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Yet more Bloodpoint Offerings... Why do you do this bHVR?

Emeal Member Posts: 4,915
edited September 18 in 8.3.0 PTB Feedback

The new Mori System is great, but why is over half our Offerings blood points? And why are you changing Moris into more blood point offerings. Adding a few more seems worthless. I know new players only ever complain about too few Bloodpoints, but honestly we know you don't need bloodpoints to play or play well.

Why dont you make some new interesting Offerings that change up the gameplay?
Because people will quit during loading when they see an offering they don't like? Give them a longer penalty then! Small changes are good and keep the game fresh.

Please bHVR please tell me why things are this way.


  • GonnaBlameTheMovies
    GonnaBlameTheMovies Member Posts: 683

    We don't want our ability to be taken away from us to kill as many people in a round that we want. Leave Iri and Greens alone.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 2,573

    Not only is it another bloodpoint offering, it's not even a good bloodpoint offering because it is completely wasted if you don't 4K. Last survivor got hatch? Too bad chump, toss your Ebony Mememto Mori in the garbage, bring a Pudding next time because it'll earn you just as much as a Mori would but with less requirements.

    This update turns Moris into junk.

  • Drx4041
    Drx4041 Applicant Posts: 10

    They completely ruined mori offerings, I don't even mind yellow mori basically being basekit TBH, but you're almost never going to see the finisher mori still. I also dislike that you can only now mori the last survivor, destroys any value ebony used to have.

  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 809

    I think the basic old offerings (Wreaths and Flowers) should all get the amounts they give doubled (200% for Rare, 150% for Uncommon and 100% for Common)

    As for Moris, retire the Yellow one as it was made base kit and keep the rest as is.

  • GonnaBlameTheMovies
    GonnaBlameTheMovies Member Posts: 683

    I actually agree, the basekit wreaths and flowers should all be given double or triple the amount they have and should count for Pipping on top of that - like they should boost points in those categories, not just BP. That way say, if a Killer usually lacks Chaser points (like Ghostface does played optimally), they can get those points back by bringing the right offering. If a Surv struggles in chase, meanwhile, they won't lose a pip by just not being able to last in chase very long or being forced to gen-jockey all round or something. It'd even the score a bit, make grinding for that monthly bonus less sweaty overall, and generally just be a positive change.

    And like you said on Moris: basekit Cypress, retire Cypress, leave the other two Mori offerings ALONE except for maybe a slight points boost per Mori.

  • KatsuhxP
    KatsuhxP Member Posts: 630

    The best thing about the mori is that it's only better than 100% in all categories if you get under 30k bloodpoints. So it basically only works if you completely destroy the survivors (and the last one doesn't find hatch) OR if you get completely destroyed and you somehow get to mori the last one.

    Means it's a higher risk than 100% in all categories and works only in the minority of games probably xD