Devs, please clarify, does the Mori change mean we can't do more than one a match anymore?

I am totally fine with a basekit Mori on one Survivor. However, I don't understand the rework, it reads like now, you only get BP from an Iri Mori when you used to be able to kill anyone on Death Hook with it. Is that the case, or will we still be able to multiple-Mori AND get BPs? I don't see why you would remove the main feature of what a Mori is, just turning them into another BP item… Please tell me that isn't actually what you are doing.
Please. Think of the people who love to photobomb Ghostface Moris. The people who bring them to be thematic. The people who like to see their Mains do the cool animation. The people who want to give Killers a kill and don't just want the same boring hook sacrifice animation. Please do not turn Moris into just another BP item; KEEP the ability to Mori one or more people when you bring an Iri or Green Mori AND make Cypress basekit. This would extra reward Moris and keep them useful as well as do exactly what you want. It also, unlike the changes proposed, wouldn't encourages slugging for a Mori on the last person when there are two Survivors left. Don't hard-nerf one of the coolest, most unique, and interesting things in the game and ruin all of the hard work you did animating.
Not to mention that people who really want to see them, especially if they paid for a legendary skin with a unique one, will feel motivated to play sweatier to kill everyone and slug more.
16 -
I always go out of my way to crash a mori any time it happens to my mates.
I understand why BHVR is doing these changes, it comes from a good intention it's just that they are Monkeys Paw' ing us with this change. It's close to what we want, but not quite.
Little changes like these are what sucks the little bit of fun out of the game so I hope people keep being vocal about it to nudge BHVR in the right direction. Some kind of base kit mori isn't a terrible idea in of itself.
10 -
The mori changes are extremely lame if they are like you say. I would like when you slugged everyone you can mori all
1 -
Please no. Not again.
20 -
No, that is way too powerful and abusable. Moris should never ever work that way because that encourages slugging.
13 -
We should try to discourage slugging as much as possible by just letting people kill whoever's on death hook however they want instead of needing to get every survivor. Also it's nice for killer if you have a very altruistic group, you don't have to scout out the area wasting the survivor's time on the ground or yours, you can just kill them and they can move on to the next match.
3 -
Does this new mori change also mean that the iconic Power Struggle save at the end of the match to save yourself once all your teammates are gone will no longer happen?
2 -
I do want to see what they mean. Honestly it should just be that the yellow Mori is basekit, Green Mori let's you Mori one person on death hook at any point, and Ebony remains unchanged. 4K Moris are fun little challenges. Than just remove yellow moris from loadouts and give BP for the removed offerings
4 -
I don't really agree with the Mori is now a BP bonus either unless it's like a lot a lot.
As far as Mori-ing everyone you can still use Devour Hope or the Rancor/Game Afoot combo. Not as good as an ebony but still possible.1 -
What is the source of your information?
0 -
The actual Dev update for September? Pretty sure it's on this very site somewhere. It's also all over Reddit and Steam. I'm not sure how you would have missed it.
1 -
Yes! Seriously! I really hope the iri mori stays as is with the bp bonus added.
I can see that we will technically see more Moris even if we can only do one per match since many Killers don’t often run them as offerings.
3 -
But the problem is we could have MORE Moris by just. Being. Able. To run. Iri. Or Green. Too.
6 -
I'm not crazy about this change at all, but if they want to change the Iri one to a BP offering I could probably live with that. But I hope they at least consider keeping the green mori as it currently is. I can only imagine they got negative feedback from a lot of Survivors regarding Moris. Because otherwise, I can't think of any other good reason for what seem like unnecesary changes to me.
1 -
whatcha think about this idea?
0 -
Most of the things I was upset about in the original proposal are gone, but I don't understand why BHVR is so deadset on getting rid of mori photobombs when nobody was complaining about them, ever. A survivor running in to slap my ass while I stab their friend 28 times or play a lute over their dying body is one of the funniest things in this game.
Don't turn moris into bloodpoint offerings. We do not need more bloodpoint offerings. We have too many of them and with the exception of cakes/puddings, party streamers, and the anniversary event ones, they are all useless and wildly outclassed. I would never run an offering that will give me extra bloodpoints if I get a 4k (particularly, I lose the offering if last survivor finds hatch before I do… unless I slug for it, which nobody wants) when I can just run an offering that'll give me an extra 25k+ no matter what happens. And that offering will be lower rarity than the moris, to boot.
Change or remove cypress moris and leave the other ones as they are. That's all I need to be happy with this update.
15 -
Yeah that would be so cool. Rereading the developer update it sounds like the bp bonus is in addition to how the Moris currently work. Fingers crossed!
