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My short feedback to the changes

Langweilg Member Posts: 777
edited September 17 in 8.3.0 PTB Feedback

Killer changes

Billy good. Nothing big I like it.

Twins/Unknown don‘t know yet. (I maybe edit it later on)

Skull merchant very good changes. The haste being gone is great, because it was simply unfair. You maybe went a bit too far with the other changes, but I‘m fine with playing less against her.

Bloodpoint offerings are boring!!!!!

Perk changes


Deathbound is a great change and I really like it. My favorite perk change with Crowed control.

Blood echo: Good change, maybe 25/30/35s exhaustion would be better

Genetic limits: Small change, make it apply to all survivors each time a survivor gets injured

Hex crowed control: Really love the change.

Leverage: Encourages and makes tunneling easier, not a fan!

Machine learning/Thwack/Predator are fine and good



Distortion nerf is a horrible change

The distortion change is really bad, it is mainly a perk for not so skilled and bad players, so nerfing it that hard makes no sense to me.

Some quick suggestions instead of the current changes that are just awful

-Remove the scratch mark hiding part

-Reduce it‘s aura hiding duration to 7-8s, so you loose more tokens by longer aura reading perks or when paired with lethal

-Increase the token recharge time by 5-10s, this would also help a lot

If you go with the chase recharge part, then please at least keep the tokens. One aura hiding is worth nothing. The chase part would already kill the perk, because players who use distortion don‘t want to get chased to get tokens. They use it to not get chased all the time.

As someone who does not use this perk I think it is a pretty bad change, you take away the only good way of hiding from the killer for players that aren’t good in chases. It would be fine if it wasn‘t nerfed that hard. This perk is also one of the only things that keeps my friends playing. I‘m not happy about knowing they won‘t play this game with me anymore.

Auta perks could become a problem in the near future, because of the nerf. Distortion kept aura perk pick rate in an okey and not miserable to play against spot. Aura reading can be quite annoying. I would like that you add the aura is shown status effect from 2 vs 8 to the normal gamemode.

(I won‘t argue with anyone about wether or not the distortion nerf is right or wrong)

Blood rush: I really don‘t understand why you nerf this perk! Just make it activate at each hock stage for one time. Giving it the anti tunnel perk conditions makes it very bad and even worse than it was. It‘s not even strong.

Teamwork perks are both good buffs. Please buff boons soon too!!!!!!!!!….!!!!!!

We‘re gonna live forever: Good buff

Quick gambit: The nerf from 8% to 5% feels unnecessary, but a overall good change

Inner focus and lucky star buffs are good

Poised: This buff will change nothing for me, but maybe for others. If it would work like batteries included for scratch marks I would consider this perk useful.

Corrective action is still lame, but I don‘t know wether or not it will be good in combination with other perks and in a swf.

Thanks for reading!!!



  • Langweilg
    Langweilg Member Posts: 777

    Yea, I think Clown is unfair, but his bad map mobility makes it okay.

  • Langweilg
    Langweilg Member Posts: 777

    She is fine, but could get a slight nerf. It is fun playing against her, because dodging her is so easy, but most people don‘t know how to play against her sadly.

    I know you will call me something now😅

  • HamsterEnjoyer
    HamsterEnjoyer Member Posts: 710

    Im confused, what map mobility does Skull Merchant have over clown?

  • Azulra
    Azulra Member Posts: 478

    SM's Haste was fine, but her Hindered was a problem since both Clown and Singularity have stronger Haste that is just as frequent so I disagree. Almost everyone(including SM haters) are agreeing that the nuke to her should be undone and just wait another year.

