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Distortion change is awful



  • Mag1cian
    Mag1cian Member Posts: 134

    Well, I never expirienced that. Maybe once in 50 games there was one player with distortion and sol survivor. Do you even read my main post? My proposal was to change recharge of tokens in chase instead of the terror radius so people woudn't hide that much…

    It wasn't unhealthy and soloq is terrible by itself cuz of trash mmr system, lack of info and coordination and other reasons and distortion is like 3% of the problem too bad people can't understand this. Easy matches? you do understand that people who constantly hide and setting up their teammates are not gonna win the match most of the times and this is just stupid. Btw "Sole Survivor" still a thing so what this kind of players are gonna do now, hide in a locker waiting till 1-2 teammates are gonna die and they still have perma aura defense for 24-48m from the killer so think again. Thinking that distortion is why SoloQ is terrible and not the health of the game and players itself is really really close minded.

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,263

    Distortion isnt the main problem of soloQ no but its one problem, which now hopefully is getting solved. Ratty players will always play ratty you are correct, but at least now they can't hide behind one perk. This perk is also unhealthy for killers. Like ive said before not many killers use 4 aura reading perks. Nurse and huntress can do that, but because of them perks shouldnt stay unhealthy.

    I want nurse to be fixed, so they don't have to balance perks around her.

    3 tokens in my opinion is too much with the speed you can get them back. 1-2 is ok since now distortion is extremely strong in chase. It denies the new zanshin tactics and i'm all ears completely.

    I think behaviour is trying to take this game more into chase oriented meta which im all aboard with.

  • caipt
    caipt Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 563

    So 3 tokens requiring a whopping 3 aura perks, 75% of the killers entire loadout, just to counter this one perk effectively is somehow balanced? The killer is only left with one slot in that scenario, meanwhile the distortion user has 3 more.

    If they have OTR, then they are completely immune to even that setup. OTR provides 160s of total aura block in total (if you get hooked twice), while distortion recharges stacks while OTR is active. Then when it ends, you have 3 more aura instances you can block+however many tokens you end up recharging before your next hook. These two perks make you completely immune to anything but a 4 aura including gearhead+lethal, and if the killer does that they will get gen rushed on anything but nurse. And it's not like you are completely dedicating two perk slots to aura, OTR is a meta anti-tunnel perk with high pick rate that just happens to block aura as well. I speak from experience here; I'm a former distortion user who also uses OTR, I was literally never scanned.

    Not to mention that the killer has no way of knowing if the survivors will even have distortion or how many. This leaves the killer bringing 3 entire aura perks to counter one of the survivors perk slots; and if they don't have distortion, the info goes crazy but without enough slowdown you can't act on it.

    3 token distortion is in no way balanced. One perk should not require 3 perks to counter it plus having synergy with one of the current best perks for survivor providing complete aura immunity in 99% of matches. A balanced distortion should provide plenty of protection if the kill only brings one aura, but struggle a lot more with 2 and be almost useless at 3. Distortion on the ptb barely counters even one aura perk. I think they should make it so that distortion caps at 2 tokens with the ptb accumulation mechanic, or functions how it does on live but tied to gen progress instead of chase.

  • Mag1cian
    Mag1cian Member Posts: 134

    They can't but they can partially with another one or lockers. But if they do it's really opressive (on certain killers) one thing if wesker run auras and if Nurse… If nurse run 2-3 auras if lose game right from the start I would say that's why I personally started running distortion to counter this type of players cuz I thought it's unfair also I don't like to go against full aura Huntress's (against her dist also kinda useless cuz you cannot recharge your tokens and you lose them quickly from the start)

    that's a good thing but they won't (Mathieu talked about it while ago, he thinks Nurse it really hard to play (no) and her destroying everything is justified lmao) so as of right now while devs are so out of touch we won't get her rework.

    In old Distortion 1 token recharges in 30 seconds in killer terror radius so if we talk about chase, 1 token recharge per 30 seconds in chase is pretty damn fair and good. You woudn't stand more then 1 min in chase against decent Chuky or Wesker / Blight Billly etc so I would even lower it to 20 seconds so if you have at least 1 min chase you would recharge 3 tokens but they won't do that anyway.

    It denies it once, you start the chase you drop the pallet let's say useless one and you don't have distortion for the rest of your chase anymore so that's said it's not even close to strong in chase, there far far better perks than this garbo.

    Yeah, chases / mindgames are the most fun part of the game but imo tons of aura readings and braindead map designs with useless pallets and tons of dead zones (New Haddonfield and Coldwind says hi) removes that fun, incentivize survivors more into hard pre-drop +W playstyle which sucks.

