no counterplay", remove this terrible interaction with DS.


  • BugReporterOnly
    BugReporterOnly Member Posts: 488

    Chase after them again they no longer have it. Also what is the difference of them letting you down them and getting DSed? It will happen regardless just eat it and continue on.

  • tyantlmumagjiaonuha
    tyantlmumagjiaonuha Member Posts: 550

    Community managers say rocker DS is a cool technique. With this perception, it is no wonder that the current situation in DBD is all over the place, with survivors coming together to abuse killers.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,162

    That is one person less on gens. Be happy about it. Wait until it runs out, place a trap in front of the locker or bait them out to get a hit or just wait in front of the locker (just don't let them bait you into grabbing them and then wait another 5-10s more).

    Imo DS must work inside of a locker to prevent killers from just slugging you until it runs out (that was a problem very long ago). It is only usable once per match.

  • YayC
    YayC Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 101
  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,193

    You can either eat the DS before they're fully recovered or wait it out I guess.

  • upsideinsanity
    upsideinsanity Member Posts: 15

    I did understand the post.

    The title is it "shouldn't not work" which is a double negative therefore you think it should work. Right?

  • adam1233467
    adam1233467 Member Posts: 1,037

    The diference between Scamper and Ds is that Ds only last 1 minute, and scamper you could use the whole match.

  • Skillfulstone
    Skillfulstone Member Posts: 683

    There's two rather simple ways to get around DS if it's bothering you that much.

    1: Don't tunnel, I know it might be a foreign concept but it's possible and even encouraged by the community despite BHVR apparently wanting it if their obsession with the Finisher Mori is any indication. The chances of slurs and threats are reduced significantly when not tunneling.

    2: If they try to weaponize it then either down them or let them go. They can't do gens or heal if they want to keep their DS so it's the same as being in a 3v1 for 60 seconds.

  • GonnaBlameTheMovies
    GonnaBlameTheMovies Member Posts: 683

    I agree double stunning should not be possible and DS probably should not work out of lockers, but it's a bit of a non-issue isn't it? Like just work around it or eat the stun and tunnel? It's only 4 seconds.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 2,904
    edited September 16

    As an aside... how does Finisher Mori remotely support tunneling in any way? I don't understand that statement at all... 🤔🤔🤔🤔

    Edit: nevermind, found your response in another thread.

  • Valimure
    Valimure Member Posts: 91
    edited September 16

    Sad that people don't realize how much of an issue this is.

    I had a couple matches today where I chased someone to a gen that was almost completed. I scared off the teammate that was working on the gen but the person I was chasing jumped into the locker… so now my choices are leave them to finish the gen, camp the locker while one of the other gens is completed, or eat the potential DS and start the chase over again. And that's part of the problem, it's just the THREAT of DS that's enough of a deterrent. I can at least down someone and leave them on the ground if they decide to body block or take a protection hit to waste some time… though then there's also the issue of Unbreakable being meta now as well.

    The bottom line is that Decisive Strike isn't just being used to deter tunneling; it's being weaponized. With Unbreakable + Decisive you can safely eat a hit for free and lose the chase for the killer. It's basically just as bad as old Buckle Up + For the People as you're saving someone at no cost to yourself. The killer loses the chase, or they waste the next minute standing over you.

  • MrMori
    MrMori Member Posts: 1,432

    I don't see how him making a syntax error is worth mocking.

    As for OP, DS in lockers is annoying but it's a thing you simply have to deal with when playing against better players that are smart enough to bring DS. Eat the DS, leave them, or wait it out, you have to make a choice.

    If you've chased them for a long time, it might be worth it to wait the 20 seconds or so they have left, but if they just straight into a locker after being unhooked I don't even hesitate, I just pull them out of locker and don't have to worry about DS on that surv for the rest of the trial.

  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 920
    edited September 16

    This used to annoy the heck out of me, but I thought locker-DS is mostly fine now because almost any action at all to "progress the game state" like healing, repairing, etc. disables DS early. I remember years ago you'd hook a guy, go to a gen, and the survivor who was unhooked earlier is currently working on it, hops into a locker and there was nothing you could do other than eat the DS stun or wait it out. (This annoyed me so much I'd throw the entire game just to stare at the locker sometimes. I'm not tunneling you if you are working on a gen that is at 85% completion AND after I've already hooked someone else!)

    Now that situation no longer occurs as often because tapping a gen or healing the guy who unhooked you now shuts down DS prematurely so you can't use it "offensively" anymore.