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Mori Offering

IHasDan Member Posts: 45
edited September 18 in 8.3.0 PTB Feedback

New mori gives 30,000 bloodpoints for the iridescent offering if you manage to get the mori on the final survivor. For this you have to most likely 3k, and be able to get the 4th survivor without them getting hatch or gate which is very rng dependant. Why would anyone use this when you can get guaranteed double bloodpoints with survivor pudding/bps which normally amounts to equal or more than 30k.

Also, IMO the green and iridescent mori have no reason to change seeing as we're only getting yellow mori basekit. But if this won't happen at least give more bloodpoints on the mori to make the risk worth it.


The idea I thought of for the basekit mori is a small change from the current system, you should be able to mori one of the last 2 survivors without any offerings. 99% of the time when you down someone with 2 people left it's a guaranteed kill anyway unless you let the teammate save. It should reduce slugging for the 4k seeing as you don't need to for the mori animation, also it takes out the issue of rng from hatch/door spawns preventing moris and allowing you to see a mori everytime you win the match.

Post edited by IHasDan on


  • Alen_Starkly
    Alen_Starkly Member Posts: 1,160

    And to ensure to get the mori offering BP value, killers will slug for the 4K even more, prolonging the matches unnecessarly for everyone left in the game.

  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 807

    This change is not needed. Remove the yellow one, and keep the rest.

  • KatsuhxP
    KatsuhxP Member Posts: 627

    Well it's basically only better than double bloodpoints if you got under 30k, that's only the case if you killed them way to quickly or if you lost. I don't know how it works, but if you're able to mori the last survivor still in the game no matter if the other ones escaped or died then it would be the better option for losing games if you like to gamble with your bloodpoints (regarded to the fact you need to get him before he escapes throught the hatch or gate and that probably won't happen).

  • IHasDan
    IHasDan Member Posts: 45

    I think your idea would work but i'm not a fan of the mori animation being rng dependant on getting hatch/gate.

    The idea I thought of is a small change from the current system, you should be able to mori one of the last 2 survivors without any offerings. 99% of the time when you down someone with 2 people left it's a guaranteed kill anyway unless you let the teammate save. It would hopefully reduce slugging for the 4k seeing as you don't need to for the mori animation, also it takes out the issue of rng from hatch/door spawns preventing moris.

  • GonnaBlameTheMovies
    GonnaBlameTheMovies Member Posts: 678

    Once more boosting this to the top so BHVR can see the hornet's nest they stirred up.

    Nobody wants this version of a Memento Mori. It promotes slugging for the 4k. It buffs slugging and nerfs a fun aspect of the game most people on both sides enjoy and love. It removes tactics from the game. Please please please just make Cypress basekit, retire it, and then add BPs to green and Iri Moris alongside letting them mori multiple people per round. Don't make all Moris ONLY give BP, let us Mori as many people as we want. It would be a massive crying shame to waste all the effort the devs have worked on for the Mori animations this way, turning Moris into yet another sweat mechanic.

    I will keep boosting the posts about the Moris this way until the Devs get it through their heads NOT to do ANYTHING to green and iri Moris.

  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 807

    Seconding this. Let us keep the old green and iri moris.

    We don't need more bloodpoints, we have cake for that.

  • Jim_Tonic
    Jim_Tonic Member Posts: 513
  • GonnaBlameTheMovies
    GonnaBlameTheMovies Member Posts: 678

    Yet another boost. NO to gutting Green and Iri Moris. Yes to everything else.