  • Mag1cian
    Mag1cian Member Posts: 134

    Old distortion had 4 tokens without recharge… Was it strong? No, nobody used it. People started using it only after recharge change. So they need to target recharge part so people woudn't stay hidden for the whole match not removing token system.
    so make it recharge in chase is perfect solution.

    Agree partially, OTR not always come in play if you never been hooked for example. gearhead eats all 3 tokens really quickly. On most killers it's fine, I only take into a count problematic and unfun ones (the reason why most people bring distortion).

    Like I said in prev iteration of distortion it was 4 tokens and it was still useless, nobody used it. Recharge part of key here. Making it part of a chase removes hiding part and make chases more valuable.

  • caipt
    caipt Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 563

    Old distortion only recharged when you were not in chase, which often meant that you had to play stealth instead of doing gens for value (since if you get on the gen, you'll get like a 6th of a stack before the killer starts chasing you). Not only is that extremely sub optimal gameplay, but survivors largely agree chase is the most fun part of dbd, so its natural the pickrate skyrocketed when it functioned off it. I could have worded my point about the 3 tokens being unfair better, apologies. What I mean to say is that having 3 highly available tokens that you gain from typical, optimal gameplay isn't fair.

    Recharging in chase is a problem because it does not force you to put yourself in a non-stealthy situation to gain stealth. Yes, being in chase is forcing you to interact with the killer for value. But nothing is stopping you from just stealthing about until the killer finally finds you, chases you (giving you stacks), hook, unhook repeat. Its just boring when the survivor plays that way from the killer perspective.

    If the activation condition was doing gens, then the survivor could only play that way one time before being forced into a non-stealthy, interactive situation for value. The survivor actually needs to progress the game that way. Furthermore, it would fix the token abundance problem since a survivor is likely to be found on the gen after some time, having only built a few stacks. This opens up counterplay for the killer in forcing that survivor off gens. Then it would be seen if token nerfs are necessary, but I don't think they would be.

  • Skoegul
    Skoegul Member Posts: 22

    I see you noticed the actual problem:

    There are TOO MANY THINGS that reveal your aura. Imagine when Distortion first came out you were not revealed by standing next to an item/totem/locker/chest/generator or when the sky was blue. Now? basically everything you/another player/the killer does can reveal your aura. THAT's the reason why Distortion became as popular and useful as it is today.

    Survivors still need to watch out for their scratch marks, killer instinct, crows, literally any noise their character can produce, so it's not like the killer has no other tools aside of aura reading and pretending that there is no other way for them to find/track survivors is nothing but a literal display of lacking skill.

    The game is not all about chase. Stealth is also an essential part of it. Any survivor that is able to be completely stealthy is at the very least skillful in that department and we really need to stop treating survivors as if their only task in this game is to die as quickly as possible. A good killer also has to be a good tracker and having aura perks to hold their hands at any moment for any opportunity only to cry about the single tool survivors have at their disposal to counter it is beyond sad.

    But you know what happened when they killed healing and flashlights, right? Survivors became gen rush ninjas. Now they are killing stealth. The logical conclusion, given that survivors are having fewer and fewer things to do in this game is that gen rushing will only get even worse. Great times.

  • Mag1cian
    Mag1cian Member Posts: 134

    I'm talking about distortion before "recharge rework" it had 4 tokens for whole game and it was useless perk and back to that time we didn't even have this much of aura readings as we do now.
    Gettings tokens from the gens is also good idea but getting them during chase would be more fun imo. so idk… Everything would be better than current dead PTB ver of the perk

  • caipt
    caipt Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 563

    Almost every single kill aura perk in the game is either earned, has clear effective counterplay, or does not counter stealth. BBQ, floods of rage, friends til the end, alien instinct, and more all require a hook or some other skillful activation condition. In exchange for this difficult condition, they give large ranged, no cooldown information that can be quite effective in the right hands.

    Other aura perks have much much much less skilled activations however are either easily countered, have glaring weaknesses, or limitations to cap them. NWH, which is commonly complained about, can be countered by pre-running if you believe the killer to be approaching. It's designed to catch stealthy survivors around gens off guard, so just dont stealth around the gen and its worthless. The range is less than the average killer's TR anyway. Weave-Franklins? Probably getting gutted (good riddance), but in the meantime just move the items to the corner of a map. Darkness revealed is map dependent, new zanshin is a chase perk, human greed is countered by opening the chests, etc etc.

