We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Thoughts on the current state of DBD

mysticalCat Member Posts: 31
edited September 23 in Feedback and Suggestions

what are your thoughts on the current state of dbd?

no- this is not a post to start anything. Just want general feedback.

My thoughts- the game was fun, but lately hasn’t been. I play both killer and survivor. Killers get a ton of aura perks even if running current distortion(I don’t usually run it but my friend does) it’s useless. Hearing about the rework kinda made me see what direction dbd is going. I’ve been playing since 2020, and honestly I think it’s about time to call it quits. I’m sorry but a killer should not have 3 modes and be able to have pyramid heads power. Being able to teleport across the map is crazy. (Dracula btw). It’s always anti pallet, anti vault locations, aura build. I really wish auras never became a thing. Use your skill and headset to find survivors. Then adding more aura perks… sigh. Killer is way too easy and survivor is way too hard. I’m curious to know draculas kill rate at this moment. What about reworking legion or doctor. It’s just not fun anymore. I guess solo queue has become a thing of the past. All my friends are quitting because the game is never fun. Getting humped on the ground, getting bled out on the ground, toxic teammates sandbagging on purpose. Teammates giving up. I just don’t get it. After the PTB notes it seems as if there is more slugging going on. I would love to see some stats since the PTB and what draculas kill rate is at this moment. Is there a way to see that?

Also- queue times for late night or early morning dbd on east coast have been so horrid. I shouldn’t have to wait 10 minutes to find a match. Is there something being done about this? And yes- cross play is enabled.

love to hear everyone’s thoughts and advices. Please no arguing. Thank you and GG dbd enjoyers

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Wraff
    Wraff Member Posts: 149
    edited September 23

    We'll probably see more killers like Vecna and Dracula since their mechanics are more enjoyable compared to the failures such as Knight or Skull Merchant.

    Which I'm okay with as it might open the idea of a Killer with multiple weapons or something like that.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,795

    Well, I've disagreed with almost everything that has been done to this game since July of 2019, so unless the entire game (except Legion) gets reverted back to how it was when I first played it, all the way back in 2018, it is unlikely for me to have a lot of positive things to say about its current state.

    It isn't unplayable, no, it just isn't the game I want to play.

  • doobiedo
    doobiedo Member Posts: 271

    I don't kow how you can say all that but then say the balance is a good spot, lol. I mean something is definitely off if you have that many complaints.

  • Eleghost
    Eleghost Member Posts: 1,149

    To put it short i feel like my killer games are against people who can play and my survivor games are with people who don't know how to play well.

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,839
    edited September 23

    The game is never going to be perfectly balanced. Compared to what it was previously the game's balance is infinitely better. When people aren't playing like complete ######### and the matchmaking works, the game is actually pretty balanced for the most part. I even think tunnelling is 'balanced' right now, it's just awful to play against which is the issue. Of course the game needs more balance changes, but ultimately the issue is that no matter how balanced the game is it's never going to feel good to play when everyone is just making the game miserable.

    Whether the game is balanced or not won't change the fact OCE players are playing on 200 ping, it won't make the community less toxic, it won't fix match making, it won't stop people throwing games, and no matter how balanced tunnelling it will still feel awful. None of my issues with the game right now come from balance really.

  • Gplays2000
    Gplays2000 Member Posts: 189

    Solo Queue is terrible. That is all I know. And it won't ever get better.

  • Gplays2000
    Gplays2000 Member Posts: 189

    I 100% agree

  • ZombieHChrist
    ZombieHChrist Member Posts: 26

    I think they've did a pretty good job so far. " seriously tho too, i like the World of DBD and like i just play to relaxed, idle on…. just chill and kill when i am chilling… jam out or watch horror movies too while playing, its fun, i like the maps and walking around, chasing is fun to catch them peskies. i like the detail of them game, items on shelves and what not, i admire things within, its not all about killing, i know i never play survivor but nonetheless…. its a very nice game/experience////slash. i like staring at survivors and looking down deep in their soul, i like the meme moments with survivors… i like to pretend the survivor is saying what i am think… i speak for them if you will. I love the World of DBD🙂

  • ppmd
    ppmd Member Posts: 122

    I like that they're doing new game modes, and I'm happy that 2v8 was so popular. I prefer the base game personally, but any win for DBD is a win for all DBD players imo.

