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How Finisher Mori Should Be Changed

Azulra Member Posts: 478

The way that I think this system is made is both good and bad, but can potentially be acceptable if a few tweaks were to be made to it.

  1. Revert the Ivory/Ebony Memento Mori offerings back to how they were on the live servers.
  2. Keep the change to Cypress Memento Mori offering to staying as bonus blood points on a mori (I would also probably change the name and icon for the offering to make it different from the other two)
  3. Keep the Finisher Mori mechanic, but add in some coding for it to check for these two conditions as well: 1) if all of the other remaining survivors are hooked or not and 2) if they are able to guarantee themselves a self-unhook or not and if all of the other survivors are hooked and don't have a guaranteed self-unhook you can perform the mori early so you don't have to slug the final survivor until the hooked survivors all die.

With these changes I think the Finisher Mori system could be fine. Also the reason I chose to keep the Cypress Memento Mori offering the same instead of reverting it back is because it already does the same thing that the Finisher Mori system does which would make it redundant to revert it back. Plus almost nobody used it anyways so it'd be fine if it was just left in this way.