    The only real offender I can think of is lethal pursuer, and even that's just an early game perk that does almost nothing for the rest of the match (with the gearhead+lethal exception) and is only problematic on blight. Plus, if someone really hates lethal that much, new distortion still counters it completely. This all without mentioning lockers, which can completely counter the high telegraphed aura perks. If you think the killer has bbq, get in a locker for like 5 seconds until their hooked. Same goes for any aura that gives you some kind of warning. Survivors do have a built-in aura counter to a solid amount of aura perks, BBQ being one of the most used and effectively countered by it.

    I would rather get gen rushed every match than play a walking sim until I finally find the distortion users. Stealth is almost never the better chose over doing generators with few exceptions. Also, I hardly find stealth skillful when distortion is involved. Calling aura perks noob perks is such a self-report. Just because you can't play around them doesn't mean distortion is fair.

    Without auras, the killer has no way of knowing where the survivors have repositioned themselves after a chase, if it all. You say "tracking" as if killers have some kind of basekit information that tells them the survivors exact location. The killer only gets to know where the generators are. Of which there are 8 across maps of varying sizes, playing killers of various mobility, of various nooks and crannies for the survivors to maneuver around the map through to avoid you. You can really only guess; "Feng was working on a halfed gen earlier, so she probably went back" is a good way of thinking but is unreliable. You might find the feng or you might not, and if you dont then you get to walk around the map until you do (while everyone else cranks gens; or not progressing the match by hiding in some corner). Most killers on most maps in most situations require some kind of info perk to do well, or a million slowdowns to make up for lost time (or blight will just zoom and be everywhere with 4 slowdowns anyway).

    I'd like to reiterate I am a former distortion user and have firsthand experience. Every point I make comes from my experience playing killer and survivor.

    The same concept applies to aura perks. Would you rather face a killer using up some slots for aura reading or a quad slowdown demon? If aura perks aren't strong, which in the current meta involving distortion and OTR they are often not, killers resort to slowdowns. Or maybe they still bring auras and tunnel when they get no value. Either way strong auras are good for the game. They promote more enjoyable gameplay on both sides (teammates dont like the stealthy distortion gamers) and less slowdowns.

  • Shuyo
    Shuyo Member Posts: 1

    I'm very surprised how many people have matches regulary with one teammate hiding with distortion.

    If a player wants to hide all game, they can camp lockers. I remember only two matches in the last few months when someone abused distortion to hide all day.

    And as a frequent distortion player I can say:

    It is not op. You won't get any value at all from it in half of your matches. Bc the killer does not run an aura reading perk. Tough luck.

    Or he runs so many that you burn throught the tokens faster then you can recharche them. Tough luck.

    In most other cases the killer runs maybe bbq or nowhere to hide or friends. You counter that. A perk for a perk.

    And to all that "get better at chase"… I am not bad at chasing. But DBD is not a chase game. One person get's chased, the other three should keep their heads low and do gens, unhooks, healing etc. As a stealthy survivor you can finish important gens behind the killers back. Sneak in for risky unhooks. Take the chase when you are in a good spot and avoid it when in a bad spot.

    I used distortion mostly together with deja-vu to break three gens early and then take chases/hits agressively later/when nessecary.

    However I do agree that you should not get rewarded for stealthing with better stealthing. Making the token recharge chase or objective based is a good idea. I guess from killer POV it would feel more fair when chase based.

    But that onetime use is just an overkill. There are too many aura reading perks out there and especially too many aura reading perks that trigger frequently.

    You run past a totem (undying), you run past a chest (human greed), you run past a locker (darkness revealed), you run past an item (weave), you run past a dropped pallet (new zanshin). Just by existing on the map, your aura gets revealed multiple times in a row.

    And to make it worse: The killers that get the most value from these perks are those that already are very good. When you counter an aura reading build with distortion you mostly do that in a huntress/nurse/pyramidhead/oni/blight/spirit/hillbilly match. Personal experience there though.

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,502

    Agree, bad change sadly.

  • GonnaBlameTheMovies
    GonnaBlameTheMovies Member Posts: 675

    The game may not be all about chase - but that sure is what BHVR believes based on what everyone said on the surveys.

  • GonnaBlameTheMovies
    GonnaBlameTheMovies Member Posts: 675

    I am a Distortion enjoyer. I love stealth builds as Survivor. I am perfectly capable of ratting if i want without Distortion; I play stealth altruist styles the most. I am also perfectly capable of looping a Killer if I need to, I just like being sneaky.

    I 100% approve of this change if it means I can run the perk in peace without being seen as a rat, and if it keeps my randoms from leaving me to die on hook when I AM found.

  • Rickprado
    Rickprado Member Posts: 560

    I was playing aura builds with the Unknown but with the rise in popularity of Distortion i just gave up. It was tragic loading into a match that 3 of 4 survivors can counter your build with just one perk.