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PC - Snap out against Doctor randomly stops

Lenny197 Member Posts: 278

I had this happen to me multiple times where it just stops before finishing so I had to press the mouse again. It isn't clear in the video because you cannot see my inputs. I moved after the bug occured because I was kind of taken back.

12 votes

Under Review · Last Updated

Thank you for taking the time to report this issue, we are forwarding this to the team for their review.


  • Lenny197
    Lenny197 Member Posts: 278

    Here is another instance where both me and my friend just suddenly stops snap out while we didn't even touch the mouse.

  • tylerjax
    tylerjax Member Posts: 4

    I have the same issues. Me and my friend both do. Its way more obvious on controller because it spazzes out as if your bumper is broken.

    I'm posting here now because I just had it happen on a totem in a doctor game with ZERO madness on my survivor. It hasnt happened any other killer with this controller. I went on to finish and die in this game with the issue happening another 3 times involving skill check related interactions but it never happens on generators for me - or at least I dont notice it.

    Unfortunately I was not recording when these moments happened so I do not have proof. But I will say that this sort of thing happens every time I've played against doctor since the last major update. I dont know why this hasn't been reported by more people.

  • Vellioh
    Vellioh Member Posts: 32

    To be honest I just thought this was a new mechanic that was shadow added into the game. It seemed so out of left field it didn't seem like it wasn't intentional.