Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

What's everyone's opinions If we just got rid of map offerings or changed them?

Member Posts: 113
edited September 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

I think this also screams how old Dead by Daylight functioned when the game had like 3 maps in the entire circulation of the game, most of which being difference variations of themselves anyways. Ironically, these early offerings aren't enabled anymore for matchmaking. And nowadays, I think we can all agree map offerings are used for an advantage of the survivor side for the majority of the time, particularly SWF groups that are very familiar with that map and will make it so you have a rough time unless you a killer suitable of dealing with them and have the skills required. Exceptions obviously fall when discussing the opportunity of using meme or fun builds, such as Scratch Mirror Myers, Midwich as Nurse or survivor styled achievements on maps, some examples like this. But for the majority of the time, it's for survivors getting an advantage. This is simply not fair. And it's easy to spot from a miles away from the lobby, and ironically I've just came out a game and burned a Sacrificial Ward and called me all sorts in the end game chat. They insisted I was boring to play against as I won being not being took to Autohaven Weckers against a P400 group, but isn't it boring for the killer to have to play against group like these that abuse offerings like this to get the upper hand and take advantage of such offering? Reasons why this unfair, they are specifically taking you to a map that is going to be survivor sided and that they are familiar with, in terms of the RNG especially. Very few maps they're gonna choose will benefit the killer, as us as the killer have 4 other survivors to compete against if we want a map we want to go on and or if we use a Sacrificial Ward which is ignored as they bring in 4 map offerings. Just getting bit tired of just seeing constantly in my matchmaking groups taking me to Garden of Joy, AutoHaven, MacMillian, or Coldwind. I'm getting tired of it as I'm preparing for the sweatiest match of my life against people that want to make you upset and question yourself as a killer player.

Post edited by Rizzo on

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  • Member Posts: 6,226
    edited September 2024

    I think it would be an enormous improvement that would help immensely with both perceived fairness and frustration/tilt against the people we're matched against, but with two problems.

    -Scratched Mirror Myers is dead if he can't bring an indoor map. And that man deserves to thrive. It's Lights Out mode, but actually fun. Most of the time, killers bringing map offerings to synergize with builds is obnoxious - Nurse on Midwich, impossible skill check Doctor on the Game - but Myers needs the map guarantee to have a fair match.

    -Outbreak Breakout achievement is now an order of magnitude worse than it already is.

    With the current state of map balance, pregame map selection is fine as long as all five players agree on the map. (Add laugh track here.)

    Honestly… there's times I find myself entering a game with a hostile mindset against a team that ends up being perfectly inoffensive, but I hit the ground in a three-point crouch and rained bloody retribution because I saw a Badham or RPD offering and got PTSD, and the 'nam flashbacks only start to wear off when I realize I've pasted some clueless solos at four gens left. And as survivor, when I see the killer burn a Midwich offering, I instantly dread whatever the game is going to offer. And I know I'm not alone in this. There's so much built-up abuse that it causes people to interpret map offerings as an attack by the other side. Not a marker of a healthy game mechanic.

  • Member Posts: 1,842
    edited September 2024

    I think it would be better if map offerings were changed so that they work opposite to how they currently do.

    So, for example, if you're sick to death of getting the same realm repeatedly, you put up a map offering to avoid that realm specifically.

    This could be used by killers, too, to avoid survivor-sided realms like Badham Preschool. Survivors could use it to avoid Haddonfield. I think we have enough realms now that it wouldn't really present a problem if five players all put up five different map offerings.

  • Member Posts: 51
    edited September 2024

    I wouldn't mind if maps were just random. Sure no RPD cosplay but holy cow. There is only so much Myers Lampkin Lane/Institute… Nemesis RPD that I can take. Back to back to bloody back. It's fun at first but after awhile it gets tiresome. Then the time I do get a legit match it's a Xeno or some Killer who is a beast with Clown who never misses a bottle. Oh then the single match I get that finally doesn't feel like a sweat fest… The Killer DCs. Of course my next match is the most toxic. Although after like a handful of bad matches I finally get that really fun match and that's what keeps me going lol.

    I think the issue you are pointing out is on both sides. I'm really getting tired of sweaty Killers bring every meta perk with map offering. I'm not even trying to win at this point. It's gotten to the point where even though I have around 250hrs only in the game. I am able to narrow down and in some cases predict who the Killer is just based on the offerings. Especially when it's "secret" you know it's a mori. 7/10s it's a Myers tombstone.

    So I get where you are coming from. The game isn't boring. When you get a good match it's a lot of fun. Especially when you get a good chase or a challenging but fair/fun match as Killer. Yet, this game attracts the most competitive people. This is why I can't wait for bots and I pray there is an offline mode. People are greedy/toxic/egomaniacs who generally speaking enjoy the power trip of either demolishing a Killers with looping/chain flashes/etc… To the point where it's not like eh good save but you are just being a bit toxic now and then tea bagging afterwards or a Killer sweating and tunnelling out a Survivor one by one than slugging the last two before hooking one and waiting for them to die. Then with the last Survivor they ensure they close hatch and only then will they hook the last survivor.

