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Some killers are downright broken ASF.

This isn't for you four stacks. You're abusing mics, and it doesn't change the REAL balance. You just cover for the broken mechanics, and your lack of skill with mics.
Too many broken ASF killers. You shouldn't need a four stack with headsets just to gen rush them to win.
TLDR: delete all killer teleports, and crippls.
Get good
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So just remove some killer powers lol. Ok but only if we remove toolboxes and generator perks on survivor side.
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Friendly reminder that Freddy has a teleport as well…
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The only aspect of his reworked power that should be salvaged, imho.
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I agree. It's not much but it's way better than his dream snares and pallets. Also, mobility is always good on a killer and the idea to reward Freddy with a lower cooldown for having people in the dream world isn't bad either.
It's just sad, that you wake them up by hooking… I mean, you literally counter yourself. Why not have a different mechanic like with Pyramid Head's cages that would put the unhooker asleep as well? That would already make him a little better and more unique.
It should also allow you to teleport to finished gens. At least then you wouldn't lose the best part of your power during the end game.
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It's just sad, that you wake them up by hooking… I mean, you literally counter yourself.
I think it was probably created to stop Freddy from just finding the survivor immediately thanks to the aura reveal and hooking them again.
I like those small details of Freddy's power, and I think they have a place in the game. But clearly they were all designed with the original Freddy in mind. No one expected him to get reworked, or that he would reach a state so terrible that fair counterplay becomes a hindrance.
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How about not just genrushing at all but playing good in general? There are many games I saw that were just lost because they didn't play good in chase AND no one did gens at all, the biggest problem is matchmaking or better said the survivors in the round. Often there are 1-2 people good in chase and if they aren't chased they do gens, at the same time I find the other 2 crouching in some corner doing weird things.
If anyone in the round does what they should it's pretty balanced with most killers, depending on the map it's more in the direction of the survivors because the loops are just awful.
I mean what am I supposed to do on eyrie of crows with an m1-killer? You can literally run with me 2-4 rounds around a fence and then run straight to an loop near it and there's nothing I could do to speed that up (also you don't hear steps very well so chasing is even more fun), if everyone does that even people that can't loop are wasting ages. As if that wasn't enough this map is still huge even after the shrinkdown.
Well in the end it probably depends on who brings more broken stuff most of the time, so just do what everyone does and stack second-chance perks and 25 eyrie of crows offerings per day I guess xD
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You don’t need to be on comma to sit on gens when not being chased and to last more than 10 seconds in chase by throwing a god pallet or running to a ridiculously strong main building. It’s not the killers fault your random teammates don’t know how to play the game and don’t want to learn or get better.
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"Broken mechanics"
Lack of direct communication is by design; by bypassing it, you're actively cheating, as you no longer need to equip info-perks to get information about the killer's whereabouts, but can just voice-comm. Comm in itself is an advantage, but the freedom to free up perk slots simply furthers the imbalance towards the victims."Delete all killer teleports"
lol, not gonna happen.
"and crippls"
Like what? What is considered a "crippl"? Trapper traps? Pig reverse beartraps? Be more specific.
Very low-effort post that reeks of salt and tears. Git gud.
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For me, the most dumb part of Freddy is that failing skill checks wakes people up.
That should be the no. 1 thing to remove in case of a rework.
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Can anybody translate? I couldn’t understand this
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"My gen simulator isn't easy enough"
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ah got it thanks 👍
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I agree with the title, the current state of the game is an absolute mess for solo queue because the developers simply do not give one ######### about them. Dead by Daylight is the worst-balanced PvP game on the market and I recommend it to nobody. The map reworks and the killer reworks have all been fairly one-sided to where I don't see the enjoyment in winning nearly every match as killer or losing almost every game as a solo survivor.
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If killers were that broken you could beat SWF like any half decent player could. I think we know where the real problem lies.
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I think it can stay if the Alarm Clocks are removed, which in my opinion should be done. They make it way too easy to wake up.
At least you're not guaranteed to get a Skill Check immediately upon interacting with a generator.
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i don't say this often but sorry. skill issue
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Nah, do bones.
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I genuinely worry for @GeneralV one of these days, Freddy will be reworked to S tier and the shock and elation may cause trauma lol
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Thank you for your concern, my friend, but I'll be fine!