Can we finally get Basekit Unbreakable which unlocks after being slugged for 60 seconds?

Taking unbreakable in Solo Q is just not worth it most of the time. In my opinion they should implement a basekit unbreakable mechanic to incentivize the killers to go for hooks and not leave people on the ground…as that is just completely miserable.
That's not incentivizing, that's punishing. And there are many situations where killers are already punished for trying to pick up survivors, so you're just applying punishments no matter what they do. That's not how you fix problems.
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Shouldn't killers get punished for leaving one of the players in an uninteractive state for literally over a minute? Idk about you but IMO they should get punished… Staying on the ground for over 60 seconds and basically being forced to bring a perk for this situation is truly misery in itself and should not happen. The solution is called pick someone up before 60 seconds…they literally get a whole minute? If they don't want to that person gets to pick himself up and continue playing the game….
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Slugging is hard countered by Boon: Exponential.
Even COH will deny snowball if survivors arnt potatoes.
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Shouldn't killers get punished for leaving one of the players in an uninteractive state for literally over a minute?
No. Their entire goal is to incapacitate you. Your goal is to avoid that. That's what the game is.
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The killer’s goal is to eliminate survivors (as in kill them and at this point they can enter another match), not incapacitate them…
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I wasn't aware killing survivors wasn't incapacitating them. I guess their ghosts are repairing generators?
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Solution being pick them up before 60 sec? And if people have flashlight and flash bang or next to a pallet? What's the solution then? Can't pick up and can't leave them on the ground, lose lose situation for killer and win win situation for survivor.
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You have to knock them down to do that. Sometimes, you have to leave them for a second to do that…
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Killing survivors doesn’t incapacitate them because they’re no longer in the game.
Incapacitate means to block or inhibit… Not eliminate or remove.
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This is so incredibly pedantic, it's funny. You have no real argument at all, you're just nitpicking words and making things up.
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not 60 seconds. That’s a very long time
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My argument is that slugging survivors isn’t the killer’s goal. It starts and ends there, really.
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The kiler's goal is to kill the survivors. Slugging can be a tactic used to accomplish that. Therefore, slugging is pursuing the killer's goal of killing the survivors.
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You should not be forced to bring perks to avoid that…
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I was being generous xD and they are even against that :,D Since I don't want survivors to easily be able to pick themselves up since I play both roles too. But after a whole minute of being slugged you should definitely be able to pick yourself back up.
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If you have 3 people slugged they should have to choose to go for a chase and get the 4k quickly or to hook the people…this is a game bro not a competitive experience, It is supposed to be fun and engaging. Crawling on the floor for 4 minutes is not interactive at all.
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As for "slugging isn't interactive"
Slugged survivors can still move. Your teammates can still pick you up or position for a pallet save/flashlight save.There's plently of basekit counters already for slugging and survivors even have perks to help against it. Such as Unbreakable, We're gonna live forever, Buckle Up, and For the People.
Slugged on the ground for a minute isn't even a hook state worth of time and is only 1/4th of the total bleedout progress. If your teammates are not pressuring gens nor rescueing you from the dying state, that's the fault of the survivor team.
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You bring perks to help avoid being killed by the killer, that's what they exist for.
Yeah, generous to survivors. No one would ever have to be picked up from being downed if they could do it automatically after 60 seconds, they could just stick to generators and ignore it.
Basekit Unbreakable is a bad idea and always will be a bad idea.
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I have admittedly used strategic slugging but never, not once, come close to leaving a survivor slugged for 60 seconds. What on earth would any killer be doing to need a survivor slugged for that long?
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Going after the last survivor or just being toxic. The former of which is far too common a practice that has little to no counter play if a killer is determined to play that way and imo that needs addressing. IMO it should only come into play if 3/4, 2/3 or 1/2 are downed for an excessive amount of time. The ‘it’s a valid tactic’ response from killers really isn’t valid anymore given so much of the base survivor gameplay has been changed too because of killer complaints.
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This is not a good idea.
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just need a bleedout timer
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See, what you're doing now is putting survivor feelings over all other logic, and are arguing that a survivor team so bad that they can't even get their teammate off the ground are not to blame, no somehow it's the killer who's to blame. Always. Unless the killer is literally standing on the survivor, their teammates should be able to pick them up. If you start arguing that survivors should just pick themselves up after an arbitrary amount of time, not only would that be an unneeded survivor buff of unprecedented proportions (because their teammates will never have to pick them up again), but people will then start to argue, "It should be 45 seconds. No, 30. No, 15." That's the floodgates you'd open.
