How do you feel about ghostface
There are a few stealth killers and ghostface is by far the best (at the stealth aspect if you use him for stealth) but what do other killers and survivors think of him? I love him and think he’s good for a scare and it’s fun to be able to show your friendly by a t-bag and get t-bag revenge on the t-baggers.
For a very long time, he was the killer I hated most. That reveal mechanic made so many of my survivor games miserable that I've lost count.
But not anymore. Wesker took the title from him.
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he does have that part and it’s annoying from both sides. Sometimes you’ll be looking at him and not reveal him and sometimes as ghostface you get revealed by someone across the map or have someone following you to not let you get in power.
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I don't mind ghost face but I just wish he couldn't just mark you in a chase and down you instantly.
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I haven't actually seen him that much lately, but I think he's fine to play against. The only time I don't have fun is on an indoors map when he never commits to any chase.
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THe majority of Ghostface's I encounter camp the hook with him or purposesly face camp to get the mori. Others know how to play him. I feel there are flaws in him as a character whole that have been mentioned. I still despise Wraiths though.
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His cooldown is very long and most of his addons are boring (not weak, but just stat increase or niche aura reading)
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Wraith's Always Bring NOED. Haven't Played against any who didn't run it tbh
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that’s more along chase ghostface, those are kinda annoying but it’s still using his power right. I will say jumpscare ghostface is the best and doesn’t make chase as one tap as it would be with a chase.
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All my Myers bring NoEd and devour
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boring to play against.
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Not gonna lie fam…
I HATE with a Capital H A T E going up against GhostfaceI have no idea if it's a SKILL ISSUE or what but I swear I can't reveal him if I'm staring him right in the whites of his mask. Unless of course I'm playing as him, in which case survivors can reveal me if all they can see is the sash of my stylish killing robe…
Then he also has the mechanic that I legit can't stand for him; 99%ing
It makes zero sense to me mechanically and thematically why he can 99% people. He's not stalking me if all he has to do is look at me in the middle of an open area to put me into exposed and it feels incredibly cheap and unfair as there is literally nothing you can do about it.
So yeah, not a fan. I'll play against him when I have to but I don't like to.
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I want to play him, just to scare people, just being a ghosty
But each times I play him, I'm always revealed by the wind, and can't never be stealthy1 -
The purple and iri add ons are the only ones that change it noticeably. His camera is the only one that is like a need to run but yea he needs more variety.
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I mean hes very dependent for his grey addons (1st for stalking and 2-nd for shorter cooldown)
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this is the curse of a pure stealth killer. He is completely different then any other and you need a whole new skill set to play him.
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it’s boring to be locked in those 2. I run camera every time cause it’s just not worth not running it but the second is normally a purple depending on what build I use. Mostly knife sheath.
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It is the worst part of playing against him, no doubt. But there is also the issues of 99% survivors, as other people here have pointed out.
Not a fun character imho.
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I say 99 should deteriorate after a bit. The devs want you to get a stalk to 90 something before getting in close, revealing them, then jump out. But 99 chase builds are kind of like Myers’s and removes the fun parts of him.
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He is one of my favorite killers, but not quite strong. Funny enough as I started playing survivor I thought he was super strong, so I bought him and I really enjoyed him and still do, but I often get survivors who abuse the hell out of the reveal mechanic, which is very unfun to deal with.
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reveal is his worst enemy. But to most players they won’t know how to reveal him. But on the rare chance you get your own reveal stalker it’s the worst thing.
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He's quite fun, but a bit too much add-on reliant.
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Endurance perks screw him so hard that he's better off playing for knockdowns instead of hooks.
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I really really hate those people and I get them very often
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I feel like Ghostface is fine to go against. I don't know how he is to play as; I have not played with him.
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I say 99 should deteriorate after a bit.
I agree.
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Funny you ask that, I was just thinking about him, I think he is fun to play, but feels very weak against strong players if I play him like "youre supposed to" (stalk when I can, expose when I can). It feels like I have more success by using Sloppy and always creeping up to get the easy hits here and there. If I'm always stalking to try to get people exposed, I feel like I can't win against good players.
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Make sure you're actually revealing him correctly. He needs to be centered in the halfway point between the middle of your screen and the top of the screen. You DO NOT want him centered in the middle of your screen. If the middle of the screen is 50, and the top of the screen is 100, you want him at 75. He's incredibly easy to reveal, but most don't realize exactly where his reveal sweet spot actually is and assume he's broken. In their defense, the game absolutely does NOT tell you this sweet spot location.
Imagine the black box is your screen. The green box is where to put ghostie in your vision:
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He's already a very weak killer. As a survivor, your job is to deny him stalking you or force him into dumping his stalk by taking protective hits and such. He keeps his distance and stalks you over time. That's his whole schtick. If that deteriorated, then he may as well not exist as a killer, consider that he stalks, then has to approach to ambush, and womp womp, his stalk meter deteriorated. While most killers rush in and go straight for chases, ghostie has to prep his ambushes and chases (unless he's just playing basic m1 style and may as well be playing trapper or wraith at that point). The stalk meter deteriorating would essentially punish him for using his own unique mechanic. He has zero chase power, so he's entirely reliant on successfully stalking someone to 99 and saving them for a later ambush…assuming you're wanting to actually use his power. Stalking someone up in their face only works against new players who don't have any situational awareness.
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I think there would be a point to be made if his reveal mechanic worked properly, but it doesn't.
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It works for survivors if you know where to place him on your screen (see my comment above where I posted a picture). However, it REALLY sucks as ghostie, as survivors are allowed to reveal you through walls and even if facing the entirely opposite direction. For example, 10 seconds into here, I'm able to reveal ghostface when he's entirely behind me and not even on-screen.
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I've tried having my camera centered all over the place because I've heard that same exact thing (your character model "blocks" the camera from seeing GF so you need to have it in the top 1/3 of the screen so you're not in the way). Never seems to work and we just have a staring contest that ends up with me losing every time :D
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I second this @RpTheHotrod
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Hmm, never had any issues. I know it can be connection related.
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My main and favourite character to play as and against :D
If he wasn't in the game I probably would've quit after the Freddy rework.
Disagree with people saying his 99 shouldn't be possible, that would kill him and remove the most fun part of playing. He's already pretty mediocre so I don't think he needs any nerfs and especially not one that would destroy his entire play style.
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I 100% agree with you on both killers for sure. I only started playing barely 2 years ago. (When Wesker came out is when I got here) I HATE Wesker, but Ghostface was in first place for a few weeks until weskers release because every game as survivor I got teabagged, hit on hook, camped, tunnled. The works ya know lol. I didnt understand it at the time, but it was annoying.
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weak killer with low potencial vs 4 man swf.
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The problem I have with him has always been the reveal mechanic. Except during his PTB where it was extremely easy to reveal him, but that was very unfair and had to be changed.
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that makes a lot more sense now that you brought up how he was intended. I’m used to seeing people play chase ghostface.
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Yup. Here's a prime example
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I’m going to try that style as soon as I can
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… i always have to write this in endgame chat
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the real question is do you have the mask
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I have it. But i don´t play him very often.
Somehow survs often see and discover me… when i play against GF i don´t see him and are magically exposed and downed out of nowhere sometimes :-)
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It's a lot of fun, but sometimes you have to be a bit more aggressive - especially with bully squads.
Here's a general way to play ghostie with his power without just running around doing chase-builds if dealing with bodyblock flashlight SWF squads. Made a few mistakes due to having covid at the time, but the general concepts remain.
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he kinda just does that. He’s magical and every ghostface mains knows this