Totem Spawns

Are we even trying to hide them anymore? 😅 I have so many more screenshots to post on this, but what do you think? If it got blessed or if it was a hex you’d see it a mile away.
Feel free to post screenshots of crazy totem spawns you find 🤣💀
…have they ever tried to hide them?
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Ill always remember the totem that could spawn in the middle of the street on Haddonfield
There was no cover for the thing, no tires, no debris, no car, literally just a totem in the middle of the street
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I think my favorites are the hill totems, which are like beacons.
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If it glows, it goes. No exceptions.
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This occurs for years now they done nothing to fix totem spawns
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We could easily have og Ruin in game with these spawns.
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I will never forget match on Gideon, where I spawned right in the corner of the map in front of Hex, cleanse it instantly and killer just DC'd. I don't blame him, Hexes are literally casino: 95% you waste a perk slot for nothing, 4% you will have okish value and 1% it will be worthy a perk slot.
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We know how it goes but it should be a little hidden 🤣
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To be fair this is one of the better totem locations. There are a lot worse ones.
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Yesterday night when I played some survivor i spawned in the treatment center next to a hex ruin totem .
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How many times I got bumped into a totem on the open corn field…
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I've seen some good hiding spots in Lery's.
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oh, you make a good point. reworked lerys has some very nifty spots on it, and finding them on midwich + rpd + hawkins can be a pain too… then there's swamp i guess, but those spawns havent changed since the maps first were introduced and the only reason they're annoying is because swamp is the only map where things can spawn right on the trial walls. reworked badham has 1 or 2 good spots but theyre offset by having 3 really obvious spots in main building and a guaranteed one in house of pain, i guess youve got dead dawg if you stretch… and thats it! 7 (maybe 8) realms of 20 have semi-alright to good totem spawns.
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I feel like 75% of the problems with Hex perks could be solved if they weren't active right away and killers could choose which Dull totem becomes the Hex totem during the match. All Dull totems are highlighted to the killer until they active the Hex on one. Also allows some additional strategy as to when to use it.
It's not a perfect solution, but it would help deal with the problem of hexes spawning in right next to survivors or in really bad spots, effectively making the Killer run with only 3 perks.
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That works if your playing Wraith and can quickly pick one while invisible. Doesn't work so great on Clown when the survivors just watch you go to a random spot with no gens for seemingly no reason.
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Yeah, agree. Seems like totem spawns have always been pretty bad.
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Yeah there are definitely some good hiding spots, but I would say a vast majority of the spawns are not great to downright terrible (e.g. the ones that spawn right next to gens). Seems there could be some easy fixes to at least prevent totems from spawning close to generators or way out in the open away from any walls/obstacles.
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I'd at least not make this visible from the gen. The totem in the picture for example is only visible from one side. Can do similar sight blockers so someone on a gen can't see it.
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How rude! How dare it try to trip you. Smh lol
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Report this toxic totem!
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I'm sure I didn't imagine it, but didn't they used to just be standing there out in the open but then eventually they built the rock up to hide it abit?
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You didn't imagine it:
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LOL!!!! Dear god
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They attempted to hide totems back when ruin was in big business. It was a short spell, right after there were a hundred threads on this forum complaining about hex cleansing right when the match started. I remember when Deaddawg first came out and I believe there were over 45 different spawn points. I went into a custom game with a friend as killer to sus them out, just because I was tired of dying to ruin or devour hope on that map. THEN Mikeala came out with boon totems and complaints turned to how out of the way and time wasting boons were to stomp out and without devs saying a word most totems were out in the open again on just about all maps. Basically on the path of patrol points.
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Apparently it's not possible to program this kind of stuff out of the game, because after 8 years this still hasn't been fixed…
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For real. 😂
check this one out.1 -
This is fine.
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Yeah nobody will see that.