1 -
Temple of Purgation Plague demands a sacrifice at the altar right? It can’t just be me.
4 -
Oh yes. I'll accept tribute in medkits, but if that lunchbox doesn't end up at the altar, then the Dwight will do just fine…
3 -
The idea of Finisher Mori as a whole is simply unhealthy.
By hiding the Mori animation behind a 4k, it automatically incentivizes people to slug for the 4k...and we all know how fun and riveting it is.
Not to mention it also indirectly encourages proxy-camping/tunnelling, reduce Killer variety and perk variety in order to get that juicy animation (which I guarantee will get old really quick and will be met with more scorn than a normal 4k, it would be a matter of time before Mori animations are seen as a form of BM like "let me rub my victory in your face a bit longer with this cutscene") since when Survivors start to get better, weaker/slower/M1 Killers tend to struggle more and need to play more aggressively to compete.
Hiding Mori behind 4k is, in my opinion, only going to make people hate those animations and will make the game even less casual/newcomer-friendly than it already is.
There's a reason why the dreadful basekit Unbreakable was attempted alongside the Finisher Mori PTB: otherwise every single games would just end in a slugfest. Hell, during that PTB there were more bleedout games than normal even though people could get up because Killers wanted that animation after tunnelling the first 2 Survivors.
It's possible BHVR want to monetize additional Mori animations and want to make Mori animations more common to justify the purchase, however it would only make problems we already have even worse.
13 -
Yeah, if mori-bombing is gone, then this update is terrible and can't go live. They just need to make it so mori offerings work the same, but you can mori the last survivor in the trial for free without one.
9 -
I feel like they must have worded it wrong and they MEAN to say they want to make the Cypress basekit (because this update renders it obsolete), then have everything else be the same but also give points because a free Mori would make just Mori-ing for nothing obsolete. It says rework but I think they mean "new fucntionality".
We'll see during PTB. If it's not exactly what everyone here is saying - that it's free Mori on last dude (an event that would give BP) but the Moris now let you do additional AND give BP bonuses for each Mori, then this will be the best and healthiest Mori update ever. If it isn't we must continue to speak out loudly until it IS that way and hope the Devs listen.
Thousands upon thousands of Ghostface Mains, photobombing Survivors, and lovers of this mechanic in the Fog are counting on us to make the Mori be a fun, expected treat and not a rarity.
9 -
Unfortunately I think that would promote tunnelling, why would a Killer make it harder for themselves? They literally would just have to down the Survivor a fourth time. Nobody would use this, ever, unless they planned to tunnel. It's a cool idea, and thematic, but it would not do much for the Killer and would give Survivor a decent buff for nothing.
0 -
The goal with the 1 hook on all survivors first requirement (similar to Grim Embrace) tries to make tunneling immediately less lucrative if what you're going for is a Mori, as even if you tunnel out someone at the start, you won't be able to get a Mori. And then even if you do decide to tunnel for it, that Survivor has an extra chase.
And once you have the Survivor on Deathhook, if it's a close match you can try for the Hook, but if what you want is a Mori you can start that survivor on one more chase for the Mori.
It's intentionally trying to give survivors a buff in exchange for the Killer having a Mori, only if the Killer wants the Mori over just putting a survivor on deathhook.
It's trying to remove the meta-game min-maxing aspect of using a Mori as a final hook pickup bypass.
0 -
We need to keep pushing that the system the way it is now is perfectly fine, a lot of survivors even enjoy certain moris (especially Ghostface) or wish killers would get oooler ones. Turning them into a one time deal after a survivor stomping is what is going to breed resentment because people will feel more inclined to slug to see it, whether simply because they want to use it without bringing a certain killer or because they put on a challenge.
5 -
I'm doing everything I can for this crappy Finisher Mori to never see the light of day.
4 -
We're all doing our part or trying, brother…
2 -
That's a really good change, now we just need to remove map offerings 😌
2 -
It's good, but It's not perfectly fine:
- People use it as a competitive tool to deny possible carry saves/shave off time.
- It restricts the Killer to a select few Offerings if they don't want to be beholden to certain Perks.
That's kind of why they want to add it as a base-mechanic without the need of an offering but making it an end-of-match option.
However the method in which they do so:
- Limits its use in a "naturally flowing game" to a stomp.
- Curating its use means slugging a survivor, or multiple survivors to ensure there is one remaining.
- Mori's can now only be done at the end of the match without the use of a Perk.
- Cannot be "Photobombed" any longer.
If you HAD TO,
How might you address these two points?
- People use it as a competitive tool to deny possible carry saves/shave off time.
- It restricts the Killer to a select few Offerings if they don't want to be beholden to certain Perks.
