Why doesn't Deathslinger have a lullaby?

Huntress, Trickster, and Deathslinger are all ranged killers
Huntress and Trickster have a lullaby
But why doesn't Deathslinger have one?
because he is suppose to be stealthy hunter….read his lore.
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He can't shoot you from across the map. You wanna talk about Lullaby's. Why does Sadako have a directional lullaby m1 killer that can't shoot anything.
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They don't really need one? Huntress has a lullaby because she has a smaller than normal terror radius, and it's also part of her lore to be humming a lullaby when hunting her prey. It's also important to gameplay as many players found out when an ultra rare skin had a much quieter lullaby than intended, allowing Huntress to get much closer than before.
Trickster and Deathslinger aren't in the same position with a normal 32m terror radius. Both would need their terror radius reduced to accomadate while potentially changing their gameplay for better or worse.
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Trickster has a lullaby too
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Deathslinger already lost his smaller TR. He doesn't need to have a lullaby as well.
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They kind of do already. While ADS, you can hear a ringing sound within his Redeemer range. A lot of people kind of forget about this.
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Probably because they couldn't make one in general so they just increased his TR to 32 meters.
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A barely noticeable one that most people don't know exist.
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The lullaby's just a "Warning" terror radius for survivors, it's so they can be ready for a projectile. Since Slinger's Redeemer is an unconventional projectile which doesnt deal damage on impact or can down a survivor (Slinger can only down with Basic attacks) along with the 18m range restriction with a 32m terror radius there isnt really any reason for a lullaby.
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you hear it only if Deathslinger aims right at you
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I forgot that they changed that. I think it was when they removed his quick scope.
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I'm not saying that he needs one
I'm just saying I can't make a connection here rlly
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Huntress and trickster can down people from range. Death slinger has to reel people in to down someone.
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He literally got his stealth nerfed, how's anyone supposed to know he is supposed to be stealthy when the devs killed that playstyle lol
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which is a wayy bigger help than any lullaby can offer, as it literally tells you when you should dodge.
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His gun has limited range. Huntress has a lullaby because she can hit you from anywhere and it'd be dumb not to have some kind of warning. Trickster has one because….. uh…
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Honestly, I would rather ask why Trickster has a lullaby. Trickster needs to hit people 8 times with his power to affect a single health state, he can't snipe people out of a health state instantly like the Huntress can. So why does he need a lullaby? If he hits one knife outside of his TR, the survivor still has enough time and distance to dodge the others and gain time.
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Yeah, really wish he didn't. People begin to prerun before they even hear your terror radius on some maps. I've run Trail of Torment and had a bit of success. Because of the confusing nature of is lullaby I still catch people off guard sometimes. But something like Monitor&Abuse does absolutely nothing to get you close before they prerun while it works fine on someone like Slinger thanks to no lullaby. Hope they give him some changes in 2025.