Survivors aren’t left in the dying state too often this is a joke right?



  • DarKStaR350z
    DarKStaR350z Member Posts: 767

    Exactly like the kill rate statistics are meaningless without being able to see what happened during the match.

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,725

    I feel like the 15 seconds stat is actually surprisingly low, given that it's for the whole length of the game combined

    • Attack cooldowns are 2.7 seconds, so for a survivor that's been knocked down 3 times that's already 8.1 seconds of total slug time just from the wipe animation.
    • A lot of killers will want to take additional actions after getting a down - Hag and Trapper may reset their traps, Clown wants to recharge bottles, Deathslinger wants to reload, and so on.
    • Sometimes a survivor goes down vaulting a pallet or window, and then the killer has to break the pallet or vault or go around the window for the pick up.
    • Killers like Huntress, Unknown, and Trickster can knock survivors down from range and then need the extra few seconds to walk up to the survivor they downed.
    • Sometimes it's hard to immediately find a survivor who's crawled into the grass while a killer takes one of those actions
    • Killers aren't going to always pick survivors up with frame-perfect timing.

    If a survivor gets knocked down 3 times it seems perfectly reasonable that some combination of factors would take them over that threshold of 15 seconds. Spending 15 seconds on the ground isn't getting slugged, it's par for the course in a normal game where you get sacrificed.

  • GonnaBlameTheMovies
    GonnaBlameTheMovies Member Posts: 776
    edited September 2024


    Sometimes I lose a Survivor in the grass or corn. If you run dark cosmetics, it's more likely for me to do this. Sometimes Survivors run the same cosmetics on the same Survivor, I can't tell if I just downed Feng 1 or Feng 2 and I may even have both downed. I am not focusing on the HUD mid round, I am focused on the round. Pretty sure that is true of all Killers in the thick of the moment.

    I am not always playing Ghostface, I can't always just pop Shroud to get the Reveal to find downed Survs I lost. Sometimes I'm Pinhead and I accidentally lose an Ash in Red Forest and he bleeds out. Sometimes I'm Sadako and I lose a Nic who crawled off to the corner on purpose to make hooking really hard for me. Sometimes I am Dredge and I forget where I put the Dwight, sometimes I'm Legion and the Bill in the Christmas Sweater gets lost in the grass on MacMillan's and I can't find them while trying to Frenzy this Renato so they get left to bleed. It takes a very long time to find ANYONE downed like this if you aren't able to just get free info on the down or just running Deerstalker. In fact I'd love a basekit aura reveal on people left downed too long to avoid this, so I can just find them and hook them.

    I hate doing this, I think most Killers do. We really do just wanna hook you because it's more valuable to get the hook points than not. If you can pick up and hook, you are better off picking up and hooking. If you need the pressure though, you are better off downing people for a little bit then coming back once there are no threats, as that's a form of pressure. That's all it is, just a pressure tactic, and I am sick of people assuming it's always toxic just because they need to sit on the floor for a few measly seconds.

    9 times in ten, a slugging isn't toxic. And trust me, when it IS toxic? You know.

  • Phenomenal_Ox
    Phenomenal_Ox Member Posts: 50

    So if it happens only %1 of the total matches that makes it a healthy gameplay for the game very logical.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,508

    makes it a healthy gameplay

    Can you point me to where that was said? I can't find the statement where it was called "healthy gameplay."

  • Phenomenal_Ox
    Phenomenal_Ox Member Posts: 50

    So what the point of saying it doesn't happen as much what the idea they want you to believe from this Statistics ?

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,508

    The developers give us this data because their playerbase asks for it. We got a statement about how it happens in less than 1% of matches because players were speculating on the numbers wanting specifics.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,960

    Most of the times I see slugging in my games it's either because 2 survivors are very close and the killer goes for another hit / down, which mostly results in less than 15 seconds on the ground or when survivors make it impossible for the killer to hook, which sometimes can lead to a bit more than that. Both are not very common. So I do believe that this is true.

    I had a match yesterday in which I played Bubba and went against a full SWF. They brought a map offering and 4 sabo toolboxes (all Alex' toolboxes). Needless to say I slugged, a lot. I slugged through 3 Unbreakables and 1 We're Gonna Live Forever (courtesy of them not doing gens). But this happens like once every few hundred matches.

  • 1% is not a statistically significant result to ever, ever, EVER worry about. If you have a 1% chance of anything, it's basically almost never going to happen to you.

    You have a bad, incorrect definition of slugging if you think it truly happens more than 1% of the time.

  • caipt
    caipt Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 716

    the point of saying it doesnt happen very often is to say that it doesnt happen very often. not everything is a code.

  • Phenomenal_Ox
    Phenomenal_Ox Member Posts: 50

    I mean you can believe that, but I believe they put these Statistics for them to have an excuse not to do something about it, I hope I'm wrong but this is my opinion.

  • CursedPerson
    CursedPerson Member Posts: 272

    This doesn't include killers who pick up the survivor in the last ~10 seconds or so to hook them. Is there stats for the other increments. 1min, 2min, 3min? 30seconds or more doesn't tell us anything usefull