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How To Fix The "Finisher Mori" System (In My Opinion)

Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,158
edited September 20 in 8.3.0 PTB Feedback

There are many issues I have with the Finisher Mori system, so here are a list of changes that I think would be fair to make to the system that wont compromise the intent behind it.

  • Keep the basekit effect to Mori the last Survivor; aka, just make the Uncommon Mori basekit and optional (being optional is important here, it should never be a forced system). Rare and Ultra Rare Mori remain unchanged and stack with the Finisher Mori (or Uncommon Mori basekit).

Addressing the Bloodpoint Bonus.

  • Mori Offerings ~ New Effect: Upon using a Mori on a Survivor, gain 15k BP.
  • This makes Ultra Rare Moris have some sort of Bloodpoint use and make them more worthwhile to bring (+60k potentially); makes them feel more like they deserve the Ultra Rare quality.
  • This makes sure Rare Mori are more on par with Bloody Party Streamers and Survivor pudding (+30k potentially); keep in mind the Rare Mori now stacks with the basekit Uncommon Mori so you can perform 2 Moris instead of 1.

Other issues.

  • Camera should be fixed to not be obstructed by objects for certain Moris (Skull Merchant is the worst offender of this since the camera zooms out to a wide angle and it gets obstructed since the range does not cover it).
  • If a Survivor can be Mori'd, there should be a HUD indication while carrying the Survivor to notify the Killer that they can be Mori'd. This can serve as a reminder or help in instances where the Mori prompt does not show up (e.g. Survivor gets grabbed).
  • "Skip Mori" function for Survivors/Killer; allowing for the match to just reach a quicker end for those who want to just queue for their next match.

I know a bit of this is buffed, but it still keeps the old system intact while still keeping the new system. Ultimately Moris were just a cosmetic things before but I wanted them to feel more useful and more worthwhile to bring into matches.


  • AssortedSorting
    AssortedSorting Member Posts: 1,069
    edited September 20

    I think the Finisher Mori is good, makes the end of the match potentially more expedient. (current Cypress mechanic, though some QoL features could be added as noted in MintSkull's video in the event there are Hooked Survivors and the slugged final survivor causing the Killer to wait out the Hook timers on the Hooked Survivors).

    But I would like a base-kit Mori that is more flexible in when it occurs in the match.

    My suggestion would be to be able to kill the Obsession after some criteria is met. Such as when they are on Deathhook after you have scored 6 Sacrifice stages (not Hooks).

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,158

    My suggestion would be to be able to kill the Obsession after some criteria is met. Such as when they are on Deathhook after you have scored 6 Sacrifice stages (not Hooks).

    That is an interesting idea, feels more fitting for the Obsession… but at the same time… Rancor exists? The sole existence of Rancor kind of makes it redundant and I dont think BHVR is going to spend the time and resources on that.

  • AssortedSorting
    AssortedSorting Member Posts: 1,069
    edited September 21

    Rancor skips all hook criteria, makes them exposed, gives you information throughout the match, and can only be used once all Generators have been completed.

    Also, I don't think it'd bee too difficult to take the Mori logic, tie it to a Hook count, and a gutted version of Rancor.

    If it seems like it could be a good idea for a basic effect, should a perk be the entire point to stop its inclusion?

    Maybe it could be good, maybe not.

    Post edited by AssortedSorting on
  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,127

    There shouldn't be any changes at all, and BHVR should stop wasting time on this non-issue.

    If there had to be a change, I'd make Cypress Mori basekite, then change Cypress Mori Offering to allow 1 more Survivor to be Moried, Ebony to allow 2 more Moris and Ivory to stay as is.

    It really is that simple.