Solo Q is miserable because of Survivors who instantly give up

So many Survivors just queue up to give up the second they can’t loop the killer for 5 gens and farm clips. It doesn’t even matter if the match is going in their favor, if things don’t go exactly how they want, they just throw in the towel and move on. So many games get thrown because one person decides they don’t want to play anymore.
And the devs are doing nothing about it. No DC penalties, no removal of the give-up mechanic, nothing. Meanwhile, the community’s response is always “Killer is OP!!” Well yeah, of course the killer seems OP when you’re constantly down a teammate every other game.
What’s even worse is how many people actually defend this attitude. If you even suggest that players like this should be penalized, you’ll get swarmed with people saying things like, “You can’t expect me to want to play against [insert killer they hate].” Like, if you’re not gonna try no matter how the game goes, why are you even playing? DBD would be better off without you.
Players who give up shouldn’t be able to queue until their match is over, and if they keep doing it, their penalty should go up. There’s no reason Survivors should be able to cherry-pick games, screwing over four other players until they find a match they can stomp.
Suggesting that "the community" responds in that way isn't accurate. You mean that some players respond that way. I wish people would stop taking a minority of responses (many of which are likely the same people who have been banned from the forums and just signed back up again), and using that to paint the community as holding that opinion generally.
There's plenty of threads where killer players say that BHVR only cares about survivors, and that killer players are being victimized. Does that mean the killer community holds that view in general? No. It's just loud idiots having a meltdown because they lost a match in a computer game.
Most players seem to be suggesting that fixing solo queue's problems is the best way to deal with the issue. Not crying "Killer IZ OP, WAHHH!"
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Yeah, this sort of thing has gotten a little out of hand. You shouldn't press the ready button unless you're actually ready for whatever might be coming your way.
- Kobe attempts need to go (primary use of the mechanic is pretty clear by now).
- Incentives for not DCing need to be a thing.
- DC penalty should be a little more steep.
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The problem is if Bhvr. doesn't fix the game first then this will just cause survivors either afk, disrupt the game in other ways, or at worst just stop playing. I understand killer players want to force survivors to be trapped in their torture chamber as long as they feel like holding them there, but "punishing" survivors for this and removing kobe will just add new layers to the toxicity already present in the game.
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When you're playing Killer and stuck in a match you can't win (like 1-2 gens left, barely any hooks, and the last gens are too spread out), you're basically trapped. You can't leave without a penalty, and if you AFK or DC, you get hit with a disconnect penalty anyway. So you're stuck playing a match you know you can't win. Why do survivors get to decide when to leave, but killers don’t?
Also, if a DBD match feels like a 'torture chamber' for you, maybe just don't play. The game would be better without players like you, so it's a win-win.