    Leverage DOESN'T encourage tunneling because you only get slowdown from it if you don't go back to hook meaning it's a wasted perk slot if you intend to tunnel with it. (disagreement)

    Distortion rework was needed since it is healthier for it to not be super strong with free value since it encourages killers to not run 4-gen slowdown builds anymore and allows BHVR to work with aura-reading more now. (disagreement)

    Reworked Blood Rush is better than current since you get to make CRAZY distance from the killer if you have Sprint Burst and they attempt to tunnel you. (disagreement)

    Quick Gambit needed a percentage nerf for this change to work when it comes to balancing since it is a global effect. (disagreement)

    PTB Corrective Action is currently a part of the most unbalanced gen rush build to date where survivors can complete gens in roughly 17 seconds BECAUSE of this perk's buff in the build. (Hard disagreement until the build is addressed)

  • Langweilg
    Langweilg Member Posts: 777

    She is faster with 4.6 + potentially 7 extra % haste which gives alone better map mobility than 4.4 + short haste bottles.

  • GeneralSkien
    GeneralSkien Member Posts: 183

    My main gripe is that you complain about how distortion will effect bad players, and I think the issue is that distortion is just a perk you use to hide way too well, now if you want to get distortion value, you need to get into chases. I will admit I think the killer perk changes are a bit too much, buffing DMS out of nowhere is kinda strange ngl. Only bad survivor perks got buffed, with only bloodrush becoming a good perk, while so many killer perks just got pumped with steroids, deathbound, ZT, DMS, way too good which will (Rightfully so) be nerfed in live. Skull Merchant needed changes, but these were too many nerfs in terms of changes.

    Look overall this patch is an absolute mess and I have just seen the absolute worst in people.

  • Langweilg
    Langweilg Member Posts: 777

    I really don‘t know to who you were speaking about skull merchant.

    Distortion: agree with some aspects, but they completely nuked this perk. Other nerfs would be better than what they did, which I made some suggestions for.

    Leverage also makes it impossible to heal someone straight ahead before they are back to the hook.

    Corrective action. I never said it is too weak or anything just still a lame/boring perk.

    Quick gambit: I don‘t know.

    Blood rush gave one guaranteed use (if you don‘t die on first hook and were healed). Now it gives 2 uses if you get lucky, but 90% of the time the perk will just deactivate before you get to use it and that wagst you were saying could be done before as well. Shure no longer having to heal before is an improvement, but it is not worth the trade of negatives.

  • Azulra
    Azulra Member Posts: 478

    Most of the PTB Feedback discussions involving SM are mentioning the same things with it being too much(and there's a lot of it) so you clearly weren't reading other posts.

    The rework design for Distortion is to revolve around the Predator rework.

    Leverage is easily countered by a popular survivor perk that everybody has access to called "We'll Make It" which gives +100% healing speed for 90 seconds after an unhook when Leverage only does -50% after for only 30 seconds after an unhook so this is completely incorrect. Also still does nothing for the killer value-wise if they tunnel since that gives survivors a reason to gen rush since they don't have slowdown penalties.

    A lot of people are getting good value out of Blood Rush's rework that I've seen so your experience with the perk doesn't mean it's the same for everybody.

  • GeneralSkien
    GeneralSkien Member Posts: 183

    I LOVE BLOOD RUSH, I love it so much I would marry that perk ong, im so glad its getting some love

  • Langweilg
    Langweilg Member Posts: 777

    I‘m agreeing with ALL skull merchant nerfs being too much (which I said), but the haste being gone is one of the good changes. I probably wrote it a bit unclear with „very good changes“ but I meant the haste with that. Most people are talking about it being too many changes not about her not needing any kind of change.

  • HamsterEnjoyer
    HamsterEnjoyer Member Posts: 710

    Clown is 4.6 and to achieve the speed difference that clown has a survivor has to

    Get scanned with a claw trap

    And there must be 2 survivors on her radar being detected

    This gives her an equal speed difference to 1 clown bottle. Otherwise the speed boost is less

  • Azulra
    Azulra Member Posts: 478

    Again, her Haste isn't the problem because you, just like many people, don't understand how her Haste works. Her Hindered is the problem, not the Haste.

  • GeneralSkien
    GeneralSkien Member Posts: 183


    The hindered is an issue? no, the haste is an issue cause its so strong, way to much value for little to nothing.

