What is the best Hag perk?

No2Loser Member Posts: 83

What is the best Hag perk? 19 votes

Devour Hope
VolantConch1719JumpscareMyersGlamourousLeviathanTotemsCleanserMarc_go_solosizzlingmario4Spirit_IsTheBestMrRetsejAstelSoGoTyler3moputopiaNo2LoserDarkTheKittyVellioh 15 votes
GibberishChordycepsSleepyHAlastortheradiodemon 4 votes
Third Seal


  • No2Loser
    No2Loser Member Posts: 83
    Devour Hope

    Devour + Undying, do i need to say more?

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,263
    Devour Hope

    Devour Hope is my favorite Killer perk, and I so badly wish Hexes were more consistent, because I want to run this perk more. It's probably the strongest one.

    Ruin's pretty underrated nowadays, since I feel it's also pretty good. Not as good as it used to be, but having passive gen regression while you're applying pressure in other ways is nothing to scoff at.

    The Third Seal is… okay. Completely overshadowed by other Hex perks, but I think Blindness is fairly underrated because most sources are so limited. Imagine a scenario where multiple people are on the hook because NO ONE can figure out where anyone is. Regretfully, I've been in that exact scenario. Far weaker than Hag's other perks, but still pretty underrated.

  • JumpscareMyers
    JumpscareMyers Member Posts: 80
    Devour Hope

    Devour hope with Scratched mirror on lery's or the game is great.

  • No2Loser
    No2Loser Member Posts: 83
    Devour Hope

    Just found out that Devour Hope and Rancor now insakill survivors on hook instead of getting to mori them… not exited for next update