    I feel like matchmaking has changed in some strange way recently, it may be causing some extra issues.

    It's a fun game, but I wish the game was more about looping like it used to be. That's why I play M1 trapper more now. I get to have fun chases like I want and the survivors usually have a fun game too. I'm surprised at how often I'm 3 and 4king though.

  • ControllerFeedback
    ControllerFeedback Member Posts: 89

    Just waiting for 2v8 to come back. Unless they're cooking up something major, I predict 2v8 is the last ambitious thing we're gonna see happen for this game for the rest of its lifespan. All the other little details like moris being changed or killer/perk reworks and other balancing things are just dressing at this point. Even new chapters get stale after a few weeks.

    Now if we got a suite of QoL stuff or they radically changed the artstyle (again) or introduced brand new universal mechanics (that aren't boring like breakable walls were) then I'll eat my words. But it's looking like BHVR has settled into a stable (if not a bit inefficient) content release cycle, and they're very comfortable with it.

  • Rokku_Rorru
    Rokku_Rorru Member Posts: 1,132

    The casual playerbase I play with finds the game very unforgiving, whether I watch them play killer or we play together on survivor, more and more I see complaints how the current game flow is very easily exploitable, and matchmaking encourages people to play competitively due to being matched with people of similliar skill.

    I personally dislike:
    -Shrinking of maps (Ormond, Coldwind)
    -Hug Tech inconsistency (removed off dracula, kept on Wesker etc)
    -Tunneling being answered by perks
    -Anti-Camp is utterly worthless
    -Haste/Hinder Builds
    -Snowball builds (both killer and survivor)

  • YuiMyQueen
    YuiMyQueen Member Posts: 5

    I think if the game went back to around 50%killrate it would feel 100 times better than now. The fact that you can play an entire evening of soloq and not escape once and it's not even that extraordinary already shows how miserable it is. In a state like that you can't even blame people for giving up early, most games are hopelessly lost before they even start and I get why people don't want to stick around and rather try again.

  • Feneroe
    Feneroe Member Posts: 249

    I mean it would feel better for survivor until once again they have 10+ minute queues because killer players stopped playing once again because a kill rate designed around killers on average never winning isn't enjoyable.

  • A_T_E
    A_T_E Member Posts: 112

    Let's be honest, it's called "Dead by Daylight", not "Alive by Sunrise". Victims are supposed to be slaughtered brutally, so nerfing their tools of survival is just fine.

    Slight joking aside; it'll be fine. The game goes through lulls and peaks of the game being balanced slightly more to one side or the other, all you gotta do is either play meta, get better, or simply not take the game too seriously and just try to have fun as you can. In the end, there is nothing wrong with playing another game, if you aren't happy with the current meta/state of the game, same goes for every other game out there.

  • mysticalCat
    mysticalCat Member Posts: 31

    felt and I’ve taken the break but now it’s just even worse. I’m getting thrown in matches with players that have very little hours. And I escape often so I’m sure my MMR is not that low. They need to update their matchmaking. I would rather wait much longer for better quality matches than going in a match and it be over in 2 minutes because players are giving up, sweating so hard, or do not even do the objective. Sometimes I feel like it’s unsportsmanlike to just go hide in a corner. Why play the game if you’re just gonna hide. And that’s without distortion

  • mysticalCat
    mysticalCat Member Posts: 31

    and also- I know it’s called dead by daylight lol I don’t mind dying but when killers are constantly tunneling or slugging to get the match over with so quickly it’s quite annoying

  • A_T_E
    A_T_E Member Posts: 112

    "Sometimes I feel like it’s unsportsmanlike to just go hide in a corner."

    That's because it is unsportsmanlike.

    If a fellow victim is still alive, and you decide to just hide and let them die on hook? That's unsportsmanlike. Last teammate dies, despite your efforts? Fine, rush to find hatch, but don't hide in a corner. That makes no sense.