The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

Comprehensive Feedback on Distortion Changes



  • AfroWaifu
    AfroWaifu Member Posts: 25

    In the case of the match I cited, I was on death hook. Just to clarify. We all were. Either way, personal perception that someone is a bad teammate would be a poor basis on which to call for the gutting of an entire perk. I think most of us can agree on that point.

    I'm willing to grant that Distortion could potentially inflate someone's MMR. But if that's the case, then any perk can do the same. Sprint Burst, Lithe, Alert, Bond, etc. So it wouldn't exactly be fair to single out Distortion in this instance. As you said, the assumption would have to be that all these high MMR killers have a kit that's rife with aura reading so the Distortion user is getting huge value every single game. Which we know is kind of impossible. Of course, if there's THAT much aura reading taking place, we've once again made a case for why Distortion needs more tokens.

    It feels like you've just tried to justify the practice of stereotyping and that's inappropriate on many levels- so I'm not even touching that talking point.

    I don't see how sole survivor protects someone from a killer that instantly returns to the unhook and turbo tunnels. Could you explain that a bit further?

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,218

    I don't think any single match can necessarily justify sweeping changes. It requires multiple in aggregate to build up commonalities.

    The difference between Distortion MMR inflation and chase perk MMR inflation, is that chase perks still encourage players into chase, so they are more likely to fail in order to learn and improve at chase. If I never need to enter chase, I never improve at it.

    The only reason you are not going to argue against stereotyping is because of the grammatical stereotyping of 'stereotyping' referring to racial or cultural elements. That's how poisoned we are against actual discussion, when I am clearly talking about chairs and cars, or actions in a game creating 'player archetypes' (like the classic Magic the Gathering Timmy/Johnny/Spike/Vorthos player archetypes).

    Sole Survivor isn't meant to protect against you being turbo-tunneled, you'd need Babysitter or Lucky Break+Iron Will/OTR for that. Sole Survivor helps you in the 75% of other cases when someone is turbo-tunneled, and it isn't you. I can see how my phrasing was unclear. To reclarify, if the match has turbo-tunneling, you have a 25% chance of being the victim, and 75% chance of Sole Survivor coming into play for your benefit. Distortion combined with that (pre or post change) reduces your chances of being the first victim even lower. Sole Survivor is helping in gate opening speeds to win hatch/post-hatch matches, it negates Nowhere to Hide at a single death, and you can walk closer to the Killer to put yourself in the sweet spot of no aura-reads for common aura events such as BBQ.