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How to Easily Fix the Finisher Mori

I think making moris a regular part of the average trial would be great. We'd get to see the cool animations more and it would be a looming threat that survivor's would need to be cautious of. The way it's being implemented though only serves to encourage slugging for the 4k and less people are in the game to see it. Here's how to properly implement it:

Make the current green mori basekit (you can mori only 1 person on death hook).

Make the mori offerings give you the ability to mori 2/3/4 survivors with the same conditions.

Make it so you can mori the last survivor no matter their hook stage.

That's it. Give the offerings bonus bloodpoint too if you want, but those 3 points are key to successfully making moris a regular part of the trials.


  • Grimlet09
    Grimlet09 Member Posts: 9

    my friend told me moris are going away. i dont want moris to go away. why arent they keeping them?

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,917

    That is a good question actually, and I commend you for asking it. So lets be critical of the current Mori Offerings to see why.

    1. It sends a "Im sweaty" signal to Survivors, during the Offerings screen, which may influence how serious the Survivors game.
    2. I much rather have more bloodpoints than a cool mori, Sure the Mori is cool. but Im using 3000 event offerings to boost my post game points. Which is better than it.
    3. Moris basicly stuns the Killer, for the 5 seconds it takes to do. Time where you are not hunting other Survivors or looking for close where they are AND Survivors know that while you are mori'ing you cant go after them, giving them time to get away.

    These are just my personal gripes with Mori Offerings, you might have your own too.

    Now we know for a fact that bHVR has numbers on how much we use Mori Offerings so they know if the majority of players dont.
    Which could suggest why they want to change them.

    I wonder how many Moris the people who want to keep the Original Offerings have used in the last 6 months.
    Some might, but I think the majority dont.

  • Thund3rstruck57
    Thund3rstruck57 Member Posts: 254

    @Emeal Ya the mere existence of mori offerings will always signal to survivors that the killer is playing seriously when they use them (even if they just need a mori for a daily ritual or tome challenge). Not sure how to fix that.