Dracula is the most boring killer to face in dbd history
I rather play against nurse all day.
Gotta love the blanket word "boring" that people use to describe any killer they don't like.
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Interesting way of saying "Wesker". You don't know how happy I would be to never see him again.
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can’t relate.
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I played against old legion, old spirit, old skull merchant I’ve never been more bored in my life playing dbd it doesn’t even feel rewarding making him miss anything.
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Don’t hate me for this but I think Forever Freddy before they gutted him to his current pitiful state was the most boring. It was such a slog of a match when the player equipped every add-on and perk slot with a slowdown.
Not that it justified his brutal slaughtering, it was just soooooo tedious.
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Yeahh Forever Freddy sucked, Merchant and Knight (when Erup/CoB were meta) was worst though
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Absolutely bizarre statement when 3-gen meta Skull Merchant was a thing not so long ago. It's hard to top one hour match limit and a killer that won't chase you for boring.
And that's only scratching the surface of builds and killers that have existed over the years, for every definition of boring that you can use. Basement Bubba? Boxblocker Pig? OG Undying? Forever Freddy? Pre-nerf Thana Legion/Plague running pure slowdown? Eruption and CoBercharge?
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CoBerchange made me giggle
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Clearly no Dracula has ever given you Dog nods
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Hes fun
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what do you dislike about him specifically?
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Very ironic considering Skull Merchant is your pfp.
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the wolf, the bats, the hellfire everything honestly. Everything boring about dbd in 1 killer.
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so it’s the theme and aesthetic? I mean the hellfire is similar to PH and I’ve seen some killers use it very effectively. He’s still very early days so I’m sure people will find surprisingly newer ways of using him.
bur at the end of the day, with such a large roster of characters and powers, it’s inevitable there will be some that somebody doesn’t like. I personally wouldn’t consider him boring due to his variety alone and there isn’t anything inherently ‘broken’ about him, but everybody’s mileage varies I suppose.
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Be careful what you wish for
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pretty much yes. The bats just block off windows and pallets super boring. The wolf has 2 pounces instead of 1 so if you make them miss once they can get a second chance which doesn’t make sense to me either and the EXTREMELY boring hellfire range of tier 3 nemesis but less cool and doesn’t break pallets.
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Killer: exists
Someone in the community:9 -
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I'm neutral on him. Most boring for me is still SM and to a lesser extent Knight
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i enjoy playing against all killers unless they are tunneling.
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I struggle against Dracula as well. The bat seems a little overtuned because you make no distance for any amount of mistakes this killer makes. That doesn't feel very rewarding. I'm also not sure how to play around the wolve yet. I can never really tell when he charges an attack (I know that he snarls but for some reason I absolutely can't react to that).
So far I don't like playing against him all that much. Maybe I just need more practice.
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100% same thing for me. He takes little to no skill.
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I question everyday why they thought to buff his bat forms speed and teleport. Plus they even decreased his cool down for transforming for no reason..
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there’s legit no counterplay in certain situations and I hope he gets nerfed.
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Don't worry, my dear friend, I will never hate ya!
I can agree with the fact that post-rework Freddy (which IS the Forever Freddy we all know) wasn't fun to go against. Overall, he wasn't healthy for the game. But I think there are way worse options.
A thousand of them is still more fun than a single game against Wesker, imho.
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Bat form is a little over-tuned, but the most boring in DbD history? He has some tough competition for that title.
No way he is worse than Chess Merchant, old 3 gen Knight, OG Legion, moonwalk Legion, Forever Freddy, Condemn strat Sadako, OG Iri Head Huntress, box-blocking Pig, Starstruck Nurse, 'rework' Twins, Tombstone Piece Myers, basement camping Bubba
My vote for most boring killer in DbD history goes to either Chess Merchant or Condemn strat Sadako.
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it’s just everything boring about dbd inside of 1 killer
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I actually don’t mind Whiskers. I really like his music and most of the ones I’ve faced didn’t play like their life depended on winning.
For your sake, may you never get a Whiskers again.
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Only thing I dislike is the bat. It feels like every stun gives me nothing because he just catches up in an instant. Even spirit has to play around pallets and windows. Dracula in his bat form just doesnt care. Im not even talking about the tp of the bat. Just the transformation mid chase.
Everything else is absolutely fine in my opinion.
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Survivors can pretty much counterplay me when i play him.
His Hellfire is dodgeable. His pounce is easily dodgeable. In his bat form he even cannot see survivors.
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Agree to disagree. Dragging the game out is the most boring thing a killer can do in my opinion and Dracula can't do that any better than the average killer, so I don't think he has everything boring about DbD in him.
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Good were the days when this killer didn't exist.
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Please reconsider if you actually enjoy playing the game.
Like he kind of embodies every killer in the game, having to learn how to deal with zoning, dashes-line-of-sight, tracking, stealth (Bar Form specially) , mobility and overall so much skillexpressive parts to engage on both sides I wouldnt blame you if you got overwhelmed honestly.
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Honestly this is how I see him.
His hellfire hit detection could use some tweaks (mainly because of residual hitbox shenanigans) but otherwise he's a solid killer. I thought him having a mash of other killer powers was going to be boring or too same-y but playing as and against him, it kinda feels like my knowledge of the other killers is helping me while their knowledge of Dracula and how his kit works helps them and vise-versa.
As far as killers with borrowed powers go, he has a lot of interesting little twists to his.1