    Truly, the reason why we can't have nice things and have chill matches that are both fun and challenging for both sides… Has to do with the fact that the maturity level of modern day society has plummeted. Most people can't see past their own elbows. So it's hard to expect most people to actually empathise with others and realise we all just wanna have a good time on a bloody "video-game" designed for "entertainment". Getting back to back 4k's or escapes literally means nothing. Your cosmetics and P100 means nothing. The game is meaningless. It's sole purpose is to derive some entertainment for an hour or so before getting back to life. Yet people sweat at this game harder than they do in their own life. If people actually put the same effort they do in most games. They'd probably be either well off financially or millionaires.

    Just keep your head up for those fun matches. I still enjoy the game and just look forward to those few more chill matches. It's funny I play casually and I lose most of my matches but somehow I feel like I'm going upwards in mmr lmao.

  • Member Posts: 6,131

    I'm not fussed tbh if they get rid of them. Most map offerings I see as a survivor main are from like Myers or GF or SM wanting Lerys, Hawkins, or Midwich. Or the odd Blight with Autohaven.

  • Member Posts: 9,039
    edited September 2024

    the game would be way better without them the game isn’t meant for designs with pre determined conditions imo

    Like bringing the best build/killer on a certain map

  • Member Posts: 2,257

    The way that 4 map offerings guarantees the map should be leveraged. First, they should combine all map offerings and the Sacrificial Ward offering into a single offering. This clogs the Bloodweb with far fewer map offerings first off. Secondly, 1 map offering should simply add an extra roll of that realm into the pool of maps, 2 should add 2, 3 with 3, and 4 guarantees the map.

    The Sacrificial Ward against 1 map offering reverses it, so that Sacrificial Ward prevents that map from occurring. If there are multiple of the same offering, then Sac Ward negates 1 instead. If there are multiple different map offerings against a Sac Ward, it picks one at random to be reversed (or negated if it picks the 2 from a 2 and 1). If there are 4 of the same map, it guarantees the map, unless Sac Ward is also offered, then it simply counts as 3 offered (since Sac Ward negates 1 of them).

  • Member Posts: 2,194

    I think I’m in the vast minority of people who love using them for aesthetic/vibe reasons. I wouldn’t want to stand in the way of what everyone wants though. I won’t raise a fight if they changed.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    I think they should stay.

    The maps themselves are the problem, not the offerings. No survivor wants to play on Coldwind Deadzone, and no killer wants to see Pallet Town 2.0 (The Game).

    There was one patch quite some time ago that attempted to fix the more problematic maps in the game without making them miserable for either side. Those were the original map adjustments, before the big reworks, and if we still had those specific layouts in the game no one would really have a problem with map offerings.

  • Member Posts: 1,152

    I'm all for it, just make them to something else, I liked the version I've read were they reduce the chance of this map instead of giving it a higher one.

    I'm very sorry for scratchmirror myers and any other special killer-build that needs a specific map to work, but I really hate being forced on eyrie of crows at least a few times a day, I can't stand this map anymore it's just so awful to play on as killer. Even if I win on this map it just doesn't feel good, it feels so increadible exhausting to play on it.

  • Member Posts: 1,152
    edited September 2024

    Well I'd say they could fix the myers addon by giving his addon a much higher chance for indoor-maps basekit, but it's something that bhvr probably wouldn't do xD

  • Member Posts: 3,936
    edited September 2024

    The only issue with that is survivors get 4 maps they can block to the killers 1, which seems a little unfair... Survivors can block Midwich, Haddonfield, Toba Landing and Hawkins all at once, while the killer can only block one of Badham, Garden of Joy or Eyrie... seems there is not much point, might as well just take a blood point offering.

    The current system is slightly survivor stacked by virtue of the fact survivors can take multiple different offerings to ensure they have a better chance to get a map they like... but that assumes the killer is taking their own offering, and it's harder to plan around exploits that way...

    Maybe if you give the killer 2 offering slots instead of 1, that might work...

    Alternatively, although it might be a little extreme... having map offerings come with some kind of associated penalty might be interesting...

    Like say a 25% bloodpoint and devotion level (iri shard progress) penalty for the player who took the map offering (and their SWF for survivors), while the other side gets 25% on both the other way.

    For survivors, have it so it only applies to people who were teamed in the pre-game lobby, so as not to affect SoloQ. This then makes it so playing a nasty strategy is doable, but discouraged, but also incentivises players to take up the challenge of them for the rewards, or at the very least softens the blow.

    Taking a map offering is something you'd likely only do for achievements in this case, and remove a lot of stigma around it.

    It seems more fair, you get the advantage of being able to plan your build around the realm you chose, thus making the game easier for you, and in turn you get a penalty to account progress as a result.

  • Member Posts: 122

    Map offerings aren't great for the game. I don't really know who is truly enjoying them besides a few people who do achievements or just like an aesthetic of a map.

