Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Dark Lord still sucks

Member Posts: 1,132
edited September 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

Playing him is like playing the very bad version of several killers. Hellfire is most comparable to Nemesis Whip. The problem is that Hellfire has a 0.9 sec charge time while Nemesis is 0.35 sec, which is almost 3 times longer. 3 times longer is absurdly long and makes it hard to use in most loops. The Flame projectile speed is also much slower and you can't "drag the whip" like Nemesis. Wolf form is basically Wesker's Dash but with a 20 sec cd and the inability to re-adjust the 2nd dash/pounce. Bat Form is most comparable to Wraith's power but you can't see survivors while they can see you, which is a massive downside. Currently, it feels like Dark Lord relies heavily on the Medusa's Hair + Lapis Lazuli gimmick. Without these 2 addons, the killer is very bad.

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  • Member Posts: 5,499

    And here I am finding it ridiculously easy to 4K every game with him and I think hes overpowered. Phew.

  • Member Posts: 1,132
    edited September 2024

    Any stream or video? Legit every streamer I watch playing Dracula on a win streak uses at least one of these addons. Also, if it's too easy to 4k, what's your current win streak on him?

  • Member Posts: 5,499
    edited September 2024

    Well I dont stream or do videos anymore and my recording software is buggy atm
    idd have to reinstall the entire thing to see if that helps. But would that help, would it help to see me 4K survivors?

    Also, if it's too easy to 4k, what's your current win streak on him?

    I dont count winstreaks.

  • Member Posts: 1,132
    edited September 2024

    would it help to see me 4K survivors?


    I dont count winstreaks.

    A rough guess is fine. Since it's so easy to 4k, you should be winning enough to say "at least x games".

    Btw, are you good at Wesker? I feel like without Medusa's Hair + Lapis Lazuli, you're just playing Wesker but with a 20 sec cd.

    Post edited by adsads123123123123 on
  • Member Posts: 1,960

    Funny how there are people saying Dracula is weak and then there are folks who think he is stronger than Spirit.

  • Member Posts: 141
    edited September 2024

    Hellfire is much more comparable to Executioner's Punishment of the Damned. Same trail length and width.

    Wolf Pounce is more like Demogorgon's Shred. Can also be used to break pallets.

    Bat Form's a bit like Spirit's Haunting, though you can't teleport or go over pallets or windows with it.

    I think he's in a pretty decent spot overall, I still have a couple issues mainly with how fast he can attack after changing forms and the fact that he can hold Hellfire indefinitely. Makes him a very good basement camper, combined with the fact that he basically had no basic attack cooldown after the ability so you can't even get an unhook off before he's able to basic attack whether he lands Hellfire or not.

  • Member Posts: 5,499
    edited September 2024

    I cant give a rough guess in winstreak cause that's not how I think, but I did win enough for me to remember, this character is kind of BS. The feeling of winning every match for an entire evening that I get tired of it and play another Killer.

    idk if Im "good" at Wesker, I find him fun to play and I manage to usually do fine with.

  • Member Posts: 999

    While not perfect, Dracula is defently not a weak killer.

    Playing him is like playing the very bad version of several killers. Hellfire is most comparable to Nemesis Whip. The problem is that Hellfire has a 0.9 sec charge time while Nemesis is 0.35 sec, which is almost 3 times longer. 3 times longer is absurdly long and makes it hard to use in most loops. The Flame projectile speed is also much slower and you can't "drag the whip" like Nemesis.

    He has three different abilities which is why they are a bit weaker than killers with one ability. If all of his abilities were perfectly strong, he would be too oppressive.

    Yes but then Dracula does not have to hit survivors three times to down them or to hit survivors to make his power usable/stronger. This is the main reason why Nemsis has a shorter charge time than Dracula. 0.9sec charge time is afair compared to the fact how strong it can be on many loops, the cooldown is very short, and it also has an lingering effect (if you run too fast back into his hellfire, you get hit). In my opinion, the ability is overall good and strong. If Hellfire had a 0.35sec charge time, it would be way too oppresive because it leaves little room on the survivors to react and that wouldn't feel fair. Only the slowdown to 2 m/s after releasing or canceling could be buffed to 2.5 m/s or something to feel smoother.

    Wolf form is basically Wesker's Dash but with a 20 sec cd and the inability to re-adjust the 2nd dash/pounce.

    I still feel like the Wolf form is underwhelming and wish the player had more control when to release the second pounce but otherwise the Wolf is good. Having 3rd Person View and beeing short is very strong. The pounce cooldown is fair because if you keep the Wolf form, you can collect Orbs which reduce the cooldown and also get some haste to make some loops unsafer.

    Bat Form is most comparable to Wraith's power but you can't see survivors while they can see you, which is a massive downside.

    The form is good for mobility and to catch up on the survivors. This form also gives him a better match up on maps with multiple floors like Midwich or the game.

    Without these 2 addons, the killer is very bad.

    In my opinion, these are his strongest Addons (should be the iri ones) but he has many other good Addons - he only has a handful of really useless Addons. He is also not a killer that relies on Addons (e.g. like pre buffed Dredge, or still Knight).

    It's intresting. Sometimes I like to watch random tierlist videos or tierlist topics to see some crazy rankings.

  • Member Posts: 9,513
    edited September 2024

    most killer are carried by add-on's to some degree. while dracula is strong with said add-on, he is not terrible without them. I always used Medusa's hair pre-buffs. i used to use magical ticket but they made add-on base-kit so i don't need run it anymore.

    his hellfire is alright base-kit. if it needed to be buffed, i'd reduce its cast time to 0.75 and add 1 more pillar but that would be labelled as too oppressive.

    It is the wolf form that needs many buffs. they need make detection aura detection 32 meters for wolf, make it so that orbs spawn regardless if survivor moves or not, reduce wolf pounce cast time to 1 second → 0.5 seconds and increase dash distance from 5 →6 meters for both dashes.

    If you think these buffs would be too much for his abilities, make his base movement speed from 115% →110% for vampire/wolf form to make him more focused on using his abilities correctly.

  • Member Posts: 1,206

    My complaint is that he doesn't feel like Dracula. He feels like an evil beast boy. Every time I play vs him it doesn't seem like he uses his bipedal form at all, just all wolf and bat.

  • Member Posts: 1,132
    edited September 2024

    That's because his Vampire form is a much worse Nemesis (like 20% of the strength of Nemesis's whip). At least his wolf form is similar in strength to Wesker's dash when off CD.

  • Member Posts: 122

    Dracula is very strong.

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