Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

New perk idea: A slowdown perk that incentivises chase? aint no way

Member Posts: 36
edited September 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

Slow Burn

For every 15 seconds spent chasing survivors, gain a token, up to 6

When you down a survivor with a special or basic attack, lose 2 tokens

Each token decreases survivor repair speed by 5%.

Here's the idea. Killers nowadays are HEAVILY punished for committing to chases. If 1 survivor gets on a good chase (for like 1.5 minutes), the game is pretty much over. This incentivizes killers to not chase a lot of the time and only go for people out of position. Personally, I enjoy committing to chases and expressing my techniques without getting HEAVILY punished for just 1 bad chase which loses me like 2-3 gens. A perk like this would be very nice because it doesn't punish killers TOO badly for losing a chase that went for a minute.

Some survivor mains might be like (but killers should be punished for being run for 1 minute?) yes, true, but honestly not to the extent right now. even with a perk like this, killers are still punished a lot for it, its just not game ending enough to make the rest of the trial more interesting.

Post edited by EQWashu on

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  • Member Posts: 4,692

    The idea isn't bad, but the numbers are overtuned for something that is extremely passive. This would basically quickly become a permanent, global -20% repair speed, like a fully stacked Thanatophobia that never goes away.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    killer is suppose to be punished for long chases.

    agree. the player should consider running 4 chase perk builds to shorten their chases if they think the risk of chasing is too high. that is what killer chase perk are suppose to be. they're suppose reduce risk of committing to chases by giving quicker downs but i think a lot of killer chase perk fail to do their job. Like Unbound and Fire up etc.

  • Member Posts: 897

    tbh, anything that either slows gen repair speed, or makes gen regression actually do something is more than welcomed

  • Member Posts: 140

    sounds like a good perk, way killer plays is breaking down the map slowly, when devs said gens are supposed to pop they should have gave chase as an example, there are 3 phases…most grandmasters are sepperated by the endgame and mid.

  • Member Posts: 2,070

    This doesn't really incentivize healthy gameplay.

    The killer isn't being rewarded for completing their objective of injuring, downing, and hooking survivors. In fact, to use phrasing from the forums here: killers are "heavily punished" for hitting anyone by losing stacks.

    So here's how players will use this perk: chase a survivor for up to a minute, then go body block your single pentimento totem. You have 183 second gens that have literally no counter for survivors except checks notes give the killer free hits and don't run away. Remember the pinhead "stand on the box and grief players" build? This is that, but for every killer in perk form if people want to now.

    At least there's anti-synergy with thana, but if someone came up with a face the darkness build it something you could be looking at even longer since all of these slowdowns stack, up to 235 seconds per gen if stars align. And, again, this doesn't trigger on hook or death, so the killer doesn't have to progress their objective for this, and there's nothing survivors can do to remove it.

    It's like an effectively free pentimento that can't be cleansed. So no.

  • Member Posts: 9,436
    edited September 2024

    I second the comment that this is sort of backwards because killers should be aiming for short chases while skilled survivors will ultimately score long chases and thereby be punished for playing well. Also that the numbers are a little high.

    But this could work as an obsession perk.

    If tokens are only gained while chasing the obsession, meanwhile downing the obsession turns another random survivor into the obsession.

    That could be fair; tunes down the potency a little, provides survivors with a workaround that requires them to give something up, and disincentives tunneling. Plus it kinda synergises with PWYF and/or Nemesis, maybe even Dying Light.

  • Member Posts: 7,056

    Would just incentivize and reward tunneling, no thanks.

  • Member Posts: 1,394
    edited September 2024

    How about:

    For every 8 seconds spent in chase, gain a token, up to an amount. (Token progress is saved, similar to Stake Out).

    The next time you kick a Generator, consume all tokens, regressing the generator by an additional amount based on the number of Tokens consumed.

    For anyone that says this is backwards as it punishes short chases, yes. That is the point. This would be more useable on Killers/Players that typically have longer chases. (And it's a Killer Perk, so it punishing survivors that have long chases is also the point).

  • Member Posts: 9,513
    edited September 2024

    most of what separate good killer from weaker killer is long chases vs short chases. generator game-delay is not that good for weaker killers however many player use game-delay on weaker as pseudo chase perk. what perk you may ask is that? That perk is called Bloodlust. this perk that OP suggests buffs bloodlust because it reduces time sink of bloodlust by 5,10,15,20,25,30%.

    The more you bloodlust, the more rewarding his perk becomes. why gen defence perks over chase perks? The irony is that a lot of chases perk are worse then bloodlust like enduring spirit fury because time sink for other chase perks is worse than time-sink of bloodlust.

    That would only widen the gap between fast and slow killers, making it even harder to balance the game.

    the opposite is true. gen defence perks make it HARDER to balance low tier killers from high tier because gen defence perk on say Nurse or Blight or whatever top-tier you deem as strong are more powerful on high-tier killers then low tier killers because time efficiency of their chase is greater.

    Who do you think is stronger?

    Freddy with Pain res, Pop goes weasel, Hex:plaything, Hex:Pentimento.


    Blight with Pain res, Pop goes weasel, Hex:Plaything, Hex:Pentimento.

    Both killer have roughly same opportunity to use the perks however one killer's chase efficiency is far superior than other. 20 seconds for freddy /= 20 second for blight. Blight uses 20 seconds much more effectively then same 20 seconds that freddy does.

    "overpowered chase perks" closes the gap between weaker killer and stronger killers because the killer's time efficiency become closer. an example is stbfl for how stbfl makes weaker m1 killers able to double-tap survivors out of position more quickly while blight already has capacity to double-tap without the perk. I am sure we could think of other overpower chase perks that would make m1 killer closer to m2 killers, like say battery included giving 7% on all gens or spirit fury enduring with only 1 pallet break requirement.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    yes and more gen defence you have, the more time you have to break pallets which in itself is anti-loop because no pallets on the map = easier chases.

    what in common is all weaker killer at bottom use bloodlust while all high-tier killer don't use bloodlust but use their ability which is better chase and time efficiency then bloodlust. The stuff in middle uses bloodlust sometimes but other times not.

  • Member Posts: 419

    Great, now killers will be rewarded for tunneling and not learning to leave the chase.

  • Member Posts: 9,513
    edited September 2024

    The stronger ones, who spend less time in chases, dont really need it…

    But they use the same gen defence perks more effectively because their time efficiency is superior. they don't need it but they still use it because it yields highest advantage.

    in practice, weaker killers should be using 4 chase perks but because most of dbd chase perks are meaningless, the weaker killer also use gen defence because their best form anti-loop is literally bloodlust and pallet breaking/deadzoning. it is why dev keep nerfing gen defence because they're trying make gen defence perks to standard of chase perks when the problem is that those chase perks aren't good enough.

    Post edited by Devil_hit11 on

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