Killers join Slugging today, get away from the annoyance!

With Slugging, you no more concerned about flashlight, flashbang, annoying perks, be accused of tunnel or camp. It's not a shame, it's a natural trend. As survs has much more OP genrush perks so we have no time to carry people, we have to rush to gens immediately, and more disturbing carry perks so if you pick a person up you are putting yourself in a battlefield, flashlights and bomb will come to you with no time, and anti-tunnel perks so you have to get 9th hook to kill someone out, and PainRes is nurfed so you get less and less from hooking.
I'm talking about this with my own story, today I'm playing Nemesis, I don't play him much and it's just my 3rd game with him. But the MMR matched me with a 4 SWF, they are trying to bully me with stun perks, flashbang, and flashlights. They use tracks to prevent me from hooking. Luckily I'm used to slugging, so I save time from hooking and spend more time in chasing and defending gen. At last, I bleed them all to die. I learned the lesson again, this game is designed for SWF, and some mechanics are designed to let SWF bully you, like you can't hook if survs block out, you can't doge flashbang and flashlights when you pick up, you can't counter anti-hook perks, so at least you could learn to protect yourself from evil SWF. Join Slugging today! They may prohibit this someday so enjoy asap.
Good for you
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F tier bait
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If every Killer starts slugging and not hooking, Survivors will start DCing as much as if not more than they do for Skerchant. This will get the Devs to gut slugging like they are about to gut Skerchant, which will basically take away Killer agency and dumb the game down even more. We don’t need that.
So please, to the Killers who read this, don’t slug unless you have to (they have boiled over), they misplay(keep going for hook saves in your face) or you see the last Survivor as you down the second to last teammate. It’s also acceptable if you’re Oni and are using your power. Don’t be a douche and bleed people out when you can hook them.
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Surv for killer rule book in 2024
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Funny enough, last time a killer actually tried doing a full on slug setup with knockout... we got a random solo q teammate who brought an Uber boon build. We all just kept getting up because the boon on RPD covered ALOT of the map and he got a 0k.
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Literally every match someone has flashlight or flash bang and go for saves. Fair enough, part of the game, no complaints here... But it does result in far more slugging. Not really sure what survivors want, they hate being slugged but they bring the very things that promotes slugging. Strange lol
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I play both roles, Survivor more than Killer. I want the game fun but also less handholdy for everyone. Maybe it’s nostalgia but I want it how it was when I first joined when Stranger Things released.