Are maps supposed to no longer have fog on them?

Is it a bug? It doesn’t look good.
I noticed it around the time Dracula entered the game. I wonder if it is a nerf to stealth gameplay. It’s meant to coincide with the boost to killer aura reading perks and nerf to Distortion.
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I‘ve noticed it being gone on all coldwind maps, Gideon and some more, but on Borgo and nostromo it seemed like always.
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on Coldwind was it around the same time they desaturated the volume of corn?
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Hard to believe it is the same game that once looked like this:
Wish we still had it.
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The nostalgia. Look at that and imagine Mikey staring at you silently in that foggy darkness. The game had real horror vibes back then.
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Or the singing of children, marking the Dream Demon's arrival.
DBD really needs its horror vibes back, it was so good! I thought we were going in the right direction with All Things Wicked, but it seems I was mistaken.
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Huh? The fog isn't coming?
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Guess the dark mist is currently busy grabbing powerful new victims
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This is what the game needs to get back to as far as visual aesthetics. So erie and actually scary looking.
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Yep, this is peak visual design. I like the Map Reworks with more details, I just wish that the Maps would have this visual design again.
And I think the worst offenders are Daytime Maps like Eyrie or Coldwind. I used to joke that DBD became so bright that it can be called "Dead in Daylight" and then they decided to release Maps which are actually in broad daylight…
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The fog is gone there since the Dracula update
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when they release night-time coldwind and people just ask for it to be the default one lol
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That would actually be a bit too much fog for me, but I wish we were a lot closer to that. Hopefully we will get an atmosphere update soon.
Post edited by Langweilg on0 -
It was perfect for the horror game DBD has always been and always will be.
I've always disliked the map reworks, to be honest my friend, but I agree the worst offenders are the bright maps.
Especially Coldwind. At the very least Eyrie has always been terrible, but Coldwind used to be good for the horror atmosphere. Now it looks awful.
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Sucks more people don't run fog offerings, I miss the spooky/darker feel of the maps.
Also don't know why they removed so much of it. If you look at old videos, you'll see such a huge difference. Its like night/day.
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the game hasn’t had proper fog for years now. Certainly not since all the real beyond updates took hold.
I said it int he other thread about fog but I seriously think BHVR have broken the feature and that’s why they never address is because it’s becoming an increasingly common demand.
I fully agree the game needs to go back to the visual vibe in the image above.
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Haven't really noticed a difference with the fog but recently I did notice the gamma seems to be brighter now. I used to increase it to see properly in shadows, but now it looks good without adjusting it at all. If I increase gamma like I used to the game just looks very washed out.
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what an absolutely incredible screenshot I wish the devs would listen.
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Same, my friend, same. Even a classic filter, or a classic pack, or anything really, would already help a lot.
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My BBQ stonks! How I miss them! 😍😂
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Maybe The Entity is sick or something 💀
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they won’t admit it but I’m 99% sure they removed it because their spaghetti code is being unreasonable and having the fog reduces performance. I wish we have what is shown in that picture. Blendettte would rise to her rightful place at the top.
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Healthiest perk they've ever designed. It didn't have to lose its BP stacks, no one wanted that to happen.
Well, it is possible. But if that is the case, then fixing it should have been a priority. We've been complaining about the lack of Fog for a very long time and they're only now asking us about the atmosphere?
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The best part is we get addressed as "people of the fog"
What fog?
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There's no point in running fog offerings. A couple of wispy pubes of fog on all those brightly lit maps ain't gonna do anything lmao.
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I know this made finding Claudettes miserable, but god I miss it.
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As a Claudette main, this is an absolute win.