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What was the most hated perk (both sides)

Anyone who has been here knows that the community has complained about a LOT of perks. I even saw someone complain about my 2 favorites (Any Means Necessary and Saboteur)

I'm curious to know which ones people hated the most though. For me the choice is easy:

Killer: Eruption by far. Killers broke chase every 5 seconds to kick gens and then when you got hit by it, you just had to go make a sandwich for the next 30 seconds because there was literally nothing you could do.

Survivor: Probably Dead Hard, but not for the same reason most people would say. I hated it because it was a B tier perk posing as S tier and it was never all that great EXCEPT when you used it to maybe get to a pallet against an M1 Killer. I mained Huntress and Doc anyway so that didn't bother me and in the open, you just bait it out 🤷🏾‍♂️ never understood why it was so overhyped but that's just me

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  • Member Posts: 2,486
    edited September 2024

    Boil Over & NOED are just annoying enough to get an eye roll 🙄

    Maybe its just the players that use them, but I don't like em regardless.

    If I were going to speculate the most hated in history, Old DS #1 on survs. Eruption for Killers from recent memory, but you could make a case for the infamous gen tap Ruin days as well. That was a fun time.

  • Member Posts: 5,936
    edited September 2024

    I’mma agree on Eruption and Dead Hard. Though I disagree DH was “overhyped”. Its pickrate was unrivalled for good reason.

    As honourable mentions, I’d also add og Mettle of Man, Boil Over in combo with og RPD, Adrenaline (admittedly a personal pick) NOED, Pain Res when it didn’t have its 4-token limit, and old Ultimate Weapon.

  • Member Posts: 635
    edited September 2024

    By the very nature of perks giving value to each side, they will likely most of the time annoy or not be loved by the other.

    Almost every perk on the killer side which I don’t like, I can see why it enhances the game and provides challenge (not always with the right balance and that will always lead to debate and sometimes rebalancing by the game).

    However the one perk on the killer side which I REALLY dislike more than any other and not just for the sake of my own preference is KNOCKOUT.

    In soloq, it is almost impossible to counteract this and I personally feel it is an unhealthy perk for this reason.

    Gen slowdown? Totally understand

    Auras? Don’t like (actually very much so) but I can understand.

    Hexes and their various abilities, understand.

    I do believe auras need to be toned down a little as it is a level of complexity that newer players won’t be able to grasp. I think newer plays can understand the concept of gens slowed down and having to figure out how to do them while taking longer for example but some (←some) auras will not allow newer players to understand without putting them off and providing too much of a steep learning curve.

    However, Knockout is probably the only one which is far and above damaging without co-ordination in my own experience anyway.

  • Member Posts: 345

    I'm torn between Lithe and Boil Over.

    Lithe because nothing is more annoying than watching the Survivor that was almost as good as hooked zoom away from you because they vaulted over a dropped pallet.

    Boil Over because usually this implies the Survivor has sabo buddies already making their way to the nearest hook or that they intended to waste my time by running over to the farthest corner of the map to get downed there.

    As for Killers, I don't really hate any particular perks. None of them feel unfair, especially right now.

  • Member Posts: 3,905

    I wouldn't at all be upset to see Boil Over sent to the Gulag...

  • Member Posts: 8,594

    Eruption and original Decisive Strike.

    DS used to work on your first down. Like, it could deny your first hook of the game.

  • Member Posts: 1,324
    edited September 2024

    Dead Hard and Eruption. I absolutely hated the DS that worked in endgame too but i hated DH even more. As soloQ enjoyer i hate knockdown but its rare..thankfully.

  • Member Posts: 6,226

    For killer: Eruption. I've never come to hate a perk more. Incapacitated should never be applied outside of chase and that perk was a special kind of hell-design that punished solos with half a minute of forced uselessness and let SWFs skate on by. And it encouraged a 3-gen meta that was capped off by the arrival of Knight and then Skull Merchant. Half your games were a killer running Call of Brine/Overcharge/Eruption and solo queue had rarely been more miserable.

    For survivor: I'm gonna say old Decisive Strike was worse than Dead Hard. Not even the original incarnation that was just a middle finger to every killer, but the version that didn't have conspicuous actions and provided one minute of immunity after a survivor got unhooked. People would greed gens or show up to bodyblock a chase with 10s left on their timer, and it was so common to get stabbed out of nowhere. People can still use DS aggressively, but they can't progress the game if they want to do that. Back then, every survivor packed it and played hardball, and you had to keep a mental timer of when everyone got unhooked.

    And Boil Over gets a special mention for being hated by everyone in the week or so it went to live. It was wild, the number of games where I saw survivors helping the killer catch the Boil Overer before they could get upstairs or teaming up to get rid of the Exponential totem because they were so sick of trolls who weren't playing the game.

  • Member Posts: 444

    For Killer I'd have to say I really disliked Nowhere to Hide, coupled with the Overcharge and Eruption meta around the time Knight and Skerchant were released…yeah there was a reason Distortion became a staple in, not just my build, but a lot of builds until Overcharge and Eruption were nerfed.

    As for Survivor, I'd have to say old Circle of Healing. Don't get me wrong, it was and still is a handy perk to a lesser degree, but it was too OP. Set it up on a specific totem of certain maps and you'd have near map-wide coverage. Not to mention, the fact it can be re-booned as many times as the survivor wants (not to mention boon stacking IIRC), when Hexes are pretty much rendered useless after they're broken just allowing the survivors to be too independent, was a bit of a kick in the teeth.