  • Azulra
    Azulra Member Posts: 478
    edited September 18

    On average she gets only 3% Haste for 3 seconds(4 seconds if she has the brown add-on which nobody uses) on a normal scan during chase. Maybe up to 5% IF another survivor that isn't in the chase has an active Claw Trap because if she isn't chasing you then you're likely sitting on a gen where you can't even be scanned to give her Haste. Then look at Singularity who gets 5% Haste for 5.7 seconds by using an ability that has a built-in auto-snap/auto-aim mechanic that does most of the work for him. His Haste is just about as easy as hers to get more consistent Haste from that is almost twice as long on the duration. Look at Clown who gets 10% Haste for 6 seconds JUST by throwing a gas bottle and walking through it that the survivors have no control over at all. That is SIGNIFICANTLY more Haste than Skull Merchant's(keep in mind that her Haste is an average value of 3% with up to a maximum of 7% that she can never get unless all the survivors intentionally get Claw Traps on themselves) while being more consistent than her Haste while also having double the duration. (On top of that Clown has more much more Hindered that he applies to the survivors than what Skull Merchant does while still having minimal effort.)

    Now Skull Merchant's Hindered is a flat value of 10% minimum that you're gonna be getting constantly in a chase after getting a Claw Trap. 10% Hindered on survivors is stronger than 3% Haste on the killer since that also affects their vaulting.

    Edit: Also I should add that 3% Haste on a 4.6 m/s killer only truly makes a 3.45% difference in speed and 5% Haste only making a 5.75% true difference in speed. A flat 10% Hindered on survivors is a 10% true difference in speed and same with 14% Hindered.

    Post edited by Azulra on
  • Langweilg
    Langweilg Member Posts: 777
    edited September 18

    I don‘t know what it is but clown feels less unfair than skull merchant (but both feel unfair) and I always thought it is because of his bad mobility. Maybe it is just the 20 things skull merchant has, that make her feel that way, her playstile and her reputation which her players gave her.

    If you really find the removal of the haste that much of an issue than we can get MFT back as well and keep both. If you have something against bringing back MFT, then you have a double standard. It was far more conditional than skull merchants haste and lower, so if survivors should not get almost permanent haste killers shouldn‘t either, especially not a killer that has so much stuff in her kit and requires almost no effort.

  • HamsterEnjoyer
    HamsterEnjoyer Member Posts: 710
    edited September 18

    MFT was a PERMANENT speed boost that survivors got when being injured, they were REWARDED for playing badly and it lasted forever. SM's speed boost is TEMPORARY and extremely conditional relying on you actually playing well and punishing survivors for misplaying around easy things aka the worse you are as survivor the more uptime her haste has. And no it wasn't lower it was equal to the speed boost she gets, for one survivor being scanned she got a 3% speed boost. One you have to work for and play your chase around, the other you get rewarded for failing and never shuts off.

    "20 things skull merchant has" She has 4 status effects, 3 of them she actively has to work around the match to acquire. Haste we've already discussed, hindered she has to work for in the same way because a survivor isn't going to just be scanned four times and if they are that is a huge skill issue on their part if they get scanned four times outside of a chase. Broken which again, she has to actively be working for and forcing survivors to get scanned in chase because that's the only way they get broken, and the last status effect being undetectable which I agree she doesn't have to work for.

    And every one of them is in such a minor degree compared to other killers who receive and apply the same status effects with even more minimal effort in much stronger variations. Clown's haste is 10% for 3 seconds, Clown's Hinder is 15% for around 3.5 seconds, Plague's broken can last match long AND reveal your location while removing any chance at a stealth play for simply an M2, Ghostface at the click of M2 also has match long undetectable, if we're nerfing skull merchant to the ground then nerf ALL these characters as well!

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • caipt
    caipt Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 563

    distortion needed the nerf but not this big of one. Blood rush isnt nerfed, its absolutely buffed. It now procs twice a match with fewer requirements and no risk.

  • Rizzo
    Rizzo Member, Administrator, Mod Posts: 17,664

    Let's keep the discussion civil, constructive and on topic.

    Thank you.