  • Member Posts: 141

    They're an absolutely unhealthy mechanic that have long overstayed their welcome.

    One side or the other shouldn't be held hostage in a match that's specifically designed to make the game as difficult as possible for them. They do nothing but cultivate toxicity.

  • Member Posts: 1,960
    edited September 2024

    I think that at the very least, Sacrificial Ward should be Uncommon and remove maps from the pool if an offering is played on them.

  • Member Posts: 1,842

    I don't disagree that it'd be a little unfair if survivors blocked 4 realms in comparison to the killer's 1. I don't see a problem with giving killer more offering slots.

  • Member Posts: 755

    Here is my beef with map offerings in general. And I am going to be bit biased when it comes to fairness and how much I dislike some folks defending them for achievement or Roleplaying in general.

    1.) Map offerings (currently) has a 100% chances to send you to any map in general, even if there is only one player using it. It not like a 25% chances to affect the map pool rng to more likely get you a possible chance, no; it guarantees that you can give yourself a map that would most certainly benefit you and increase your chances of success, especially for your teammates or to give the other side a disadvantages of some kind, without any methods to counter it in response.

    2.) Sacrificial Wards is quite pointless offering, as there is alot of problems related to how it is triggered that makes it valuable counter to map offerings in general. You can't no longer see Red Ranks, or make any observation educated guess that the other side may be running a map offering of some sort, so you can not immediately change your offering to a Sacrificial Ward to counter before it is too late. Plus, everyone always or most often running Bloodpoint offerings, like all the time. Why run the Sacrificial Ward, when there is most likely chances that the lobby isn't running any map offerings and you wasted a offerings that did nothing. There goes your 3,250 BP for nothing.

    3.) Sacrificial Ward, also has this line of text, which makes it even far more worthless, especially if you are the killer trying to counter possible SWF whom is intentionally running all 4 map offerings at once. What is even the point of the fact, you can counter one, two, or three map offerings, yet unable to do anything about 4 them at once. There has been multiple times in which the game had exploitable maps, when abusing exploits; like for example, when old RPD map had the 3rd floor god loop in thr library with no hooks and you had the old reworked Boil Over "meta."

    "Sacrificial Ward is trumped only when all other Players burn the identical Realm or Map Selection Offering."

    Oh, and if you say "But the Sacrificial Ward did indeed help me counter a map offering, one time before". We'll, Just because you used a Sacrificial Ward to remove a map offering all together, you can still be unfortunately be super unlucky and the game truly hates you and still get the very same map you were trying to avoid in the first place, so yeah... more rubbing salt on your wounds there, it simply is the worst offering in existence, it makes the luck offerings look better.

    4.) For Achievement farming/roleplay, I get it; you want to have fun casual or earn your achievements; but I feel like most folks have already unlocked these achievements already within the first month or first 3 week of the new map being added to the game with that achievement involved. Plus, we have custom games in which you can invite friends to do Roleplaying in general. Some folks are not interested in Roleplaying all the time and want to play a horror game in which the goal is to interact with each other in a "deadly cat and mouse chase game" and not waste time with excuses for using map offerings to defend its purpose, especially when it gives you a advantage.

    My conclusion: Map Offerings are too oppressive and can make the game not fun for the other side, and make the community bit divided. They need a rework or better to be Retired from the game, along with the Sacrificial Ward to be fair in this Asmmetric online game.

    My solution for Rework:

    >Sacrificial Ward should remove this line of text and simple make able to render any map offerings at all, even if all 4 in play. Also, if a Sacrificial Ward blocks a certain map offering, like for example Badham Preschool; they should also removed the map from the rng pool to make it worth running.

    Additional, give the either side a opportunity to witness everyone's offerings during pre-lobby (no perks, no items/builds. Just simply let them see any offerings, so they have a minute to change offerings before match starts).

    >Map Offerings could either give you a 25% chances to most likely go to the map Realm, but can be stack with each other up to a maximum of 125% if all 5 map offerings is in play. No more 100% for one offering.

  • Member Posts: 5,499

    Idd be excatic to hear bHVR come out and say,
    "We are retirering all Map Offerings, but we are introducing new Offerings that affect gameplay during trials."

  • Member Posts: 932

    I personally like the map offerings but my gripe is it always feels like if survivors burn a map offering and I burn a map offering, the survivor's map offering is almost always the map I get.

    It's all down to luck (AFAIK there's no secret survivor bias for this) but it's absolutely heartbreaking when I have a build DESIGNED around a map like Pig's hard to find jigsaw boxes on Midwich, or the classic Scratched Mirror Myers build on Lerys, and I get sent to Coldwind or something. Puts me in a very sour mood.

  • Member Posts: 141

    I'm honestly starting to wonder if Sac Wards are broken right now. The last three times in a row I've brought one I've still be sent to the realm that someone else brought an offering for.

  • Member Posts: 299

    This is one of those things that will probably never change. Map offerings are clearly intended to allow players to get map specific achievements and experience new maps. It's just a shame how utterly abusable they are.

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