    Dishon mentions: Eruption/Overcharge/Call of Brine…Nuff said. Sprint Burst, I've been screwed over by teammates who play very selfishly with their 99ed Sprint Bust, so they can high-tail away from the killer, with their 0 hook states, while I, on first or death hook, have to try and juice the killer at a tile where the pallet is already gone from an earlier chase. Boilover, while not as powerful as it was, is still annoying to deal with on ceratin maps.

  • Member Posts: 2,264

    For killer we'd say it's between eruption or noed. Noed has been hated by most since we've started, even if people are less vocal about it currently, while eruption gained infamy during the gen kick era. Honorable mentions to old ultimate weapon and weave of attunement.

    Survivors we'd call old DH and possibly Old Mettle of man or object (this last one maybe biased though). Old DH was undisputably complained about the most, old Mettle was literally a free health state over 90% of the time, and old Object was free wall hacks and even could semi work against stealth (it would still light up when you looked in the killers direction, even if you couldn't see their aura).

  • Member Posts: 326

    As an OG player from the early days I would have to say either old decisive strike or old balanced landing. And for killer, pre hex noed

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    I'm surprised the original Mettle of Man is barely mentioned. It was extremely frustrating to play against.

  • Member Posts: 7,209

    Eruption and Circle of Healing

  • Member Posts: 4,832
  • Member Posts: 1,845

    Boil Over on survivor side, because I usually only see it when they try to abuse heights like Eyrie of Crows.

    It's kinda hard to say for killer side, but I guess old eruption is a good contender.

  • Member Posts: 785

    Old DS, Old Pop I miss the old days

  • Member Posts: 318

    blast mine and knockout

  • Member Posts: 2,354

    noed and SB

  • Member Posts: 767

    Surprised to have not seen Object of Obsession mentioned as that was ridiculous in its original state.

    Boil Over for me as playing on console it’s impossible to counter the effect where PC players it barely affects them unless heights aren’t involved.

    Circle of Healing was also a nightmare completely negating all the pressure you gained through injures.

    On killer side it’s probably original Ruin for me, it made the game such a slog in solo queue if you had someone who couldn’t hit the skill checks or everyone was looking for the totem etc.

    Also don’t think anyone likes seeing NoeD pop at the end.

  • Member Posts: 351

    OG Ruin was a real pain when the performance of the game back then was terrible

    OG Decisive Strike was a massive time waster for killer

  • Member Posts: 390

    NOED Because it rewards failure And Champion Of Light because of the stupid hindering effect

  • Member Posts: 2,183
    edited September 2024

    Am I misreading the question? How has mft not been mentioned yet? Too much trauma?

  • Member Posts: 6,226

    I think the reason is that while there's been a lot of hated survivor perks, MFT and Buckle Up/FTP and CoH and Mettle of Man… their reign of terror is just too short in the collective lifespan of obnoxious perk PTSD when Decisive Strike lasted in a state every killer despised for close to half DBD's existence, and Dead Hard held that title for even longer. It's hard to compete with that level of entrenched loathing.

    Killer perks have been more subject to a whack-a-mole meta and there aren't as many contenders for ones that remained meta forever, though Old Ruin is up there, and NOED is probably the king of lifetime survivor rage.

  • Member Posts: 2,264

    Umm late question, are you asking about personal hated or in general hated on both sides?

  • Member Posts: 326

    Reminder, DS and DH actually made all killers change their fundamental playstyle just to manage

  • Member Posts: 2,002

    A blast mine hater? :(
    Sorry, nothing is funnier to me than when someone puts Wiretap on a gen with a Blast Mine and I get to watch the killer get their vision blown out. Even when it happens to me on killer, I do a quick spin and start nodding to whoever I know is watching

  • Member Posts: 21

    Knockout, third seal, NOED, or Rancor.

    Knockout and third seal are simply designed to stomp soloQ players. NOED feels cheap. Rancor is just bad design, uncleansable exposed at the point of the game where taking bodyblocks for teammates is the most prevalent in SoloQ.

  • Member Posts: 1,307

    OoO, Ultimate Weapon, Dead Man's Switch and Buckle Up are probably it for me.

    Funnily enough I didn't mind Eruption; 6.1 forced Survivors to be efficient and gogogo, and Eruption was such a laughably overpowered perk that I took bring Incapacitated as an excuse to just walk around and bask in the Dbd atmosphere.

  • Member Posts: 390

    NOED is cheap. It basically rewards a killer with free 1 hit downs for being unable to do their objective. With rancor at least the one affected knows as soon as it activates tbh

  • Member Posts: 472
    edited September 2024

    I've played this game since 2018, and when I think about perks that have been quite universally hated, I think of old DS, old Dead Hard, original Mettle Of Man (was a ######### horrid experience btw), Made For This before the nerf. A honorable mention would be the old Object Of Obsession. On killers side, I think of Pop Goes The Weasel before all the nerfs, Eruption obviously, original Hex: Pain Resonance & Dead Mans Switch combo. Old Hex: Ruin. If I had to pick the most hated survivor perk, it's definitely Dead Hard. Most hated killer perk, it's probably the old Hex: Ruin. Great skillchecks would be count as good, and just good skillchecks would regress the generator a bit, and stop progressing it for a few seconds. Good times.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    Great skillchecks would be count as good, and just good skillchecks would regress the generator a bit, and stop progressing it for a few seconds.

    Heh, my favorite perk in the game. I miss it so much!

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