Why is this logic never applied to killer. I guarantee you there are plenty of situations where the killer can't do anything either. We just say that, "No, he can do something " because he's able to move his character and use his power. But that doesn't actually equate to being able to get the survivors. Yes, eventually you'll get any survivor, but at what cost? 45 seconds of your time? 60? 2 minutes? Longer periods of time than these survivors are supposedly being left on the ground. And all that wasted time basically goes towards... nothing. The killer sacrificed a hook, maybe a regression perk, or a hook trade for that slug. The rest of the survivors will still capable of looping and doing gens, resulting in a net negative for killer. The go-to "pressure" strategy nowadays is still a net negative for killer.
So a survivor having to be on the ground is not the end of the world. Either the team will lose then and there, or they'll get picked up and carry on. Where's the "misery" in that? Total exaggeration.
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i'm sorry but i won't reply to this with anything deeper than "if you get 4 man slugged it's a massive skill issue".
you can argue they should make it so match ends with all survivors slugged for a set amount of time to prevent bleedouts but if you voice or defend this dumb idea you never played killer and saw yourself that killers are sometimes forced to slug.
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As long as there are survivor playstyles that counter hooking, such as sabo and flashbangs... there MUST be slugging playstyles to counter it.
Saw this earlier and it acts as a perfect reason to keep slugging as part of the game.
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that's what I'm saying……
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honestly just introduce speeding up the bleed out at this point…just let us kill ourselves.
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Unbreakable right now is one of the most gamebreaking perks for survivors as it can easily turn a 4k into 0k if executed correctly.
If anything this perks needs a form of counter because right now survivor can keep it ''hidden'' and pop it out in the most beneficial moment and there's no way killer can know if this perk is in the game.
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This is not a team game… It CAN be a team game but does not need to be as 1 person can just escape through the hatch. You can choose to play the game however you want so you also should not have to rely on your team as a solo queue player. In other words if my team does not choose to pick me up I should not be forced to waste a perk slot for it especially after being slugged for so long. In addition to that this is a party game. It is not about winning or losing. You don't gain or lose anything from it. It is supposed to be fun for BOTH sides. Laying on the floor for multiple minutes not being able to do anything is not fun and should therefore not exist. Hooking should be encouraged. Idk maybe add like a 10 second stun resistance to pallet stuns after downing a survivors so they are incentivized to pick them up and if they don't you get yourself up with basekit unbreakable. I am not saying to destroy killers I am looking for solutions to make this game just overall less miserable for both sides and in this case we are talking about the survivor side especially. They have to nerf swfs that ######### is just disgusting and make solo more enjoyable to play.
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Yes the game needs this, and despite what any excuse anyone gives as to why they shouldn't the truth is simple, it's terrible game design to have you stuck on the ground with nothing to do for that long. Needs to happen asap. There is no debate, it's just a fact.
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How do you expect killer hook people who crawl to nearest pallet with flip-flop and power struggle while their team mates are nearby with flash bang or flash light or there's some sabo Seal Agent ready to sabotage the hook if you by any chance manage to pick the downed survivor up?
With so many ways to deny killer a chance to hook survivor there's only a mass slug option. Meanwhile, every survivor can have an anti-slug build combo and equip unbreakable and killer won't even know these perks are equipped in the game until they are used. The video in this topic is a small example of how far it all can be stacked together which will make the game for killer everything but fun while survivors can chain stun-flash bang to their heart's content over and over.
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Base kit unbreakable has always been a terrible idea.
Slugging is unfortunately sometimes necessary, but excessive slugging isn't. There's zero reason to slug all 4 survivors until bleed out, for example.
Just allow survivors who have been slugged until the "find help" stage to let go on the ground and go next.
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Actually thinking about it I agree - I feel like normal gameplay wouldn't be punished in most cases but if you're bleedout timer is 75% or even 50% at that point you've probably been on the ground more than you've been playing.
It wouldn't be free unbreakable because it would have a consistent condition to activate. At the same time I don't see BHVR trying it again because the last PTB was terrible.
Slugging someone for a chase or just to check for pallet saves sure - Even in cases with the last 2 to secure the 4k. If you're slugging for more than a minute I'd argue that you're doing it just to do it. I've never had a game where I felt I had to slug a particular player for extended periods outside of No Mither players and people constantly tanking hits when I'm surrounded by flashlights in a boon bully squad. Even so the rare times it's an issue is literally 4 mans trying to ruin the game anyway.
