Devs, please clarify, does the Mori change mean we can't do more than one a match anymore?



  • merri1400
    merri1400 Member Posts: 25

    I understand where you're coming from, and I think it would be fine to remove the yellow one and also help make the animation more clearer so you don't get stuff like the survivor phasing into the grass or walls. But perks like Devour Hope and Rancor are notoriously unreliable. Even with Undying a survivor can be tipped off there's a hex early on and start looking, you can even spawn in next to the totem and cleanse it in the first minute of the game before you even have your first chase. Rancor almost never goes off unless the obsession was oblivious all match or you're already chasing them when the final gen pops. When it comes to killer powers most people do not enjoy the possibility of seeing more people using tombstone Myers, condemn only Onryo or trying to force people to become tormented as Pyramid Head who's already very good at tunneling.

    People that are going for challenges or dailies where they need to mori someone will either feel like they must use these playstyles to get one early or play extra aggressive and slug the second to last person alive to make sure there's no chance at hatch. For most players mori's have long stopped being seen as toxic and are now just seen as a fancier way to go out (for some like Ghostface's people straight up enjoy watching them or joining in) but making them associated with sweaty players slugging for the 4k will bring back the old stereotype.

  • brewingtea
    brewingtea Member Posts: 275

    I'll go from "Play a Mori when I have a challenge" to "Never, because who needs BP?"

    I wish they had devoted that time to something useful, but at least this change isn't actively harmful, for once

  • TMCalypso
    TMCalypso Member Posts: 336

    If you insist on this finisher mori idea going through….which I, personally, don't like the idea of….Then what if you made it so that any survivor could be mori'd once the final gen is done or the end game collapse starts? Then keep the ebony mori the way it is currently and just change the other 2. Make it so one gives a bonus for each survivor sacrificed and the other gives a bonus for each survivor mori'd.

  • MrT1412
    MrT1412 Member Posts: 131

    They should rework that 20 escapes on rpd achievement if they ever change offerings.

  • Well then, PTB Killers - you all know what you need to do.

    Slug massively for the 4k every round so this change does not go live. Do not use a single Mori item. Make the Devs regret this horrible idea of a change so they have to revert it, change it to what we actually all want, or leave it alone and never try it again.

  • Dredging this up again because I'm sorry, but these changes DO NOT make up for entirely removing memento moris.

    30k for an Iri, 20k for a Green, 10k for a Yellow. This still isn't enough incentive to be okay with what you're taking from us BHVR, NOBODY CARES. I will repeat what I said before, and will keep reposting until devs get the hint we don't want this:

    Nobody wants this version of a Mori. It promotes slugging for the 4k. It buffs slugging and nerfs a fun aspect of the game most people on both sides enjoy and love. It removes tactics from the game. Please please please just make Cypress basekit, retire it, and then add BPs to green and Iri Moris alongside letting them mori multiple people per round. Don't make all Moris ONLY give BP, let us Mori as many people as we want. It would be a massive crying shame to waste all the effort the devs have worked on for the Mori animations this way, turning Moris into yet another sweat mechanic.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226

    Not only that, because you're spot on about incentivizing slugging for the 4k and just losing the fun that in-match moris provide… but those rewards are inferior to just using a survivor pudding.

    If I get a 4k? Unless everyone died on first hook, my score is likely 30k+ anyway. I would never use an iridescent offering that will maybe give me 30k if I perform perfectly and beat the dice roll of hatch when I can use a yellow or green offering that will double my score no matter what, which might give me more than 30k even if I don't get the 4k. And the green/ivory rewards of 20/10k are firmly alongside satchets and wreaths in the "I would never use this unless I had no other offerings to burn, and I have thousands of offerings."

    I don't want bloodpoint mori offerings. It's a conversion of a unique offering type into an oversaturated one, and it incentivizes slugging for the 4k, which is universally disliked. But to make bloodpoint mori offerings worthwhile in the first place, they need to offer enough to make the risk factor actually worth it. These do not.

  • Yes, like I said there is NO amount of BP that will ever, ever, ever replace what Memento Moris are on live. The ability to Mori multiple people is simply more unique, more interesting, and BETTER than a flat BP incentive for one measly Mori you may or may not even get in the endgame. You're asking Killer players to throw for the chance they might maybe possibly get a Mori, and asking Survivors to sweat even more to avoid a 4k slugfest.

    The only acceptable change: Cypress basekit, retire Cypress, leave Iri and Green as they are but give them a lesser BP gain - 10k per Mori perhaps. Nobody wants a flat amount for ONE Mori.

    Someone needs to start a thread on this in the PTB subforum, and keep making threads until Devs get the memo. We need to complain about this loudly and frequently there, starting from day one. This cannot go live. If it does, I simply will never use a Memento Mori outside of the basekit ones or Rancor ever again. They're too much of a useless gamble like this and just never, ever worth it anymore for a measly amount of BP like that.

  • P0MNI
    P0MNI Member Posts: 15

    new mori offering changes both remove meme kills / photo bombs and encourage slugging for 4Ks, it’s an awful change.

    I hope they just make the yellow offering base kit and leave the other two alone.

  • The yellow basekit is ALL they need to do. I am not against Moris being a points event, I am against Moris being cheapened into just another useless BP addon that isn't even worth more than a BPS and doesn't even have a guarantee it will work.

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,667
    edited September 2024

    You know, i've the suspect that they changed mori for this reason... I suspect that they don't want to upset swf players...

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 3,009

    All the devs needed to do was this:

    • Make yellow Mori basekit.
    • Update yellow Mori to let you kill 1 survivor.
    • Update green Mori to let you kill 2 survivors.
    • Red Mori remains the same.

    Nobody cares about these completely worthless bloodpoint bonuses to 4Ks that rarely happen for the casual killer player.

    Everybody cares about their cool kill animation getting taken away from them.

  • Malkhrim
    Malkhrim Member Posts: 1,032

    It's been almost 10 days since this thread was last commented on, but I really hope to hear from the devs about the Ivory and Ebony mori offerings being kept. Being able to mori multiple survivors per game, find other survivors' corpses during game and mori photobombs are a fun part of DbD that I wouldn't want gone. Sure, it would still be possible with Devour Hope or Rancor, but one of these perks rarely lasts before being cleansed and the other one only activate in endgame. Not to mention they have a low pick rate, imagine how rare multiple moris would become.