0 -
Maybe just make it so that if a Deathhook Survivor is placed/dropped under hook, they have a Mori prompt? (A tunneled survivor would still get Endurance for a chance to get away from under the hook)
Then Hook spawns/placement/terrain can be made a bit more cinematic over time?
Maybe make this only occur if a certain hook threshold is hit?
1 -
You should consider letting the green and iridescent Mori work as usual, but also give you a bonus if you Mori the last survivor. Most players think it's fun and goofy to watch another survivor get mori'd during a match. It makes for funny screenshots and clips, and is overall just a cool and unique thing in the game.
7 -
I'd say that Offerings are a good tool to see the sentiment of players on what is a "good map/bad map".
Short-term, yeah maybe. Long-term, the maps should hopefully be well-designed for everyone.
1 -
The maps will sadly never be a well designed for both sides. Either it will survivor sided or killer sided, even as slightly 😔
0 -
Map offerings should work opposite to how they currently do rather than be removed. Prevents being sent to Macmillan's for the 5th time in a row without an offering.
5 -
How exactly does this line up with the dev team's goals for Moris as a whole?
I get what you mean by you can still kill additional survivors, but neither one of those perks listed can almost guarantee a mori like green or ebony can in their current iteration. Devour Hope may or may not let you kill an additional survivor depending on if the surv team incapable of destroying the totem by the time you have 5 stacks. Rancor just seems kind of redundant without a change seeing as it's already an endgame perk with a major tell to your obsession that you are running it. Any vigilant obsession will know you are running Rancor and leave ASAP once the gates are powered so you are likely not to get the chance to mori them.
7 -
I hope you guys reconsider the change. Mori-bombing GF and posing in the picture is one of the greatest things you can do in this game. I don't even remember the last time I saw a GF running Devour or Rancor.
11 -
EDIT: Sorry I misread it.
I completely agree!
2 -
I just wanted to note that PTB changes are not set in stone and are actively monitored for feedback and gameplay before things go Live.
12 -
Could you please consider leaving the multi-kill aspect of Ebony Moris intact? It would be a huge shame to see them go.
Instead, Cypress Moris could become purely bloodpoints when doing the finisher mori, Ivory Moris could allow you to kill one Survivor on death hook and give bloodpoints when doing so, and Ebony Moris would still allow you to kill anyone on death hook and give you bloodpoints in the same fashion.
11 -
Its a good idea on paper but the game isnt built for it. In the end it would be encouragement to slug everyone and bring perks like knock out to guarantee the 4k. If dbd was designed to be more of a fast paced game it'd be great, but sadly thats not the game we're playing.
1 -
that's good. Please reconsider this decision.
9 -
That's cool. It would be sad to see something that promotes not taking the game seriously removed.
5 -
This is a major nerf to mori offerings, to stop killers from bypassing the 3rd hook. Otherwise, there would be zero reason to change the Ivory and Ebony mori offerings.
If this mori change were truly in the best interests of killers, the Ivory mori offering would have been made basekit instead. This nerf is double bad, because it also encourages killers to slug for the 4k, because they can't use their basekit Cypress mori if the 4th survivor escapes.
3 -
This is a horrid idea.
8 -
Don't make it personal, please. You can offer your thoughts and remain constructive.
2 -
Wasn't this tried at least once before and it was basically universally hated?
1 -
Different kind before you could down all 4 survivors and all of them get morried instantly. Now you can only morri the last person xD
0 -
The new mori system encourages even more unfun gameplay and to slug as well. Now the only way to get moris will be to slug the last two survivors, which is the most unfun thing in this game.
On the other hand I would not mind more slugging, because I could finally use anti slug perks, which are currently worthless. I generally do not mind slugging as long as it is not to bleed people out or for the 4K.
Isn‘t dbd „fast paced game“ ? I constantly see people complain about gens flying.
5 -
First, thank you both for what you do. Day in and day out in the trenches, on top of other duties we aren’t aware of. Thank you 🙏 I’m sorry people always act so… wild/disrespectful against you all as if you’re not just people too. I know you’re professionals and that it’s part of the job but still, it feels wrong to see you all get dehumanized.
I would like to respectfully voice my protest against the Mori changes. The Mori is one of the coolest things about Dbd. From a horror experience its uses are limitless. I understand this change may have emerged out of gameplay necessity. I just hope it wasn’t too much of a necessity because Moris as they exist would be a sad thing to see go for the sake of gameplay.
Regardless of the outcome thank you all at the company for putting so much blood, sweat, and tears into the game. No matter what happens I’m still grateful, still love the game, and can’t wait to continue this journey with everyone 😊