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I think the important thing needs to be that it’s not applicable to everyone but only the person that’s been slugged the longest or when a certain percentage of players have been out of the match for so long. E.g it’s only applicable if 50% or greater of the survivors in the match are on the floor and have been on the floor for ‘x’ amount of time. This means the longest down can get up and try to rescue others to continue normal play. Similarly it will get rid of the slugging for the 4k trend that’s marring the game at the moment and desperately needs to be addressed. It shouldn’t be applicable to all cause that’s OP.
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Shouldn't killers get punished for leaving one of the players in an uninteractive state for literally over a minute?
The problem is that the “uninteractive” state where all you can do is recover or crawl is the punishment for getting hit twice. It’s like a penalty box.
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Back in my days of dbd we would get farmed off hook by any killer if you didn’t have bt. Never would I have thought of the game giving basekit unbreakable. There are perks to counter slugging.
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stopping generators is no longer the killers goal because survivors complained.
killing survivors is their goal, slugging is a means to do that.
have a nice day.9 -
This would be 100% abused by survivors bringing boil over + whatever else and map offer. As much as i hate killers that bleed everyone out because they want to be jerks, basekit unbreakable would be too abusable.
I would rather have a give up button where survivors can gg go next and get their bloodpoints after being on the ground x amount of time.
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yeah, that’s the point that you’re not doing anything ie: gens. You’re literally admitting that you are so entitled that you think that survivors should just be able to do whatever they want for the entire game without the killer being able to do anything about it.
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there is a counter. It’s called hooking people
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yeah I got bleed out by a deathslinger recently. The dude just went to jump a bill that was on the ground. No one had a flashlight or anything the guy was just mad. All we need is a faster bleed out timer. Killers still get their win and survivors don’t have to wait 4 minutes to just go to the next game.
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The tears that would ensue if killers couldn't spitefully slug until bleedout would be so funny I hope they put in a go next button while slugged eventually.
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as a killer main I try and see both sides (I’m biased so let me know if I’m wrong) but I say having that would be have it not start until other survivors or the killer is so far away. So survivors can’t just make the killer wait to pick up my running in with flashlights or waiting near pallets, but if the killer leaves yea give them the up.
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I'm fine with basekit unbreakable if pallet saves and flashlight/flashbang saves are also eliminated from the game. As long as those exist, slugging is 100% justified and necessary for killers to have a means of countering them.
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If a survivor gets slugged for over a minute and no one even tries to help them then that is on the survivor team, not the killer.
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Slugging is a very important tool for lower tier killers. Make that less viable and it will be even less fun to play those killers. Also if you get slugged for over a minute as survivor thats most likely on your team other than the situation of sluggin for the 4k with the last 2 survivors.
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If you slug all 4 survivors you've won. It's a win condition like Hooking all Survivors. And eschews the need to carry survivors to hook or hook them multiple times. And survivors conveniently can't immediately perform "unhooks" because the other survivor needs to recover.
Sometimes fun to see if you can do it: Healing reduction perks, Instadown perks/Killer, with a Killer you're decent at. Just keep slugging and repeatedly slugging and circling back to slugged survivors to check if they're being "rescued" from slug.
Remember doing it myself with Ghostie couple years back. I'm certainly not too skilled, so the survivors I faced weren't able to counter it well.
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Taking unbreakable in Solo Q is just not worth it most of the time.
If it’s not a big enough problem to be worth a perk slot, it’s certainly not a big enough problem to be worth making Unbreakable basekit.
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Yes, and there's literally no one to unhook them if all 4 are down. So hook them and end the game faster.
The only reason not to is toxic behavior. It's either spite, pettiness, or a power trip to just bleed out 4 people.
Letting survivors speed up bleeding out doesn't in any way change that the killer won the game. It just limits the toxicity and hastens the end of the game.
There's zero reason not to include this feature.
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Ah, I had slightly misunderstood stood the last sentence of your post.
Yeah, that has been a suggestion before: Let survivors let go/sacrifice themselves, sometime with the suggestion that they do so while under a hook/bleedout is faster under hook.
Not against it myself. But at the same time I think it could be pivoted into letting survivors climb up the hook/use it as a "crutch" to stand up.